A Big Thank you!

About a week ago I received a really nice email from Layla Palmer.

What a nice surprise...
that Layla...yep...
Somehow she discovered my blog and asked to do a little post about it!!!!
What? Are you kidding me?
The Lettered Cottage was one of the very first blogs I started to follow and 
I still read as many posts as I can manage to get to.
She and her husband Kevin are a wonderfully talented couple,
super cute and full of energy. 
 I love the videos of the two of them with crow bars and nail guns.  
It's very funny stuff.
They are also contributing editors for Flea Market Style magazine,
which is just one of the many projects they have going on.  
Just read Layla's blog...it is amazing what she can fit in on any given day.

She manages to keep it fresh and fun... always!
 Her post was about our house at the beach...
the one we sold with everything in it, 
and the little rancher in Ojai we are renovating.
She really captured the details and the story...
which I know is a bit confusing at times.
Sometimes I'm even confused!
You can read the post here!
So... thank you so much for the feature Layla.

I will do my best to 
 keep it interesting and more importantly
I always try to keep it real!



  1. That's how I found your blog:) Looking forward to catching up...I love your decor style!

  2. Cool, Kelley! I know you love what you do but what's better than being recognized for it?!

  3. I'm a new follower from TLC. I've had your kitchen from your previous house saved in my files as inspiration for my eventual makover for several months! So glad to finally know where it came from!

  4. it won't be long till the whole world knows about you! you are beyond talented kelley. xoxo

  5. It's wonderful to see you given credit and to be spotlighted on such a great blog. I'm so excited for you! Your home was beautiful and the condo is coming along beautifully as well! I'm so happy for you!

  6. Bopped over from the post she did about you. What a beautiful home and an exciting new adventure you are on! Isn't it the best making something beautiful. Looks like you have a fun new project to work on:)

  7. I saw the post on Lettered Cottage and as I often do...I glanced through before reading and thought..."Hey I recognize that fabulousness." Sure enough...it was your old home. I guess I am confused....I knew you were in a rental while you looked for another house but somehow I didn't realize you are fixing up a house in Ojai. Although I know you post about Ojai. That house was fantastic. I'm still amazed that you could let it go with all it's furniture and accessories. It was so so so pretty...but what kind of people just move into a house full of someone else's things? I think that so strange. Unless it's a vacation home...oh....I guess maybe it is ...isn't it? That makes sense.

  8. I wandered over from TLC as well and I am SO glad I did. Wow!! You have inspired me in decorating, but especially now with my garden. I am now a follower of you and your beautiful blog!!

  9. Woohoo!! Well deserved my dear :)
    Now wipe your lovely dirty gardening hands and do a curtsy ;)

  10. That is great Kelley! I agree with Grace, it's just a matter of time!



  11. I fell in love with your house... that is now sold. Gorgeous! Love love love. Can't wait to see what you do with your *new* place! Found my way via TLC. =)

  12. Found you at The Lettered Cottage and WOW what a beautiful home you sold! I don't think I could have left it. I'm going to stick around and see your next project. In the meantime I'll be browsing your blog!

  13. I jumped over from TLC and will definitely be back. Your work is amazing and I love that it's simple and repurposed.

  14. I am also over from Layla's blog. Your place is to die for! I have been reading through your posts this evening and am loving your garden. I should be working out in the yard this weekend but am afraid I will now be hooked on reading all your posts...especially liked your reality check on the garden from It's Complicated. Can't wait to see more!

  15. Congratulations
    your blog is fabulous and I love
    how there is a sense of joy about your posts


  16. Couldn't agree more with TLC's post and the comments above. Your style is impeccable and your blog looks fantastic. I can't wait to dig into it for more:) Just subscribed:)

  17. hi kelley,

    i will go read the post but i already know that it is fabulous. you really are the best and your home(s) should all be in whatever the biggest publication is these days. you have the magic touch my dear. don't you ever get tired of making me jealous?


  18. A very well deserved feature if I do say so myself... you have amazing style!

  19. I found your blog thru Layla and am thrilled You are both so talented. It's a nice change from my food blog to read about interior and exterior design by such talented folks.

  20. Awesome Kelley....now the world will know of your talents :)

  21. So glad to find you through Layla. I used to read another blog from someone doing the same thing in Ojai which I lost track of so doubling glad to find yours!

  22. Wait, I think you're it! So happy to find you again!

  23. Kelley that is so cool! I love how she captured your photos and labeled them....her blog is one of the first ones I began to read along with Cote de Texas & Pure Style Home....
    you are right up there girl. Your blog has always inspired me in so many ways.
    Steven and I are "stalking" your garden photos because in the new house (shh) we want to do rock gardens like yours with paths in between.

    And please tell me, did you grow those gorgeous ranunculus flowers too?! They are so beautiful!

  24. Just clicked off, then went to read my other fave and very first blog I started to read, along with your blog: Velvet and Linen.
    Forgot to add to my message above! All of you are a very talented group of women!

  25. Came over from The Lettered Cottage! After seeing your amazing talents for decorating a home I couldn't resist! I will definitely be following along to see all your fun updates to your new place!
    LOVE your style! :)

  26. Kelley,
    I don't remember how I found you, it was definitely a mention by one of the other blogs I read, but in the few short months I've read you I have thoroughly enjoyed your site. I was surprised and happy to hear you had lived in my "neck of the woods"---CDM is a few minutes drive from my Irvine home and one of my favorite beach towns.
    Thanks for your wonderful posts.

  27. Count me in as your latest stalker, er, follower!

    I am in love with your old house and looking forward to seeing what you do with the new!

  28. I'm so glad that you were featured so that I could find you! In love with your style. I'm your newest follower! = )

  29. Layla & Kevin are the reason I found your blog too. Looking forward to interesting & inspiring things from The Polished Pebble!

  30. Such a well deserved feature on you Kelley!! I'll head over and check it out now.
    Happy Friday my friend.

  31. I've been following Layla's blog for years, and know that when she makes a recommendations, it's gonna be a GOOD one!! :) So glad she pointed us in your direction... I can see I'm going to like it here!!

    Have a blessed weekend! <><

  32. Just found you from the TLC - your blog is just beautiful! Your old home was picture perfect. So excited to be your newest follower!!


  33. kelley i know all of us here in san diego are itching to meet you as well!!!! we need to set something up soon:)

  34. over from the lettered cottage. love your style, lots of inspiration!!!

  35. Kelley! What an incredible recognition for your amazing talent!! I'm so glad that I'll be able to say - "I "knew" Kelley way back when...." hehe : )


  36. You and your talent are just becoming so famous! Well it's about time...this is well deserved and so exciting!
    xo J~

  37. Congratulations on the feature - I'm a new follower of yours who found you because of The Lettered Cottage's article. Your work is fabulous and I'll be back often! :O)

  38. Maybe I'm partial but I'm not surprised she knows about your blog!! Never confused always interested and more than anything INSPIRED!! ;)

  39. Love, love the pops of color you use in your houses! I love white WITH color and now lots of people are just doing white and gray. But please don't forget to feature your garden OFTEN - we LOVE it!

  40. I am in love with your style and I found you through Layla!

    Can't wait to read more and sit and drool over your amazing home!



  41. Awesome. Love the photos. I will pop over and check it out.

    and welcome to all new readers over from The Lettered Cottage...
    ...you ain't seen nothing yet! Kelley has the best eye in the business!


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