Winter Veggie Garden Goodness


 On the menu:

bok choi
  1. Oh those look great Kellie! Especially that bok choy. With that deep freeze we had here, my veggies have been slow to start growing again but with the weather finally warming up I see a lot more veggies in our future! xo Caroline

  2. Hi Kelley,

    Your veggies look so healthy. I'm going to be putting in a veggie garden, the sooner the better as the prices are always going up and after the floods in Queensland, more so. I hope the veggies I grow look half as good as yours. Yours look like they've come from the garden of 'It's Complicated'!!!!!!!

    Congratulations to you Kelley for your magazine blog mention!!

    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  3. my mouth is watering ...
    6-8 servings a day!

  4. Oh my goodness!!! I just can't wait to get my hands in the dirt!!! Spring just has to come soon for me:)

  5. they look wonderful!! Great job!;) Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  6. Kelley--do you have any direct shots of the front of your Ojai home? We just put an offer on a house that I think could use some "Kelley inspired ideas". Right now, the house is all white but with some awful greenish trim. I'm thinking of painting all trim white and adding black shutters (like I have here at home). Any ideas about what to do with a house that sits a bit on a hill with a covered porch but you have to walk up a set of stairs first to get to the front door? (No wonderful chance of adding a great rock porch like you have because the porch is wood and raised up off the ground.

  7. Oh my gosh, you are soooo making me miss my Wednesday morning stroll through the Farmers Market!


    I hate Midwest winters. I am missing life.

    And fresh carrots.



  8. Your photography is amazing. I can almost taste the vegetables!
    Mary Ann

  9. Oh how I miss California gardening. All I can do now is dream until warmer weather. Your garden inspires me! Thank you for posting. Linda

  10. WOW!! those photos are real stunners. And I seriously think you could have a side income selling these to a "stock photo" catalog.

    (I don't even remember what fresh veggies look like here in dreary cold New England right now.)

  11. I have GOT to learn how to garden! My garden is a funny thing right now - everything is pretty puny right now and then I have a GIGANTIC artichoke plant that is honestly taking over the whole area. It's like attack of the killer artichoke!
    xo, Melissa

  12. Hi Kelley. I am a new visitor and so love your blog. I am trying to my hand at veggies gardening and I am so excited. I look forward to reading more in the future.

    Angie @ Linen & Verbena

  13. I'm having veggie envy!
    But in a couple of months, I can begin my own garden.
    I have great luck with broccoli, which tastes sooo much better than store-bought. I also do well with zucchini, bibb lettuce and swiss chard. My mouth is watering! Love a from-the-yard salad!


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