Ojai Bathroom Remodel: Stage I "the demo"

I promise I will only show you these photos one time and then be done with it!
You don't even have to look if your squeamish...but I thought I'd show ya anyway just in case you feel the need to have a "before" shot to compare the final result to.
Ah yes...here we are in Ojai, living a life of serenity, beauty and peace and quite. 
 At the end of a long day of gardening and sore muscles...this is what I have to look forward to...
the current master bath, in all of its dated loveliness 
And yes the walls are not square, there is no window and there is a strange hump in the middle of the floor..
uh oh... not good
When we first bought the house this room had a fresh coat of off white paint.  
I changed out a few knobs and put this huge mirror up...
which looks totally ridiculous, I might add,
 but it was sitting in a closet so I hung it here
The sink tops are that weird formica stuff with pinkish swirls and scalloped edges.... missing the stoppers which we never could find a replacement for. 
  Every time I brush my teeth I wind up staring down that little hole and wondering where it all goes....
all the way to the ocean?
I really don't know, but that sink hole scares me...really... I'm not kidding.
And for an added bonus:
Toss in a few mystery stains, hinges with 20 coats of paint, cheap door knobs, a gross shower curtain, a variety of dated wiring, vinyl flooring and zero water pressure....
this all adds up to one thing...

time to demo!

So here we are at the end of day one....
Yes we have a few problems....one of which is how to get that gigantic bath tub out!
I swear the thing is like a cruise ship
Some odd holes and rotten wood..oh dear
And a few other really bad things that I don't dare show you...
think "Willard" the movie
I thought this would be fun...
but now...
not so much

Oh and on day two
Construction person
"the guy I don't quite trust"
 is MIA!

I need a martini
  1. Ever want to get rid of the mirror let me know! I LOOOOVE it!(seriously) and I will be watching to see how it all turns out! Hope you can at least enjoy the process knowing that the end will bring great rewards.

  2. Just remember that it always has to look really bad before it can look really good! And you go have a martini and I'll go try and find a mirror just like that one, I love it!

    Kat :)

  3. ooooh now it looks like our timber cottage by the sea that we are renovating....it is so scary to see it at this stage i know my heart nearly stopped,can't wait to see what you do,
    Love Kristina x

  4. I send you e-olives! Hang in there :)

  5. If I could get to California I'd watch you demo and make you a martini!


  6. I'm glad to see that you still have a sense of humor. (Something I don't usually have during renovations.) Yeah, that mirror looks a bit out of place there...but I know where it would look GREAT... I cannot wait to see what you are doing in that bath. Enjoy your martini(s)...

  7. Don't break those sinks! They're just what I've been searching for!!

  8. Oh the demo stage....its Cinderella's ugly stepsister ;)
    I feel like I was just in your shoes! Haha...I know it is going to turn out lovely, just like everything else you touch.
    Shady contractors.....ugh! Thats why we did almost all our own work :)
    Just one martini???!


    ps - hope you are saving those black bin pulls !!

  9. I love a good honest description of how someone lives.
    And, a good laugh.
    Hang in there...it will all be so worth it!

  10. welcome to my world! it's never ending over on this end and I can't wait to see how your bathroom turns out! i think the mirror is amazing! you should try to use it...the closet just doesn't do it justice :) have a martini for me while your at it! cheers! xoxo's nancy

  11. Oh you are brave brave brave girl! I am avoiding the demo of ours cause I am a cowrad--but hey , you'll have an awesome new bathroom, and I'll still be stuck with my ugly master bath--can't wait for stage 2!

  12. Hi Kelley,

    Sometimes you need to take things back to the studs don't you? I know that we did that in our bathroom. It took long enough for us to get our bathroom together, just so I could use it again. Do you think if men had to bath little kids like we do, they would understand about the mess and the NEED to use this room?? I wonder!

    MIA tradesman??? Hope you see him soon. Can't wait to see what you do with this room. Thanks for sharing.

