Beautiful Table Settings

 Setting a beautiful table just comes naturally to some people.
There are many bloggers out there, who share this love too...
It is more than just about dishes.
It is the little extra things, that make a table interesting and beautiful.
A wonderful blogger friend of mine, Delores,
has mastered the art of the perfect table.
 And she has lots of
vintage dishes and goodies that make it look so special!!
Her favorite at the moment is a transfer-ware with a fruit center called Windsorware.
Delores has been a collector of vintage dishes for well over 20 years.
 Her collection consists of transfer-ware,
plates with fruits and florals,
Majolica and Provencal pottery.

Her blog is called Vignette Design and you really need to take a peek!  She showcases her vintage collections often, in her home in San Francisco and her getaway house in the California wine country.

Look at this wonderful setting and how Delores uses so many different elements.
Notice the faux leopard trim on the place mat and the paisley napkins.
When Delores does a table she thinks in terms of layering of patterns.
These were used during the winter Holidays,
How clever are the napkins and the ribbon place cards?!

I love the simplicity of her table setting below...I think this was for a special event at a winery that she styled.

Delores has over 25 different collections to chose from!
I have always loved Belleek Irish pottery, 
and look how she used hers for a St Patty's Day Lunch.

The lacy linens look perfect!
And of course we are having some Irish tea.
Another favorite collection is purple transfer-ware 
from Johnson Brothers.

She loves the farm scenes and the woodcutter...I do too.

Below is a table she styled for her Husband who is an avid fisherman. 
 She often uses books as part of her centerpiece...what a great idea.
This would be fun for Fathers Day.

How perfect is the combination below, using fresh squash with candles and Majolica.
The stemware is another element that she always uses perfectly.

More layering of linens, plates and items in the centerpiece...
this looks like Thanksgiving.
Notice the tapestry shawl over the table cloth.

Here is what she did last Easter.
Is that a chicken wire place mat?...
And lilacs...Perfect!
The linens are fresh and match so wonderfully with the Majolica and the purple cut stemware.
And her little egg cups...
so cute.

So what will you be doing with your table this Easter?

Thank you Delores for sharing your beautiful and inspiring tables.

I am off to dig around in the kitchen
for a few things to use for my Easter Breakfast table too!


  1. Yep...THANK YOU Delores. All very charming AND impressive!

  2. Delores is one of my favorite blogger too. She is definitely one of a kind. Thanks for the great post.

  3. Hi Kelley, Delores definitely has style! I love her blog and especially the tablescapes she creates. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Gorgeous table settings~ I will be doing something simple for my Easter setting~ Mason jars with fresh flowers,white dishes,french inspired glasses,vintage linen napkins and tea light candles. Hugs, Rachel

  5. Doesn't she do an amazing job!? I'm thinking of flying her to NY for the table event I'm doing in June. Just have her do it and then take the credit! LOL! JUST KIDDING!

    Wonderful inspiration, though!

  6. Thank you Kelley! My table settings somehow look even better on your blog! Haha. And Artie, I would love to come to New York to help you with your event in June! How fun would that be?

  7. Delores is super nice and I love her blog too and her cute little dog that I see in so many pictures :)

  8. I love those chicken wire chargers! Where in the world did she find those?


  10. I am with Linda above.. She must a storage unit onsite!!

  11. Kelley, I'm a longtime follower and FAN of Delores' Vignette Design. It's difficult for me to single out a favorite tablescape, or post for that matter. Delores has an elegant style that makes my heart sing. Thanks for sharing these spotlights on one of my favorite friends in Blogville.
    Glad to discover The Polished Pebble. I'm a new follower. ~ Sarah

  12. I am totally loving the chicken wire chargers!!I would love to own 6 of theses, so special!!!

  13. So lovely, thank you for this great post! I love it.


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