Thanks Flea Market Style! A magazine that likes bloggers!

Hey guys...
This is the most fun and unique magazine I have seen lately....
or ever actually
It gets to the heart of the flea market world  
 and it's full of DIY projects, 
very interesting and talented people
and better yet
They love Blogs!

Yes in-deedee

A magazine that embraces the blog world!

go figure...blogs?

My great friend Melaine from My Sweet Savannah sent me a text about a week ago....
we were both in our PJ's I think.....
But she wanted to let me know that my blog got a mention!!!

So thank you Flea Market Style
I am totally in shock!

I feel like I just got elected to Student Council or something,
maybe head Cheerleader 
or I won a spelling bee
No that would not be me....unfortunately

This is soooo  cool

Thank you Ki and Heather and the editorial staff

and you
the followers that keep the blog on track
thanks so much!

And for those that don't think I can flea with the best of 'um...
here is my front  porch in Ojai

totally flea-luscious



PS:  This magazine is a bit hard to find, but I found it at a Vons grocery store
which I frequent to buy wine

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  1. Way to go!!!! You totally deserve it!
    Lots of Love
    Ashli :)

  2. Congratulations! What a great & deserving surprise. That front porch of yours is amazing, the photo of the oranges in the wood pail are making me want to move to the west coast. Great flea finds too. Take care, Lori

  3. Whoop Whoop! That kind of stuff makes you all tingly inside.....congrats!

  4. Congrats and I am not suprised at all !! You have great style that has not gone unnoticed. On that very thought, that's what brought me here today ! I would love to get your input on my latest post. thanks

  5. congrats Kelley,
    you deserve it girl!
    have a great weekend,

  6. Woohoo! I am so happy for you! I have to admit, I was a bit surprised to see my name there, too. I am over-the-moon to be in such good company! ;o)

    And just a thought...I feature customer photos of Etsy purchases on my blog once in a while. I just love seeing what happens to all the vintage goodness once I ship it out! Lol! I would love it if you have something that shows that fabulous chippy green pail! Just a thought...


  7. yipee!!! that's awesome! I knew it would be just a matter of time for your blog & talents to be featured! Have a great weekend! xoxo's Nancy

  8. Congratulations, Kelley! What an honor for you!
    Jane (artfully graced)

  9. Congratulation! How fun!!

    I think of you more as a "Varsity" cheerleader! Gooooooo Kelley!!

    love your front porch fleas! I'm coming over so better get an extra bottle (or two;) at Von's!


  10. Thank you soooo much for all the really nice comments! I really am pleased about the little mention because it is about the blog. All of you know how much work it is and how difficult it can be to keep going. I honestly have wanted to quit doing it about every other week, but just sort of keep chugging along. I guess I'm good for another few weeks now!

    xo kelley

  11. Kelley a huge congratulations!! I just love your site!! Will look for the magazine for sure!

    Do come and enter my Artful Offering!

    Art by Karena

  12. Congrats on the feature! I found my copy at Barnes & Noble, read it cover to cover, then bought it and brought it home. It was neat to see so many of the blogs I enjoy reading mentioned.

  13. I crown thee Flea Queen! Love the porch and that Flea Market style mag is fabulous. Congratulations for your spot in it! Well deserved, Kelley!
    xo Isa

  14. So exciting Kelley!!! Way better than student council!
    xo J~

  15. congrats. your photography is really beautiful!

  16. CONGRATS!!!! I'm off to hunt it down!!! ;)

  17. I love your pictures as always Kelley and congratulations! I'm sure it will be more than your wonderful blog gracing the pages of FMS sometime soon!

    Kat :)

  18. hi kelley,

    this does not surprise me at all. nope. you should be on the cover and of a much bigger publication. i'm not drunk or kidding when i say this. you are an amazing decorator! and person too.


  19. Congratulations Kelley! This is great news and you do a great job! xo Caroline

  20. Congratulations Kelley. You deserve it! And by the way, what could be better than reading this magazine with a glass of wine! Your Vons is our Safeway. Guess where I'm headed?

  21. It is a great magazine and CONGRATS!!

  22. How wonderful! Congratulations, my fellow wine lover. I will be looking for this magazine at the grocer's tomorrow.

  23. BELATED CONGRATULATIONS! and I will be running out of the office at lunch today to find this issue!!

  24. Well congratulations Kelley! well deserved! It's nice to know somebody famous :) your blog is fabulous and you deserve this and more!



  25. how impressive!! congrats!! why ever would you be surprised?? you rock!!


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