Tablescape: Thanksgiving in the Orchard


This is my first tablescape post: and what great timing with Thanksgiving!

  I must admit I don't usually spend tons of time setting the table these days.  I did, however  when I was a newly married/working girl/mom  (back in the day when we did it all)
I collected depression glass, vintage stoneware and bakelite cutlery just for the fun of the well dressed table. How I found time for anything is really a wonder!

My youngest son will be off to Vegas with his girlfriend over the Thanksgiving holiday,  so I am doing a lunch on Thursday just for two to enjoy.  My inspiration came from the wonderful tangerines just about ripe but beautiful with a touch of green on the skin.

So here is my table:

  It sits in a garden room, not quite finished.   Four Apple trees are the focus and in the center a fun little picnic table.  The spilt rail pillars will eventually support grape vines, 15 total.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my blogging buddies, my friends and family...kelley
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  1. You know what is so beautiful about the photos are that you created this yourself. It looks like a photo shoot but it isn't, it's real. And it is gorgeous. I would love to sit out in the beautiful weather we are having here in so cal and enjoy your lunch. Just wonderful.

    happy thanksgiving


  2. Hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving. Gorgeous tablescape - love the beautiful finishing touches: the linen feedsack seat runner/cushion, the darling hand written note on vintage library cards ... oh, it's divine! Really, divine!

  3. Looks beautiful!!
    There are so many elements within this photo that I love.....the table & benches w/linen cushions/runners are a great touch.
    But the best part is the greenery/tangerines. We just started growing oranges and olive trees in our Texas garden....I look forward to pulling greenery like this for my table!
    Thanks for sharing....lovely!


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