First Flowers of Spring


 Hope you have a wonderful weekend

 and yes...that is parsley!

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  1. Gorgeous Kelley! I am sooo ready for spring. Your garden is going to be so ALIVE soon!! And who woulda known....parsley?! So cool as a filler :) Happy Friday dear~

  2. Beautiful! I love to add parsley to my arrangements too! I wish the hard frosts would stop up here so all the loveliness of spring can start popping up.

  3. I know....I still have tons of it in the veggie garden and it is the best arrangement filler ever!

    xo k

  4. Great use of parsley! What is the beautiful blue/lavender flower (to the right in pic 2)? A poppy of some sort? -B

  5. sorry i have been absent dearest. your flowers are gorgeous. i just caught up on your last few posts. amazing as usual kelley girl. amazing.


  6. Hi B .....The big blue-ish purple flower ia an anemone. But there are some princess plant flowers in there too which are even more purple.

    Purple is the color of the day!

    xo kelley

    thanks again Lolo, Janet, and Lilliedale!

  7. Thank you for a brief rest and refreshment - your flower pictures are much appreciated.

  8. Those are so lovely! You made me smile, thank you!

  9. from your garden??????
    be still my heart......


  10. Yep! All from the garden...all that work over the last 3 or 4 months is really going to pay off this year!

    Thank so much: Joy, Charlotte and Joan!

  11. Hey Kelley Patelley...Just had a rhyming moment there...I think all those Spring flowers made me giddy!..or maybe it was the parsley tucked randomly 'tween those harbingers of Spring! Anyway, thank you for the beautiful post tonight- I needed to see a few flowers today! xxoo Diana

  12. No signs of spring yet here in Missouri...but seeing your lovely garden bounty makes me happy :)

  13. Stunning photos! Stunning flowers!! I shall grow parsley this year just to use as a filler in flower arrangements!!

    p.s. please be sure the pottery bowl your lemons are in, is made with lead free paint! sorry to be such a mother but by day I work with lawyers who provide non-profit education on this very topic in Mexico!

  14. Hi Kelley,
    Your garden must be lovely! Sorry to comment on an older post but I'm new to your blog and I'm catching up. What is the periwinkle blue flower in the last photo to the right of the tulip? I'd love to plunk that in my garden somewhere.


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