Old French Gardening Magazines

I picked up a bunch of these funny old French Gardening Magazines the other day...
They are colorful newsprint, with articles,
pictures, crossword puzzles and classified ads.

Love the name:  Rustica

I like them because of the bright vintage front and rear covers
and of course that fact that the language is French...
 Hey these might be fun to frame!
The ones with the flowers and vegetables are especially pretty...
the bright colors would be great in a child's room or a mud room,
or how about a garden shed?
Peter Rabbit or the Easter Bunny....
your guess is as good as mine
I know very little French actually,
 but it was fun to see if I could somewhat read and comprehend a few of the articles

 A crossword puzzle in French?  
Nope....I can't even do them in English
These might be wonderful to wrap a little gift in... 
Scrap-booking maybe?
What would you use these for?
I have a few more ideas

How about you....?

Have a wonderful weekend


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  1. Decopage on old tin pail for Easter basket or add drainage holes and grow herbs! So cute! Great find!

  2. Oh...the illustrations are great. I especially like the pigs and the rabbits. I'd scan them and save the originals and then use prints on projects....

    You know...decoupage stuff. Table tops? Metal buckets...wood boxes...frames.....

    Great find.

  3. hEJ
    LOVE your magazines...
    Beautiful vintage colours.
    IF you can bear to cut them up...
    The rabbits etc why not cover a cardboard egg in the for Easter, unusual & unique.
    The flowers/vegetables...cover a small box...
    would make a unique gift as a seed box for a gardner? I wonder who that would be?
    Have fun!

  4. Scan the pages, print them, piece them, take them to Kinko's and print the larger 'pieced' pages for wrapping paper! Laminate the copies for garden place mats, print them on fabric for napkins, tote bags, scarves...ah, oh?
    A new business??!!
    PS I have chicken envy, too!

  5. Love the magazines! The colors are gorgeous!

    Also, I'm having a giveaway. Would love for you to stop by.

  6. I'd glue 'em to a drum shade for lamp made from a vintage watering can!

  7. Love those!;) Would be great framed in rustic frames~ Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  8. What whimsical images! Such a find!!!!

  9. kelley, we need to do another project with these!!!! Pretty pls. I have a good idea already! Melaine

  10. Kelley I was just looking at old french seed and veggie labels online and thinking how beautiful they would be framed! Yours are so colorful and beautiful and I can see using them in lots of different ways!

    Kat :)

  11. Oh How Perfect! You certainly need to frame a few of those! I LOVE the one with the bunnies on it! xxoo Diana

  12. Love those! Especially the one with the rabbits on it! I think it would be fun to frame them. Can't wait to see what you do with them!

  13. hi kelley!!!!!!!

    wallpaper a potting/laundry room wall with them. you know you want to.


  14. What great ideas you and the other readers had! One more...use it as matting for other sweet pictures - maybe of kids in the garden or a sweet grandmother with her grandkids or whatever...lots of fun ideas here and these are so sweet! I'll be on the lookout for something like this at the flea market this weekend - thanks for the great idea!

  15. those are so charming...use the best ones to frame and make a gallery wall in a powder room, hallway, potting area or child's bedroom

    use the rest for decoupage projects, gift tags and gift wrap

  16. What a fantastic discovery!!
    I love your ideas and everybody's too!
    c'est vraiment magnifique!

  17. Wow...what great ideas! I'm not sure I could do any of those projects. Here's what I'm thinking....I'll send them off to Martha Stewart and let her loose.

    xo Kelley

  18. Kelley,

    I'm sure Martha would have a hay-day with them, and she'd probably translate them in perfect french. I like Janet's idea of wallpaper! Or maybe some fun Spring/Easter decor??


  19. You have too many just to frame them. I would love to see a decoupaged screen, or use them as wall paper. Where do you find things like this? If you print them, they would be great as a floor in a small room. Ann

  20. Love the magazines! What a great find.
    I know a little French -- from back in my school days. Wonder if I could decifer?! Wonder if I remember?! Anyway, what a great find!! Yes to framing. Tres chic.

  21. Hi Kelley,
    Oh my goodness! Those are amazing.....what about framed & up all the wall somewhere?
    Where did you ever find something like that? How cool :)

  22. Ha! I can't do crosswords in English either. Must be a left-brained activity. The pages would be so pretty framed...

  23. I thought that it was interesting that the crossword puzzle is not symmetrical. If you look at all of our in the newspapers, the designs are always symmetrical, either top to bottom or side to side. The pages remind me of wood blocks. I think that they would just look beautiful framed and hung in groups in different rooms.

  24. I love how quirky and fun these are!

    I know it's not original... but they would look so cute framed!

  25. These are absolutely wonderful! I'd frame them...no question. also...if you ever need someone to take them off your hands...I'm your gal! ;)
    xo J~


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