David Austin Roses

If someone tells you English Roses are not worth the money....I give you this......
Have a wonderful weekend
  1. David Austin roses are my favorites. I think they are so worth it! Beautiful pictures, Kelley. My 'heritage' is done blooming for the time being, so I appreciate seeing yours.

    Take care.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous! They look so much like peonies! Completely swoon worthy...

    xoxo Beth

  3. I was going to say the same thing as Beth - they look like Peonies (which are my absolute fav flowers!) Absolutely beautiful Kelley!


  4. Hi Beth & Melissa and Anne ,of course my friends, yes I love me some DA roses

    Melissa BTW wedding bouquet? I will supply....

    xo kel

  5. hi kelley,

    totally gorgeous. totally.


  6. these are worth a million bucks! so gorgeous

  7. I have desperately been looking for an "evelyn" rose for awhile now to put by my door... maybe this weekend...

  8. I dream of having David Austin roses one day...they are absolutely beautiful...so English garden-like, fluff at it's finest! xo

  9. be still my heart! ..those are gorgeous!!

  10. These are stunning.....our weather in the Pacific NW has been so rainy this season that my roses haven't made an appearance yet, I know they are trying but I don't blame them, so it was so nice to see your post.

  11. Oh how beautiful! And the way they're photographed in that basket ... DIVINE!! :) Roses seem to do pretty well here. I've not really tried hard to cultivate them, though. Maybe now that I've seen these I'll hop to it. They almost look like peonies. They're so round and full. Just heavenly, really. Thanks for sharing Kelley! You always know how to brighten my day! :)

  12. Thanks for your wonderful comments!

    FYI The roses in the photos are Graham Thomas (butter yellow) Queen of Sweden ( smaller true pink color) and Evelyn (large pale pink with peach)

    Christina: The Evelyn rose it To Die For gorgeous!!!!!

    I special ordered these last November and received them in February bare root.

    xo kelley

  13. thx Kelley for the sweet comments again on my blog!
    have a "rosey" wknd....those are just dreamy pink roses....

  14. Ooohh...
    Such a fan of DA roses. Your's featured are fabulous.
    Thanks and good weekend to you.

  15. I just picked one up at the garden center.

  16. The roses are absolutely gorgeous and your pictures are just beautiful!

  17. Kelley,

    BEAUTIFUL ROSES... !!! Sorry to change the subject.... Nice Spread in Riviera Magazine!!!! I can't tell you how excited I got when I saw your house pictures. I literally jumped over the counter at my store to show & tell everyone. {feel like I know you :)} Yaaaaa... Love it! I hope you sell ASAP! I know you will... Your home is gorgeous! I would buy it if I lived in Corona Del Mar. Good luck!


  18. Kelley,

    It was a wonderful spread... Very very nice! You'll love it! I read it twice. I'm your little PR agent at the rooster. Oh here's another funny thing... I just received my new catalogue from barnyard electric... & wa la your laundry room is in the catalogue. LOVED it! Will you still remember us when you’re big & famous... ? Hope so… LOL! That is so wonderful!!!!

    The yard sale was a HUGE success. I cleaned out EVERYTHING! Love that feeling. I hade TONS of kids items that I needed to get rid of. Crib, toddler bed...etc. Ahhh I feel so free! HA HA HA


  19. Oops....... I meant to say,

    Barn Light Electric. LOL I said, Barnyard electric. Real good! I guess the mommy in me came out... ha ha ha


  20. I found them! Oh, I hope I can grow the variety in the first and third photos here in NY! Off to check out the David Austin website. Thank you for the inspiration, Kelley!


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