    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  13. I gotta start with - where can I get me some of those built-in, scalloped edge sink/countertop! I mean really - that takes one shopping step right out! HA! I really do think it's a requirement to be just a little bit shady in order to be a contractor. When we renovated, we were living at the house still and somehow they always knew the time I was getting ready in the morning and always had lot's of questions during that time- urrrrgghhh. Good luck with the reno! Now go kick back in that cruise ship bathtub and enjoy a martini!
    xo Melissa

  14. Uh oh!! Hope he returns!! Is it wrong that I'm giddy with excitement to see how this turns out?!? ;)

  15. Well, you will have to drink your Martini standing up because you obviously can't drink it whilst soaking in the tub! Oh...I have lived your life! Can't wait to hear/see Chapter II. Shall I call Holmes for you? xxoo Diana

  16. Oh Kelley, I feel your pain! First of all, I'm glad you got rid of the former bathroom, but now the work begins. Where is your construction guy? I would be drinking too! BTW, my post tomorrow is about bathtubs. Copper bathtubs. I could so see one in Ojai! Looking forward to the progress and final reveal.

  17. It's an adventure, it's an adventure, it's an adventure...it can only go up from here!

  18. Oh gosh...I love a good bath remodel...I mean I love a good bath remodel when someone else is doing it. Messy. Inconvenient. But oh so nice after it is over. Maybe you should have offered your contractor a martini :) Hey...martinis for everyone.....yea...lets do it!

  19. Kelley,
    you always make me laugh....you know Steven and I have done alot of remodels, so we can soooo relate to all of this...but i know that in the end, this bathroom is going to be amazing and can't wait to see how you'll transform....
    also, my life has been busy w/the house sale...i need to write you a long email and let you know that wild story...all good.
    but anyways, i barely have time to read blogs right now, but did see your new wicker chair, love it..

  20. Oh I like this story, I can't wait to see how it ends!

  21. How was the martooni??

    It will be a beautiful belle of the ball when you are done...lovin your dritwood mirror...does that stay in the plan??

  22. * Oooooh, you're tackling a biiiig job, but OH THE FUN when you get to sit back WITH that martinin, and enjoy... forever... the benefits of your hard work!

    ... ANNNND, if you ever feel the need to rid yourself of that nasty, ugly, yukky, ol' and outdated MIRROR, I am WILLLING TO SACRIFIC and buy it, just to make you happy!!! (Grins!)...

    Linda in AZ *

  23. HI to all...I think every one who read this post needs a new mirror! too funny..

    I hope to get this project back on track on Monday. In the mean time I'll be out back with Millie...Happy Weekend ; 0 )


  24. I would be drinking l lots of martinis if I were you! I'd be filling that tub up with martinis and swimming in them!

    I'm scared to buy a sofa and your ripping out vanities! I'm a chicken@#$%! Good luck Kelley!


  25. Oh hang in there Kelley...just keep thinking of how this all of this chaos will be eliminating the Willardish creatures and rot from under foot..that fact alone will keep you going. It's never easy is it!?!
    It will be so wonderful when done...although, I have to say, the scalloped sinks are quite fancy, you might want to try and keep those! ;)
    xo J~

  26. Kelley,

    You are hilarious...thanks for making me laugh today. I needed it.(and a martini sounds good too or anything with alcohol in it) :)


  27. i agree with Low Tide... "Just remember that it always has to look really bad before it can look really good!" lovely greetings from Germany

  28. I hope that this doesn't worsen your fear of the "sinkhole", but I have to tell you this story...I, too, have an old bathroom and my sink is missing the stopper. One morning, a few days ago, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face, when I noticed something odd about the "sinkhole". I looked closer and realized that I was looking at the face of a little chameleon (small, harmless lizards that are very common - even in the house sometimes - here in NC)! Apparently he'd been wondering around the counter, probably trying to figure out how to get out of there, when I came in and turned on the light! Karin


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