Guest Room: soft and subtle


Just off the kitchen and nestled in a nice corner of our home near the beach, is this pretty and shaded guest room

My inspiration for this room again came from the fabric choices.  I started with this older pattern from Ralph Lauren that has a coordinating stripe.  The colors are soft yellows, a touch of mint green and orange

I used the stripe on the horizontal for this simple headboard.  The monogrammed sheet is a vintage find from my friend and "textile queen" Wendy Lewis at Textile trunk.  I had my upholsterer drape the sheet over the headboard and secure the sides with ties.  The sheet and ties are actually secured to the back and only look draped.  We used up all different parts of the sheet for this fabric was wasted!

Lots of pillows:  more vintage linen feed sack fabric and sweater weave

On either side of the bed are very small spool tables from Mitchell Gold.  The lamps are a dark brown wicker and I used the Ralph Lauren floral on the lamps shades as well.  An interesting note about fabric lampshades is that they diffuse light differently than traditional lampshade fabric.  Its alot more soft and warm feeling.

The Audrey Pendant is a wonderful ceiling fixture and the shade is a plain white linen.  Lots of vintage baskets and a teal chinoise screen pull the colors together.
The Ralph Lauren stripe was also used in the bedskirt and the corners pleated with left over linen from the vintage sheet used for the headboard

The bed linens are from L'erbe in silk and are really soft and scruptious.
The curtains came from Smith and Noble, which most everyone is familiar with.  I had the pin-tuck stripe sewn on the horizontal for some added interest and the rod is a big 3" inch chunky wood, stained dark to match the lamps.  The curtain rings are bamboo.

Opposite the bed is a really large cabinet.  I should probably put a TV in here but I'm not too crazy about too much technology in the bedroom  The cabinet is full of books and a fun collection of white matte glazed vintage pottery.  Nothing very expensive but when grouped together it makes a nice collection.

The wall covering is from Phillip Jeffries and is a natural grass cloth.  A great idea is to use wall paper on the back of a cabinet so it disappears into the wall.  That is what I have done here and you can always  peel it  off when you move the piece to a new location

Vintage seaside photos over the bed add a nice finish

All of my guests seem to really like this room because it is very calm and the light is really soft and cozy.

Just waiting for my next visitor!
Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to click on the photos if you want to see them full screen.

Have a great day
  1. Kelley, another fantastic room! Gorgeous choices of fabrics and textures - the whole thing is so sumptuous! When is it next available?!? LOL! Great job!

  2. Very pretty! So nice and serene! Your guests are lucky to have such a beautiful room to stay in. I love all the textues, the vintage baskets are my favorite touch.

  3. Hi Artie: the door is open!!!

    Hi Michelle: yes I like the baskets, in fact I love baskets especially the little wicker suitcases!

    by the way the photos in this post seem a little yellowish to me but the light was really soft and so the flash probably intensified the color of the grass cloth. It really not quite this yellow more of a straw color.

    smiles and thanks again, kelley

  4. This is honestly one of the prettiest bedrooms I've seen in the world of blogs. To me it is gorgeous. Love everything about it. And the floor! Original? I would love to stay in this room.


  5. Great Guest Room Kelley,,I really am glad to see you use the grasscloth looking wallpaper it looks wonderful feels very Ralph Lauren to me!!! Linda

  6. Hi Kelley,

    It's made my day that you have done a post today. I keep coming back and looking at all of your beautiful interior photo's 'cause I love them that much. I love the lamps in the guest bedroom and love the bedhead as well. Heck I love everything in the room. Also love the textured grass cloth wall paper. I have had a little time to go back to some of your earlier posts but haven't finished doing that yet. The one I really enjoyed was Mariette Gomez Himes. I have her two books 'Rooms' and 'Houses'. I've ordered her third book 'Apartments' but am waiting still 'cause here in Australia it hasn't been released yet. I am such a huge fan of her's, I think her books are fantastic! Anyway, have a wonderful day Kelley and I will call in again soon. Better go, as housework beckons!!!
    Take Care

    Tasmania, Australia

    p.s. I am still agonising over the antique breadboard I have seen in one of my favourite shops here. I missed out on the circular one and the shop owner said they are hard to find. DARN, so she has two long rectangle ones left. I think I will go back and buy one of them. Why do I torture myself so???

  7. Kelley,
    Your rooms are always a treat! Love this room....again, everything is great....would love if you share WHICH grasscloth you chose b/c they sell several colors/types. I'm wanting to put something w/texture like this in our shelves in the master bedroom. (another room that I'll feature later this Spring when our renovations are more complete)
    Any guest would feel so comfy staying in your guest room!
    Thanks again for another inspiring post.

  8. Hi all and thanks for all the comments: I will share a wonderful design resource for natural wallcoverings. While I love Phillip Jefferies it is probably the most pricy of all of the "grass" wall papers. An alternate that I have used is by Astek Wallcovering. The book is called Natural Life and has many interesting papers including cork, raffia, bamboo and woven grasses. It runs about 30 dollars a yard which is about 1/3 of Phillip Jefferies. My paper hanger actually prefers this paper which she says is more "fresh" and plyable. It has a very nice feel when you run your hand over it and you can wipe it down with a wet rag so it can be used in the bathroom. The down side is there are less to choose from and nothing bright or colored but I have always used woven grass papers in the natural colors only anyway.

    To Jeanette: I hope this helps. By the way I have many times papered behind shelves and in little cubbies etc. with grasscloth papers and it looks amazing. You can just do the walls behind the shelves only and it makes the shelves look like furniture. Really a great idea!

    have a great week


  9. This room is soooo beautiful! I'm heading to my husband's computer where I can see the photos better, then they're going in my inpiration file! Gorgeous. Just curious, is all the wicker vintage? I'm on a quest for great wicker storage (I need it), is why I ask - not all that easy to find for some reason.

    Again, gorgeous!!!

  10. The room is stunning. It has such a wonderful cozy you take reservations? Oh...and the grass cloth wall covering...just gorgeous.

  11. What a stroke of genius! the wall covering in the back of the glass case - I am going home to do my glass front case in the dining room! THANKS!! seriously the most amazing, beautiful blog ever!

  12. Hi Janine: yes buy the breadboards or you will seriously drive yourself nuts!

    Kerry: Hi and yes all the wicker at the end of the bed is vintage. When I find something really great I usually buy it even though I might not have a spot...but I usually find one!


  13. Hi Kelley,

    I'm obsessed with your headboard...can't tell you how much I love it. Love your your style and home!

  14. Hi Jackie, The headboard is really pretty. The photos actually got a little chopped off so you can't see the monogram on the headboard/sheet covering. The monogram and the hand stitched details of the vintage sheet are really beautiful. Another thing about vintage sheets...they are HUGE so you get tons of fabric out of just one.

    thanks again, kelley

  15. Lovely and restful room, I love it! I also love the painting of the woman over the desk. Can you tell us anything about it?

  16. May I ask about the painting? I'm looking for something just like it!

  17. another question about the painting/print...can you tell me about it? name? where to buy? thank you!



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