Ambers Pillow Project: Beauty and the Beast


My friend and fellow blogger Amber
 asked if I could help her with some pillows
 for her living room sectional

We started off with this really wonderful linen floral drapery panel that Amber found on Ebay...I don't recall what she paid, but I don't think they were very expensive. 
 The down side was that they were not all that large either. 
 We needed to do some creative thinking to make good use of the fabric.
I played around with a few ideas and sent the rendering above off to her, for review.

Amber really wanted to incorporate some graphic old grain sacks into the mix. 
 She purchased these from Wendy at Textile Trunk and Wendy shipped them directly to me.
The only fabric Amber actually saw before we finished was the drapery!
 The dark orange graphic mixed with the green corn stalk was perfect with the drapery colors.
I originally thought I would used just solid linen for the rear of the pillows and the trim, but as luck would have it...I found 3 yards of this beautiful Benison stripe at my upholsterer. 
 This fabric normally would retail for around $200 per yard but I got it for $25!!!!!!
 I used the flanged welt on these that I love 
and mixed and matched with extra left over fabric.

So here is what we started with:

2 small linen drapery panels (approx. 2 yds)
2.5 yards of Bennison linen floral
3 grain sacks

And here is what we got:

4  22x22 Vintage floral with the Bennison stripe on the rear and a floral welt
2  22x22 Striped pillows in the Bennison stripe with a vintage floral welt
2  18x24 Grain sack pillows with the orange graphic
1 24x24 Grain sack pillow with the corn stalk
We got 9 pillows total,
 in various sizes, but all very large
We needed large pillows because this sectional is HUGE!
Amber affectionately refers to it as, 
the "Beast"
Now we have some beauty with our beast,
don't ya think!

Thanks so much Amber 
for sharing your wonderful home with us!

If you would like some help with a pillow project similar to this;
Just zip me off an email and I will send you a price list.

And thanks so much for stopping by too!

  1. Love it!! I'm in the market for a "beast" myself. I NEVER thought I would like a sectional but they've come a long way and with two growing children it would be very nice to have a large sofa for everyone to lounge on together! LOVE the pillows but of course I'm partial to ANYTHING you do! ;)

  2. LOVE the pillows!;) I may need your help with some in the near future~ Hugs,Rachel
    French Farmhouse 425

  3. They all look awesome together! Love the corn sack.

  4. you nailed it my dear the way you combined all these fabrics. You have a masterful touch.

  5. Hi Kelley, Every one of the pillows are fabulous and I especially love the grain sacks! All the fabrics work so well together.

  6. wow kelley these look so beautiful. the details are amazing. and the color combos and texture so perfect. what a great idea for pillow consulting too. you are so good with details.


  7. Hi Kelley,

    These cushions are just gorgeous. Love them. You are the queen of fabric and cushions, nobody does it like you. I also love the down insert, imagine if you'd put the polyester inserts in them, after 6 months they would look as if they'd been run over with a truck.

    Long live the boofy cushions!!!!!!

    Thanks for sharing

    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  8. What a fantastic mix of pillows! They totally transform the beast into a beauty. I love the way you combined fabric. Well done.

  9. What a great combination of fabrics and prints Kelley! They truly are the beauty to that beast of a couch. I have a beast couch myself!

    Kat :)

  10. I love all those fabrics... the corn is my favorite!!! Gorgeous pillows can make the room!!

  11. looks awesome!!!! i just adore amber and have hung out with her a few times already in our beach town. such a small world!

  12. Charming!! They look great and I must abashedly add that I have the same Bennison stripe in blue on a chair in my bedroom. Even at net it was a total splurge but it is indeed beautiful and I enjoy it every day.

  13. What a great job you did! The corn sack pillow adds a bit of edge in a beautiful way!

  14. Beautiful job Kelley! Love the mix and the floral is gorgeous.....

  15. Kelley~ You outdid yourself girl! Tjhey are wonderful and perfect for that sectional and setting! LOVE them all! xxoo Diana

  16. Can you feel the hugs through the computer? I love the pillows! Thank you so much for your help on this project!


  17. What vision! Beauty indeed! (I like the beast too!)

  18. Great work! Do you know where Amber got her sectional? I've been looking for one JUST like it!

  19. They're lovely! I'm a sucker for florals, and that one looks so old-fashioned a fresh!

  20. Wow did a fantastic job. I love the different combinations of fabrics you used.

  21. Great job! Love all those pillows...I too have a "beast" sectional...I can understand her need for pillows, it calms the "beast"...Thanks for sharing!

  22. Love the floral! What a wonderful combination!

  23. Love these pillows, expecially the grain sacks!

  24. SO beautiful Kelley! They really bring that beast to life! :-D

  25. Wow, those pillows really gussied up her sectional. Lovely combination of fabrics. You're good! Really good!

  26. Love all the pillows. They turned out wonderful.

  27. Somehow I missed this post! Those pillows are fab and I am all over the small flange...have been using that same treatment so much lately.


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