A Gift from Me to You

I cannot begin to express how much fun I have had working on this little blog thing for the last few months.  First off I never thought anyone would actually read it...except maybe my sister in law (who also happens to be a Kelly)  but you found me somehow and have made me smile every time I read a comment.  So here's the deal.  I want you to have Mr Grainy here: 

This is a wonderful vintage feedsack that I had made for a friend/client for a kitchen banquette.  We ended up not using it because we had too many pillows!  Can you believe it.... too many!

It  measures 18x29 and has great graphics.  You can use a king sized pillow for the fill which works perfectly.  We did the welting in the grain sack fabric too and it has  a zipper on the short end.
Here is the back with the stripes ( greyish blue and salmon)
This one looks especially fun with ticking and would be wonderful on the bed too. 
So just leave a comment on this post and next Friday I will announce the winner.  Nothing very scientific, I will put everybody's name in a fish bowl and have my husband pull one out!

A huge and heartfelt thank you to all my readers and followers!

Love you all


  1. Wouldn't you know? I have a bed and bedding calling out to Mr. Grainy! Come to Oregon, come to Bend, the mountains are calling .......

  2. oh, so lovely! i enjoy your blog and am excited about this post!! ;)


  3. Ooooooo! Yes ma'am! Sign me up, Please!? I found a grain sack in Massachusettes at Brimfield last year - but I ended up sending it to Isa. This one will look fab on my sofa with the new lighter summer look, and perfect for my guest room during the winter - so it'll get plenty of use! :) Keeping my fingers crossed!

  4. Yippee! Please throw my name in the hat for the grain sack pillow! I definitely think it should live with me because although I live in Maryland now, I'm an Ohio girl, born and raised! So, it's only fitting that the Cincinnati pillow go to a girl that would truly appreciate it!

    Thank you!


  5. Well, I live just 30 miles north of Cincinnati, so I hope I'm lucky enough to win!

  6. Mr. Grainy will look so nice here in the Sierra Nevada Foothills. Just his style, to be sure. He will have blue and white ticking waiting to greet him as the package is delivered to my door. You are great...your photos are great...you make me want to paint the outside of my house white and have another remodel on my kitchen. Why didn't I think about that great stove??? Why didn't I think about that great animal hide rug??? Because...I hadn't found you yet. Now, post some more things so that I can get inspired again, will you? I'm waiting here in the rainy foothills...waiting to be Kelly Inspired!! Thanks.

  7. A new blog, how exciting, good luck, you'll have fun. I enjoy reading other blogs, that I forget to update mine. I would love to be included in this wonderful giveaway.
    Blessings, Cheryl

  8. You know I love grainsacks - add me the list!! I really enjoy your blog and look forward to your posts - so glad I found you and now more than just your s-i-l is reading!! Hurray!!

  9. What a great pillow. I have my fingers crossed. I Love your blog. I just did a post the other day about great new blogs, I have found and yours is one I featured. Sorry, I am just now getting around to telling you:)
    you can check it out here http://happynester.blogspot.com/2010/02/places-you-definitely-want-to-visit.html
    Thanks Monica

  10. Just found your Blog. Love it. good work

  11. Me, me, oh please pick me! Although I need another pillow like a hole in the head. Would love to win this though.
    I know how you feel about blogging. Can you believe it is this much fun? When I first started in November, my sister-in-law and biggest fan was my only "follower". I still can't believe anyone cares what I have to say, but it sure is fun reading their comments. It has truly brought out a creative side I didn't know I had. I can see that is so with you too when I read your blog. You have a lot to say and say it well and that is what people love. Plus, your homes and ideas rock! Thanks for following me!

  12. Hmmm,,Is this the start of clearing out all your gunny sacks Kelley?lol,,I'm in ,,think I have a perfact home for ito n my screened in deck,on the bed of course!! Thanks for keeping it simple & stylish,it works! Linda

  13. I'm thrilled to have discovered your blog -- and would be equally thrilled to win your drawing! My guest room is calling out for it :) Cyndi

  14. Love your blog and your home. The new zebra rug completes the room. I also would love the grain sack pillow. It would look great on my couch. Thanks Julie

  15. Hi Kelley,

    Even though I'm half a world away, I hope I'm still okay to enter. Please Mr. Grainy, you LOVE to travel don't you??? Love this grain sack Kelley, I don't have one only admired from afar. Better go and pick the kids up from the bus. Thanks for this generous prize. Good luck everyone!!!
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  16. love your blog. love the cushion. would love to win. so generous of you. keep going with your wonderful blog. chris from andthisisthereasonwhy.blogspot.com

  17. Hi Kelley,
    How fun! I would love to have Mr. Grainy join me in my bedroom:) In fact, I just got new bedding (white) and we (well, mostly my husband:)) added crown molding and have been painting today! Would love to add this to our room--I think I mentioned on your other post that I've long admired the grain sack look but never made the "jump". Very sweet of you to offer this to one of your readers, Kelley!

