Kitchen design flaws: simple solutions


I have been working on this little facelift project in my kitchen. It started with a new Bertazzonni Range, which I really love by the way.  I would highly recommend it if you are considering a new freestanding oven. The light fixtures were a little dated as well and I wanted something really big and striking.  These are 16" wide at the base and put out alot of light.

The old center island had a raised wood counter which cut the center work surface in half and looked really funny.  We opted to use black Absoulte granite for the new island.  It would have been a major expense to pull out all of the stone so we left most of it as is.   The knobs were all  swapped out with bin pulls.

Out with the old....

The new center island went from bar height to counter height so I purchased these great stools from Restoration Hardware in weathered oak.

The new lights are Visual Comfort and can be found at Circa Lighting.  They are really oversized and are suspended by black electrical wire.

The faucet set was replaced with this great little industrial gadget.

A large portion of the cabinets are open and the walls are tiled in 3x6 subway tile.

I needed a little more cabinet storage so I found this great reworked cabinet made from old barn wood and trolly car doors!

Great old hardware too.

I stole the cutting board storage idea from Ina Garten's kitchen.  It is a really handy way to store big bulky  bread boards.

The vintage "Locksmiths" sign over the window is fun and  bold and ties the colors together.

Here is the before shot, not really that bad but a few design flaws that were easily reworked.  One final idea behind the doors....

A little dumbwaiter that stops on the second floor just off the Master bedroom and then finally up to the roof top deck!  Great for delivering laundry and dinner too.

Not a big project but it made such a nice improvement to the kitchen and fresh way to start off the New Year
best to all~*~kelley

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  1. your kitchen is amazing - you have got incredible taste! All the best, Lori

  2. Wow - your kitchen looks great! Where do you get your vintage signs & green glass canisters? Also, love your vintage wood cabinet for china storage!

  3. Kelley, Are you kidding me? This room is fantastic! I love all the elements you chose from the lighting to the granite. Love that stove and the subway tiles. It looks like a million bucks! Love the bread boards stored in the basket. Very cool. I love the way the cabinet ties in with barstools you chose. Oh and I noticed the bag on the counter from Rains. I remember that store when I was in Ojai at the Oaks. Brilliant redo!


  4. It all looks great!
    was the dumb waiter already there or did you install it? it looks like it was there and what a fun thing to have in your house!

  5. Love, love, love it!! Fantastic job! How FUN to have the dumbwaiter. I would have never thought of that--did you have it installed?

    Thanks for sharing the details of your lovely kitchen!


  6. Hi guys! Thanks so much for all of the comments. As you may have noticed from a few previous posts I am a sign junky! I find most of them on ebay, etsy or at antique fairs. The jars are from Big Daddys antiques and various other antique stores and can still be found but there are alot of knockoffs out there. Re the Dumbwaiter: It was installed by the prior owner but I thought it was such a fun idea I included it in this post. We use it alot because this house is really tall and narrow. It is a very simple machine and fills a very small space in the wall. thanks agin every one and please email me if you are needing resources for any items I forgot to mention. best~*~kelley

  7. Your beautiful kitchen makes me want to rip everything out that bugs me in mine .. right now [ To be done while everyone's gone because they can't understand what the problem is.] Really gorgeous! Even though you didn't think things were that off, there's nothing quite like making it right.
    Deborah in SY

  8. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new updated kitchen! When can I move in... Looks great! Thanks for sharing you have amazing taste!

  9. Kelley,
    There are SO many FAB elements/design ideas that you've done here....where do i start?
    - Love the open subway tile/shelves look w/all the great old signs.
    -detail of other glass cabinets
    -stove & ss items above
    -pot filler, cool handles
    -great old barn piece
    -french basket w/bread boards
    -light directly on small house painting
    -kitchen lights
    -white upholstered chairs in brkfst room, w/side detail
    -garden stakes in the kitchen
    -crisp white kitchen
    - & of course, LOVE the "dumb" waiter, that's sooo "smart"!

    You've done an amazing job and I'm sure it's so relaxing to enjoy it all now...
    thanks so much for sharing...


