Things to Collect

Many times I have been asked where I find some of my vintage collections
 and how do I know what to look for?
Here's the simple answer....start small, with a couple of good ideas in your head, look everywhere and build your collection in groups.  
It only takes 3 items to be a collection!
A few favorites:

Hubley door stops and banks
or any unmarked 
vintage paperweight type of thing

 galvanized things

 seltzer bottles or interesting colored glass
 vintage yard games

 interesting trunks, luggage and wicker 
vintage fabric

 architectural fragments
small hand made objects
 garden trugs

yellow ware 
or any heavy chunky pottery

interesting buckets

 Americana...flags and bunting

 shovels and pitch forks

 cute folding chairs
wicker wrapped jugs and bottles

Hoosier jars
Children's toys and furniture

vintage home-keeping

dairy and farm

vintage kitchen

wonderful graphic signs
and finally....
if you happen to come across a collection of like items 
that are interesting and a good price...
buy them!
these are vintage oil cans for farm machinery
 and have wonderful colors and patina
there were a total of 16 cans, 
which I got for 65 dollars....about 4 bucks per can
but as a collection they are really interesting

hope your find your perfect 

collectible this week!

more collecting ideas to follow.....


  1. You have a real knack for collecting things, Kelley. The only things I think I've successfully collected is my vintage picnic baskets. The other things I've collected end up looking too junky. I think there is a fine line and you know how to walk that line perfectly.

  2. Hi Amber! Well, let's just say that I have made every person at the Good Will question why I am buying a pancake beater, or some other weird thing!

    And there is that fine line of a bit too junky, but, you get it!

    I love your picnic baskets!

    cheers, kel

  3. Great advice! Now, can I come shop for collectables at your house because you didn't show one single thing that I didn't want!

    Kat :)

  4. A few of your collections are a little rustic for me but I could certainly incorporate the trugs and the signs in my home. I noticed a beautiful yellow and white quilt in the background of one of the photos. Now there's something I love. You have a great eye for what works.

  5. Ahhh. Stunning collections. I think you are a farm girl at heart.

    I am lately collecting magnifying glass...probably cause I can't see as well these days. sigh.

  6. Love the vintage dogs. Just read an article about a collector in Modern Dog magazine online.

  7. Kelly, you need to publish a book with all your beautiful ideas. There unique and artistic.

  8. As always, you are such an inspiration. I love it all. That yellow quilt is just gorgeous! I'm wondering when we get the "whole new house" tour? Anytime soon.

  9. Love this post!! Love the farm oil cans (we live on a farm:) So where do you find all these treasures???

  10. I love the cart with the basket in the laundry room! If you ever decide to part with it, please may it have a home in mine?

  11. Wonderful post!! Lots of great ideas. You are right-it takes 3 to have a collection-what inspiration!
    Heidi @

  12. Hi Kelley -
    You have such a great eye. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  13. i love your collections...i sometimes think that collections choose day you see something you love...the next week you run across something similar and buy it...and then the next week, up pops another one...and collection is born.

  14. Very Nice!! :-)

  15. I love collecting but my house is FULL - so I don't even stop at the yard sales anymore...I can't buy what I can't see right!!


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