What's In Your Pickup?

 Take a peek....
look what I found yesterday
 It has some rust...oh boy do I love that!
 Some blue and some wicker
Some copper and a bit of weirdness too.
Junk heaven!
What should I do with all of this great JUNK?
Well use it of course....


Thank you for all of the great comments about the botanical project...it really was fun.
I am a bit behind in responding so please forgive me. 
 I will catch up, I promise! 

  1. Oh, I love weirdness. Is that lid on the copper pot? I see a cool light shade made out of that.

  2. My mother had/has some lawn chairs just like that. She still uses them!!!

  3. I love what you have in your pickup. I grew up with those old chairs. One was blue and one was yellow and one was green. xxoo Diana

  4. Kelley! I'm in junk heaven right now and apparently you are too! I found the best two funky junky stores down here. Good thing I don't have a truck like you, I'd be in big trouble! Does that little red wicker basket have wheels? Cute!
    xoxo, Amber

  5. LOVE your finds!!!;) Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  6. Fabulous 'junk'! My father-in-law has refurbished many of those chairs that were on their last leg (seriously - no pun intended) and gave them new life...they're a fave around here!
    What fun you must have had collecting it all...enjoy!
    xo J~

  7. I am with Amber above - good thing I don't own a pick up or it would be too easy to bring stuff home. As it is I do a pretty good job with my ford explorer!

  8. I just found your blog, like many, I love your style & just put you in my sidebar!

  9. Thanks to Mizz Craftee for pointing out the wheels on the red basket. WOW!! Love that...can't wait to see what you do with it Kelley! -B

  10. NICE haul. I skipped the Long Beach flea market today due to the rain. I'm jealous of your good luck.

  11. What is that copper thing...part of a still?

  12. Looks fun! I can't wait to see what you do with all of your loot! I love how everything looks after a good flea market hunt - all of the textures and colors...heaven!

  13. At the risk of sounding nuts/stalkerish, would you mind giving me the link to your first blog post so I can read through the entire thing? I'm trying to learn more about gardening and am just plain smitten by your talent and decorating style!!! Thank you!!


  14. Just came over from The Lettered Cottage. So glad Layla sent us! I adore everything you filled your pick-up with. Can't wait to get a pick-up of my own someday soon so I can pack it full of treasures. I'll be following ;)


  15. I love your blog!!! Very inspiring!! We are almost neighbors = )

  16. Just found your blog through Layla's :)
    I have 2 chairs just like the one in your truck. I love them and have done noting to them but let them sit and peel and rust...they are getting better and better. "People" don't like them,but I don't really care...I LOVE them :)
    *they came from my grandma's house**

  17. O.M.G. My beloved Buddy! How, where, when did you get him??? I MUST have one for my mish mash collection. Love to hear any info you may have on your precious beagle statue. I love (covet) everything in your truck.


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