Fall: the gardeners favorite season

Fall is definitely "the" season for gardening
the weather is really mild
the nights turn cool and the garden slows down
the fall veggies seem more interesting 
and things that were slow in the summer months 
now are the stars
winter vegetables seem to have 
very fall-ish colors too
I still am harvesting tomatoes...but this is just about the end
lettuce love the fall...just sow it right into your beds
the last of the summer blooms...just about done
lots of purple and white 

and some orange ....now that shouts that fall is here!
 the birds and insects 
seem to be really active right now...but they will slow down soon
 we have also had an amazing amount 
of monarch butterflies this month
 they really don't like having their picture taken...I did my best
this is the time of year we dig up many of our perennials 
and divide them to use in other spots in the garden
Gazania happens to be one
that is very easy to divide 
and is really drought tolerant 
and the colors are great!
I don't remember the name of this last flower...but it is so beautiful and the hummingbirds love it

hope the fall is making you smile

happy gardening

  1. Hej Kelley
    Everything looks lovely just lovely.
    Thanks for sharing!
    LOVE PEACE enJOY your Autumn garden

  2. This post was inspiring... I'm getting out of my chair right now and heading out to my little garden. Yours is just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. I love the green beans. You must be a bit warmer than we are - we had our first frost warning last night. Still I have a few watermelons, eggplant, and green peppers hanging in there. Cheers to a beautiful fall!

  4. Awesome! Love a glimpse in your garden!

  5. Kelly, could you believe the weather in Ojai! It was beautiful. A little hot, but nice. Love the pictures of your garden. I gave you the versatile award on your blog. Check it out on my blog.Thanks

  6. Gorgeous photos of a gorgeous garden!

  7. Beautiful photos! Oh, to live someplace with such a long growing season. We've been having frost at night for several weeks already. Always love seeing pics of your garden! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful photos. As a non-gardener, I must live vicariously through the likes of youl


  9. Kelley, just found your wonderful blog...I am your newest follower! Where are you in socal I wonder; in Ojai? Of to see more of your posts....love love the gardens....

  10. Your fall garden is beautiful as are your photographs!!

  11. Beautiful photos! The colors and sunlight on everything is amazing! I would love to be cooking with your bounty of fall fruits and vegetables!

  12. Wonderful photos! I have been so busy this last week (day job + midterms at school =no sleep) that I haven't even been in the backyard for 5 days. We had our first light frost last night and I am worried about my basil - was holding out as long as possible to pick it all and make pesto for the freezer - hope it is still alive!

  13. Your photos are stunning Kelley~ bravo! My roses are going crazy right now and of course there are mums everywhere. Love this time of year.

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