    P.S. I have a feeling your blog is going to grow by leaps and bounds this year! (and will be read by more than just Kelly's (i's ey's:))

  18. Pick me, pick me. I love your random number generator - a fishbowl! Thanks for the chance.

  19. Love, love, love your blog and love all the photos of your beautiful home. My favorite photos are of your beautiful kitchen. You have me glued to the screen and I am so happy with each new post. Love the grainsack pillow and could definetly find a spot for it in my home. Keep up the awesome work and thanks!!

  20. sign me up too Kelley!
    would love for Mr. Grainsack to join us in Austin!
    nice pillow.. also, love the linen pillow pictured next to it too, is that a Belgian linen or one I could order (Kravet?)....love the nubby texture of the linen...please share if it's something i can still order!
    Thx for sharing a great giveaway!!

  21. I am certain Mr. Grainy and I would make the perfect match. Let me give him a try. -sheree

  22. Mr. Grainy - please come to Boston! (well actually Lynn,MA just 10 miles north!)there is a nice spot waiting for you in my 1951 cape!
    LOVE your blog and so glad that you are having fun!
    I am an interior design student and you have truly inspired me - thanks

  23. Hi to every one! I can't wait to see who wins. We will have to guilt the winner into submitting a photo of "Mr Grainy" in his new home, don't you think?

    Have a great day


  24. I would love to win the extra pillow :)
    Cindy from Dartmouth NS Canada

  25. Such a gorgeous pillow! I would love to win it. Just found your blog last week and spent a couple hours looking through all of your posts. I love your blog and subscribed immediately.

  26. please put my name in the drawing......love your blog....and love feed sacks too!!!

  27. I just recently found your blog & I love your style! I think this would look just perfect on my bed.

  28. I'm so happy to have found your blog...you have beautiful style...and I always look forward to seeing what your gonna post about next...and how sweet of you to share this with us.

  29. absolutely love your blog! just found it. don'tcha love it when that happens? your kitchen re-do is FANTASTIC!!!

  30. Kara, thank you for finding my blog! I will enjoy each and every comment you leave and please leave as many as possible. I love honesty the most!


    Andrea: how are the babies? I want some so bad!

    Wesla: I am leaving the "fish bowl" pick up to Mr P P. He's
    a very nice man and I am trying to get him to have his picture taken when he picks the winner!

    Laraine: your in girl!

    Amber: thank you so much! This is really fun and I can't wait to see who wins.

    HI Cindy, How cold is it in Dartmouth right now, we are a bunch of babies here!

  31. ohhh I stumbled onto your blog through willow decor! LOVE these pillows!

  32. Thank you for the opportunity! So nice of you to offer this giveaway.

    I love the peeks into your home that you give us. Beautiful!

  33. Sign me up! Love your blog and all of your great collections, especially the jadite!

  34. Since I'm stuck here with a broken leg and can't go anywhere, I would just love that Mr. Grainey pillow to gaze upon!


  35. Just discovered your blog about five minutes ago! It's on my "favorites" already.I'll be spending the morning reading prior posts. Such great ideas. Thanks!

  36. I think Mr Grainey would be happy here on the farm-count me in! Barbara

  37. Mr. Grainy puts the awe in awesome. We have a navy blue couch -- how I wish it was off-white, instead -- but who knew in 1998? Mr. Grainy might lighten things up a tad, don'tchathink? Nice job sewing, with the cording and zipper!

  38. HI Kelley,

    Am I too late? I hope not~


  39. Hi Kelley,
    Doing as I'm told and leaving a comment. I've been away in Melbourne for a couple of days and I'm doing a little catch-up! Can't wait to see who wins Mr. Grainy!!!
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  40. Love the pillow! Just stumbled across your blog not too long ago and I am really enjoying myself :)

  41. Really enjoyed your blog. I love this pillow, and did I read right you made it? Do you have anymore? I would love to buy one. I live across the river from Cincinnati.

  42. Hi Bristol, I actually have a wonderful upholsterer that I use for my pillows. Go to ebay to find some feed sacks, there are usually quite a few to be found!

    3 Peanuts & The Chick: So glad you found me : )


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