Just A Bit of News

 It has been a bit of a blogging drought around here and I have been trying to catch up but haven't been able to quite fit everything in. 
As soon as I can I will get up to speed 
Lots of change and interesting things happening....and unfortunately my Mac bit the dust and I haven't had a chance to replace it, so many of my photos are in limbo right now 

But...all is good and fall is finally here with beautiful cool mornings and a chance to garden again after a scorcher of a summer
We have a new fountain in the parterre garden and the roses have all been moved to new locations because of the changing shade and sun from the large oak trees.  
 Each of the quadrants will have a large pot with a boxwood topiary and then underplanted with hydrangeas.  The surrounding hedges have filled in and seem to be loving the new shaded area.
The canopy has grown so thick that the roses were not all that happy.  A good problem for the oaks but the roses were really "leggy" and not thriving as they should.  Moving roses is not my favorite job but I think I only lost two out of about 30 plants.  I have one bed left to move but it will be easy now that the weather is cooler.
 We decided to add a small dining area in the main living room of the house.  It's small but cozy and I like the big gas station pennants above the old pine table.  
 Two great old chairs from a Maine cottage on the ends and a large Swedish pine bench and an antique plate rack above.

Some how the odd assortment of wicker seems to fit.  Lots of pillows and ticking are just right in this small intimate space.  
 Over the summer I worked on the rear perennial beds.  Sculpting and removing sod and adding more flowers and interesting foliage 

 Throughout the year the beds will have color and new plants and bulbs.
 Apart from the vegetable beds the perennial beds are my favorite part of this garden.  Lots of work but always great rewards.

The lavender acts as a nice backdrop to the new plants and adds height to the beds and I really enjoy the color and interest that the variety of plantings provide.  It is also a never ending supply of things for arranging in little vases.
I hope you are enjoying a lovely fall....my favorite time of the year !!!!

See you soon


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  1. After looking at your photos, I feel like I've been on a vacation! Beautiful!!!!

    1. Thank you Sharon! So happy you stopped by ; o ))

  2. Can I just say WOW! Your yard looks heavenly!! It's all I can do to keep my yard mowed LOL! Seriously, your pictures are just stunning and I can see myself in your backyard with a glass of tea having a good old visit with you. What a lovely, lovely area. And your home is beautiful too. Blessings from Missouri!!

  3. Moving all those roses must have been QUITE the job! I love the new area, and I am sure the roses will be happier in their new home. Everything looks beautiful, as always!

    1. Hi Heather! the roses are really miserable to move. I have some long leather gloves which helps but the thorns are really nasty.. I pruned them heavily prior to moving them but they all seemed to be Ok with lots of compost and some deep holes prior to planting. Fingers crossed!

  4. Your gardens are beautiful! I wish I could take a tour in person.

  5. Oh Kelley! I couldn't stop looking at the pics of your gardens, girl! They are just beautiful!!! I love the sweeping beds, the soft lavender behind the little pops of pink, and the fountain! I need you to come to Heaven's Walk and wave your magic wand over my gardens! :) You are truly an artistic gardener, and have been blessed with amazing talent! :)

    xoxo laurie

    1. thanks so much Laurie. It is really more hard work than artistry. But I do love the really wavy beds of flowers. xo Kelley

  6. Man...all that green makes me so envious. We are in a severe drought here in northern California and I let all my lawn areas die this summer and planted with things that don't need so much water like lavender. I miss the span of green but it just isn't feasible to be watering something just to have the green look. We were requested to lower our water use by 20% and this summer we managed to almost cut it by 50%. I am envious though...green looks so lush and cool. We spent our entire summer watering by hand every plant and every bush. It seemed to save water doing it that way and then we didn't have all those spaghetti strands going to every single plant...almost impossible to do when you've got lots of bushes and plants here and there. Wonderful gardens as always Kelley. And I love that new dining area. I have always had a fondness for pine tables and furniture. Can't wait to see what you do next.

    1. Hi there Teri. I think hand watering in a drought is really smart. We have spent a ton of time and $$$$ on new sprinklers nozzles which allow us to adjust each zone as needed with very little work. It saves water big time. The oaks do not require any water at all which helps as well. Our citrus orchard is looking pretty dreary but I think it will pull through. Thanks so much for the wonderful comment. cheers!!!!

  7. Your home and property are gorgeous. Like a walk through a fabulous coffee table book that has you dreaming.

  8. Kelly...I love the new dining room..those chairs are charming! And...your garden is gorgeous!

  9. Ojai must get much more rain than we do here. We have no grass at all ( haven't for years but are very nervous about the water situation so we have turned off all our fountains. So wonderful to see your lush garden! Love your new dining area!

  10. I adore the cozy eating area- the pendents are perfection :)

  11. It all looks so lovely!!!! Wish I was there!!!!!!!!!!!!! just beautiful.

  12. I always love reading your posts...getting a peek into your home is pure eye candy....thanks for all the inspiration Kelley!

  13. Such a gorgeous garden. Don't you hate computer problems? Glad you seem to have it all worked out.

  14. So unbelievably gorgeous Kelley! What more can I say!?

  15. danke für die inspirationen!!! liebe grüße von angie

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