  10. Love your kitchen !! I would like to know when your home was built? as it seems everything you've done fits the house and era,I'm thinking a ranch style from 50's maybe,which is inspiring to me as I have a 1945 ranch in Northern ca!! I love your roosters!! One more thing my daughter was born in Ojai in 1979!!! I love the meaning of Ojai(The Nest) it fits!! very cool Kelly!

  11. Hi again,
    Sorry to confuse..this kitchen is in a home we own at the beach in Corona Del Mar CA, we purchased the little farm house in Ojai about a year ago and really have not done a thing to the house. We have been working on the yard for the last year and finally have about 1/2 of it done.

    To Anon, last comment, yes I do love the fact that Ojai means nest. So very accurate.

    To see other posts about the Ojai prpperty you can scroll through the labels to the right of the blog. The kitchen there is original 70's yucko.

    The CDM house was built in the 40's and remodeled about 3 times, the last being pretty extensive but it still has some original seaside features and is full of great nooks and crannies.

    Thank you again for all the wonderful comments on the kitchen. I try to email everyone but I'm not sure if they all get to you. If not, I will keep trying and someday will get a handle on the fine art of the "blog"

    xo kelley

  12. Your kitchen looks amazing, Kelley - those pendants are awesome, and that cabinet is heavenly! I have those same bird grain sacks that are on your pillows!
    xo Isa

  13. So happy to have found your blog! Gotta run so I can catch up!!!

  14. I adore your kitchen, Kelley. I wish we would have tiled all of the walls in our kitchen up to the ceiling. It's such a great look.
    Your wood cabinet and cutting boards are fantastic!


  15. This kitchen rocks! I love it so much. Great job. I especially like the open shelves, the weathered cupboard, black industrial lights and that stove! --Delores

  16. WOW, Kelley... What a beautiful space!!! It's so fun to see pieces come to life... the cabinet looks amazing :)

  17. Kelley, beautiful kitchen! We are installing open shelving in our kitchen now - was that already there or did you add it? I'm looking for resources that will hold up well to kitchen dishes and heat!

  18. Hi Kelley ~ Having just found you recently...I decided to go back a little and look at your previous posts...and this one stopped me in my tracks...I love your kitchen...the mix of industrial looking lights and weathered's did a fantastic job! I also wanted to thank you very much for emailing me the link to the Ballard Designs the style....ah...decisions...decisions.


  19. Love love the kitchen!!! The stove is beautiful. Where did you find all the bread boards?? Elma

  20. I am planning a kitchen remodel and am totally inspired by yours. I love your island placement! and the rough edge granite countertops.

  21. I love how fresh your kitchen is, with enough storage for everything you need but not cluttered - and the coloring - striking.

  22. your kitchen and whole home are just gorgeous! FOund you through Faded Plains, so glad I did!
    Take care

  23. Hey Kelley...just saw a photo of your kitchen on another blog, and I fell in love with it! I posted a photo on my blog, before I knew who it belonged to. I'm glad I found its owner...and your fantastic blog! Your kitchen is just gorgeous.

  24. I am just dying over your space and I never use that word! It is such a dream. every detail is perfection. great, great work!

  25. Kelley,
    I've always admired this kitchen so many times....what wall paint color did you use? I'm trying to think about paint for the new house and it's always such a challenge....but i'm thinking i may just paint white for now....
    would love to know....
    hope you're doing well....

  26. Your home is beautiful! I'm a new follower. I love your place!

  27. Kelly~
    Looking back at your kitchen in your previous house. I love your faucet as I have been looking to replace mine. After getting totally overwhelmed with the pro style price and size, I decided I need a smaller option. I see yours is just what I need. I have also been trying to decide on satin nickel vs. chrome... (I really prefer stainless steel but not in the price point I want to spend)... can you tell me the brand of faucet here and which finish you used.. and of course how you liked it... Thank you soo much!!

  28. Kelley,
    Are the white shelves here a tile or wood, or something else?

  29. I really want kitchen tilting like the one you have on your kitchen top. It's black with a marble finish. What's the name of it?

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  32. Could you please tell me where you found your basket for boards? Have been searching and searching for one.
    And, love your kitchen and blog.

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