Painted and White #1

Sometimes it is hard to figure out why I like certain things

a fragrance
a color
a great pair of shoes

In my case...recently I have had a love affaire with white floors
I should be ice cream
guys with great style
small fat little puppies 
but nah...white floors it is

 it is the clean simpleness 
that draws me to them
are they practical?  
don't know
 and who cares
they just have the 

I am 
could you?
would you?
 a pickle? 
 a  glaze?

Should I?

  1. If I lived in my little cottage all by myself, I would paint the wood floors in our bedroom white. And, I am not a white person - I love C O L O R - everywhere.

    I love all the rooms you showed.

  2. Heck yes you should, and then I will live vicariously through you! :)

    xo Kat

    1. OK...I am looking at this really seriously! My husband thinks its nuts but he thinks everything I do is somewhat nuts
      xx kelley

  3. They look pretty cool. You should check out Sherry Hart's blog Design Indulgence...she had all of her floors painted white awhile back and they look pretty awesome.

  4. If anyone could do it and make it look good, I'm sure it would be you. Go for it!

  5. Pretty photos. I think I could go with floors in a grey tone but not too white. I once had white tiles in a kitchen and entry way and I rued the day! It was a constant battle keeping them clean.

  6. My home is mostly white. I never paint walls...they always remain white. Most of my furniture is white so no I would not choose white floors. It would fell too white for me. I like pale rustic wood. Really driftwood would be my dream because of the grey.

  7. I would in say a guest room , or a room not used often....cuz everything shows on it. I would love to have a room with white floors but with 2 labs in/out of the house, it won't be happenin!
    I adore the look though!!

  8. I love the look of white floors but they're not so easy to keep clean! I'm very practical that way....I would not paint my own floors....but if you love the look...go for it!

  9. Do you have a dog? That's what keeps me from it. It's one thing to sweep it every other day, it's another thing to see every single hair....but the floors sure are pretty!

  10. I wonder how easily they scratch...we have a new puppy. Or does it matter...a little distressing? Please go for it so that you can so us :)

  11. I could and did! I painted my 2 nd floor which has a bedroom and loft area floors white 4 years ago. I'm not an all white person. My love for white wood floors stems from a childhood at the beach when cottages were actually cottages with bare white wooden floors and sheers on the windows. I've always loved that look and feel. Once I had a chance I went for it and never regretted it for a min. I have sisal rugs in the middle of the rooms to help in the traffic area. When my son was still home I painted his bedroom a rich Ralph Lauren brown and painted the wood floors and trim crisp white and had very long sheers on the windows. I loved the contrast of the dark walls with the white. I say go for it! Have fun with your home!!!!

  12. I have a friend that lives in my neighborhood who painted her floors white like 17 years ago. They still look fantastic today...yes...they are slightly worn where her family walks all the time...but it looks good. I just became friends with her a few months ago...the first time I saw her floors I thought she must have done it within the last two years....nope...17 years ago. It's makes her cottage so light looking. I've always thought I'd like white floors but after seeing her's in person...I know they are a great thing to have.

  13. They look so fantastic and I'd do that in a heartbeat except that I live in a Craftsman cottage and that just would so wrong with the beautiful vintage pine and fir. In my next life I'll live in some lovely French mas or white Scandinavian home and then for sure...white floors!

  14. I love the freshness of white positive the yellow lab dog hair would not be as noticeable! I just did mine dark...what was I thinking?

  15. I'm with you .. I love white floors:) I was actually contemplating painting mine. I was going to have them refinished because, I don't like the color. I love white but, I'm afraid to paint them for some reason. But if you tell me its ok ... then I will:) Thanks for sharing the inspiration photos!

  16. I say go for it!!! Every room you posted just appears so serene and peaceful - definitely due to the white floors, they just give a different feeling than wood floors. I had a friend who pickled her family room floor & painted the rest white. I will say the pickled room seemed a bit warmer,but the white was much brighter. Either one will look absolutely beautiful in your lovely home.

  17. SURE! It is just I wanna see how it looks in your adorable place!

  18. I love white floors. I love white rooms. I also love color and natural wood floors. I am so conflicted by many different styles. Soothing white, so restful and then I see a red plaid tablecloth and I swoon. Help me!

  19. When I look at these photos they feel so "at home" to me yet I would think that most people could not (nor would not) actually want to live with floors (or houses) actually like this. It's nice for a photo or a magazine but in real life? I highly doubt that most readers would do it. It wouldn't be "fancy" enough or "glam" enough. There are not many people who can actually carry it off. I had a home in the country and had wood floors. Everyone was always wanting me to put carpet down (it was more comfortable, more cushy)! I left the floors alone and I was happy that I did. Now, in my new place I have cherry floors. Very dark and not easy to care for. I have two dogs that tend to bring everything in that they shouldn't on their feet and when it rains, then the mud prevails. I'm not sure if dark or white (light) floors are right. Certainly not carpet, at least for me. But, somewhere in the middle might be best. A little bit light to hide the dusty parts from the gravel outside but not so dark as to show the light flecks of things that tend to find their way inside too. Let me know what you decide. I think "the middle way" (as Buddha said) is the best.

  20. Love painted floors! If I replace the floors in my upstairs I'm considering the same thing. I heard someone say they are are the easiest to maintain when they get bad you just roll them with porch paint and they're ready to go, sounds perfect.

  21. I remember I had a similar experience, so I know your mood well, good luck, By the way,I like custom snake print swimsuit


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