A Few More Photos of Catalina

Just a few more photos of Santa Catalina Island...
I met two wonderful women last summer and guess who I ran into the minute we got to shore?
  Meg is on the left.  She owns a wonderful gift store called Golden State, full of items from local artisans.  
She herself being an amazing one!  
And her friend on the right is Angie.  Angie and her husband own Dingy Docks which sells Eco-friendly products and organic foods.  You can also  get boat parts which makes me laugh but somehow makes total sense. 
This is Megs work.  I bought these tea towels which she screens her designs on. These are the famous flying fish of Catalina.  
 I used them for pillows which  I forgot to tell Meg about. 
Meg...they turned out great!
No trip would be complete with out a souvenir of some sort
Look at this store and look at what I bought....Don't you love it?
I was thinking of getting a whole set until I turned the plate over.
The lodging seems to be getting a bit more upscale here.  They have done a nice job with this hotel.
The old school retro stuff is what I really enjoy.  
This bus takes you on a scenic tour for about an hour.  It comes equipped with oscillating fans and those huge windows and skylights. 
 You really have to wonder how they got this huge thing over here. 
 But then again, there are Buffalo on the island too.
More weird tours.  I bet the old Casino building is haunted
This is Descanso bay below.  
All new cabanas and chaise lounges with food service too.  
Very Mediterranean looking.
This is paradise for kayaking and diving.
Greg and I always try to walk as much as we can.  The back streets are usually the most interesting.
How about that green paint WOW
A bit like stepping back to the 50's I think
We walked up to the country club. 
 This is an ideal spot for a Wedding, very picturesque and lush with lots of huge old palm and eucalyptus trees
And the people watching is the best part....
I have absolutely no idea why or what this was about but it's much better than television.
Poor Millie. 
 She was so waterlogged after three days of swimming.  
She will probably sleep for about 24 hours and then be ready for her next adventure.  
Sorry about the dirty socks and boat shoes. Comes with the territory. 
Don't forget to enter the giveaway on the previous post.

Thanks for stopping by and your comments are so great!  
Feel free to email me if you have any questions about a trip to Santa Catalina Island.


have a great week


  1. Hi Kelley,
    I've never been to Catalina! Thanks for the tour. Poor Millie looks a little water logged! Enjoy your week. --Delores

  2. It looks beautiful. All of the colors look great but I LOVE the flamingo-colored cottage the most. Thanks for the tour! steve

  3. Looks like a really beautiful place!
    I love those super cute pillows:) :)

  4. I just love Catalina. We have friends who own a home there and they go every year. I should see if they rent it some time. Isn't it a relaxing place? I don't think you can help but enjoy your time there with all the great places to walk to and all the wonderful little cottages. And, I love that there are no autos there...only golf cars. Do you stay on the island or in your boat when you go? What a luxury to have a boat! Isn't it about 50 miles or so from Long Beach to Catalina (or is it less?)

  5. I love looking at these pictures. I feel like it is a travel brochure! The little rose cottage is too cute. Not my taste, but I have an appreciation for a homeowner who takes great care and consideration of their decorating.

    Now don't make fun, but are there really flying fish that look like that? Or is that just a saying? In the midwest (I am now in the South) we have "fish flies". But no flying fish!

    Also, I am dying to know what that photo shoot of your home was for... hee hee.

  6. What a trip- it has been a few years since we have been there- the colors are so pretty and bright- we were on a cruise so didnt get a chance to see all of that- nice seeing what else is there- that casino looks os cool-and would love to go on the ghost tour-how cool would that be- Great blog- just became a follower- like the seeing it through your eyes-

  7. Hi Teri, Yes it's a bit father from Long Beach than Newport but generally takes about an hour by boat. The golf carts are everywhere but you really can walk to everything. Avalon is really small. We "boat camp" on the boat because we have a fridge and BBQ and all the goodies necessary to enjoy a long weekend. We also have a water maker! Yes..... we make our own water from sea water.

    Hi Liz, they are really flying fish or really more like jumping fish. But they pop out of the water around dusk. They have a Flying Fish Festival the first weekend in June!

    Hi Gracefully Vintage, and thanks for following! The cruise ships are a great way to get here and you can make reservations for activities on the boat before you get off. I was told by my friends that the number one item purchased in Catalina by tourist is a shot glass! There are bars everywhere!

  8. I lived in California for 18 years and never once got to Catalina....so thank you...I feel like I've had a mini vacation, it's wonderful!

    Millie is so adorable...I know how labs love the water, they'd stay in it forever if they could.

    xo J~

  9. You made me laugh out loud with that plate! I loved the tour! Thanks!

  10. Never been there. But what a charming place!

  11. I'm saving this one in my Travel files....precious place....
    thx for sharing Kelley!


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