The Lavender Garden: Part I

 You may have read about the new lavender garden here.
It was tons of work to get the soil right, but it really needed to be done.
Oh's a good work out, right?
 The lavender will be really visible as you walk toward the rear of the property,
 from the front drive.
 I included 3 wine barrels as part of the design too.
These inexpensive garden barrels actually are great in a country garden like this one.

I got the lavender delivery on Friday....all 80 plants....
holy moly, what did I just get myself into!
I reworked the layout a couple of times but in the end,
 the quantity was just about perfect
The plants were hand pick by a grower friend and she sent me the really compact beefy little guys that will take off quickly.
Millie, as usual, is a huge help.

Next post...plant the plants!

Thanks for stopping by...kelley

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  1. I would love to know where you found the half wine barrels! I called a winery to see if they had some and they do but I would have to cut them myself! The only ones I have seen otherwise are like plastic!

  2. Amazing! All that lavender is going to smell SO fantastic. I have serious garden envy.

  3. Kelley- I am so jealous of your gardens. I WANT to live there- I want to walk those paths and work that soil! You are working another house of magic there, girl! Can't wait to see it planted and blooming! Hugs- Diana

  4. Wow! When u said lavender garden you meant it. I was expecting like twenty plants and then BAM eighty plants are in the photo! Lol! Go get them girl!

  5. Lavender is my favorite smell in the world... Damn, that is going to be heavenly when they are in bloom!


  6. Holly, Diana, Kelsy and Alyson.....thanks so very much! Yep 80 is alot. It really took me about two days. The barrels came from a local garden center so I would just keep looking!

    This is such a great garden! I hope every one tries this...k

  7. What a dream!! I absolutely love lavender. I would have everything in my house scented lavender if I could. There is something so reminiscent about the calming.

    Can you tell I love lavender?

    I do hope yours grows wonderfully. Rub some on your hands for me, deal.

    Blessings, Amy

  8. love!!!! fabulous- you will smell just like France in no time!
    thank goodness for Miss Millie, or however would you get all this lavender planted?!!!


  9. All your hard work is going to show wonderful rewards. What a great plan and project.
    - Joy

  10. Wow, it's going to be so beautiful and smell so good!

    Kat :)

  11. Wow ~ its going to smell so yummy!!!!!!

  12. I am already imagining the scent wafting from your garden. Ahhhhhhh..... so relaxing.

    Jane (artfully graced)

  13. It's going to be so-ooooo beautiful! You're a hard worker!!

  14. Oooooh! I am so excited to see the finished product. Such a fabulous idea. One question: What are you using as a barrier between the lavender and the grass? Did you already cover that and I missed it?

  15. I have been waiting to see your latest addition to your garden. Since I don't have one of my own I am going to live through yours this summer. Yes, that is a serious load of lavender, but just wait and see how wonderful it grows. I anticipate your progress with eagerness.

  16. How beautiful. I bet it smells amazing!!

  17. Your gardens are amazing! 80 lavender plants - your gardens are going to smell amazing! We just found some dried lavender left in the garden from last year during this weekends yard cleanup. I plan on putting it in some sachets for the guest room. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Kelley,
    It's going to look great. I had to LOL when you said, what have I gotten myself into?! :-) Some time ago I planted 130 Japanese boxwoods to complete my knot garden and wondered the same thing. I think the picture of the finished product is what keeps us going!

  19. You're making so many of us happy by your ambitious garden project. Will enjoy the whole growing progress long distance. Such a lovely smell. Stuff lots of small pillow creations with the precious buds. Have to rely on San Francisco Herb Co. since the plants heave here in the Midwest.

  20. Wow this garden is going to be amazing! I can't wait to see it all grown in.

  21. this will be gorgeous!
    your garden is my inspiration garden for the new house....i assume your rock beds are about 12" high? or 24"? let me know...really want to eventually have some of those for a vegetable garden...but need to know if there's a "best" height when creating those....

  22. A sanctuary in the making! I want to come up and visit! =)

    xo Isa

  23. Oh, that is going to be just beautiful when it is complete! What a pretty view you will have. Can't wait to see it when it's finished!

  24. HOLY MOLY Kelley! 80?! Im not sure that I have ever had 80 plants total in my yard?! LOL
    Oh my goodness is it going to look amazing....I love how cute Millie looks meandering in there :) She is going to have a lavender scented coat soon!


    ps - I get our barrels super cheap after the wineries harvest and bottle the wine :) I adore the way they look in a garden too.

  25. I love your garden design!!! It reminds me of the garden scene in "It's Complicated" with Meryl Streep. She had those cool wooden tomato trellis's too! I think I would actually love gardening if I had yours! ha

  26. This is such a good idea and besides, lavender doesn't require much water either so you will really save on that end. Will you remember to tell us what variety you used? Lavendula? Grosso? This is giving me ideas for my new house. We start our move on the 26th so I'm not sure when the time will come for the garden. So much to do inside first.

  27. how exciting, it's going to look beautiful!

  28. your garden is always so inspiring! can't wait to see it all come together.

  29. It is going to look spectacular. And smell divine!

  30. Can't wait to see this fill and to see what you put in those barrels. My parents have a few of those in their yard. They actually use theirs for fish and grow water plants in them. They kind of stack them and they spill into each other.

  31. Stunning! And it's not even finished yet. Really, it looks like a dream garden. I'll live vicariously through you, while my lab pup destroys my entire back yard! Thanks for posting.

  32. It is going to be so beautiful and smell so lovely~ Millie is precious!;) Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  33. Kelley, meant to ask this when you originally posted, but I forgot. In your area, will the lavender stay all the time, or will it die back every year? For my area (lower North Georgia) it is listed as a perennial, but I confess I don't know much about lavender!


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