Segretto's Organization Challenge

What do you do when you have too much stuff?

Well...most of us usually cleverly hide away things in a drawer or closet 
until it reaches the point of bursting 

We have cute names for these areas like:
the junk drawer 
the drunk drawer
the knick knack...brick a brack... stuff and jumble closet
and the ever popular 
clutter bug room...
known as the the place where everyone seems to 
drop their stuff 
leave it there 
and then run off to another location in the house (usually the kitchen) 
at the speed of sound 

I for one 
cannot live with out a junk drawer or even two
but I'm an organizer at heart 

Most of my favorite houses have been quite small 
so organizing the stuff of life has taken on epic proportions at times,
sort of like fitting the Titanic into a dinghy

I love a challenge 
...especially when it involves baskets, boxes, files and labels

So I agreed to share a little project I'm helping with 
and link to the amazing creativity of some other talented organizers too
thanks to Leslie and her team at Segretto

My project is helping a young twenty something couple create an office organization space 
using a basic Ikea wardrobe

We start with this

 the Ikea Pax wardrobe system 
which retails for around $275

They already owned this and when they moved into a lager apartment with more closet space this became the perfect item to use for a new office/creative organization area

It will contain:
his...hers...and joint files
a printer
all of their office supplies...pens, paper, tape etc
a spot for daily mail
a spot for keys, wallets and cell phones
software and miscellaneous data equipment
crafting supplies
gift wrap and stationary
table linens, candles and a few vases for flowers... 
and since they live in a big city with great shopping
food and fun...
lots of shopping bags

the goal is to have all of the usually untidy and crazy odds and ends 
organized in a single location that works for a busy couple

above is the old wardrobe with
a few new modifications....
2 new drawers
a pull out shelf for the printer 
and multiple additional shelves for storage

 this Ikea wardrobe can be completely customized 

 the wardrobe is fitted with two mirrored exterior doors which also will add a nice visual too their dining area when the doors are closed

as you can see we are just getting started...but just wait

all of the filing system is clear with bight colored folders
in colors of kiwi, orange and blue

the interior of the doors are fitted with magnetic memo boards for snapshots, 
business cards and a quick note to each other

and we purchased these dog magnets because 
they have a new puppy named Bruno..and he's very cute

we are almost done  
but we have a few more items to take care of 

please stop by for my next post 
too see the finished project completed

its awesome..well not quite as awesome as Bruno, but we will try!

In the mean time check out these talented 
and very organized bloggers:

Kristy @ Design Chic
Sandy and Sarah @ L/E journal
Julie & Danni @ TG Interiors

me and my very organized crew



  1. Wonderful ideas...and how cute are those dog magnets! I have a few junk drawers and can't imagine life without them but admit there is nothing quite as nice as having a spot for everyhing and having it all be super organized!!

    1. Junk drawer lovers unite! There acutely is a blog called the junk drawer project where people show their drawers (junk that is) and tell you whats actually in it! It's really funny

      xo kelley

  2. I can't wait to see the finished product. You really are fitting so much in. I love the dog magnets and pretty bright colors!! Thanks so much for participating in the challenge!!! xo Leslie

    1. Hi Leslie! Yes we are putting a lo tin there but the cabinet is quite deep so it all work out great. We should have it all wrapped up this week so I will post the finish project.
      And thanks so much for initing me to participate! xo Kelley

  3. It looks amazing already…can't wait to see more. I adore the filing system in the clear boxes with the bright colored files!!

    1. I love the clear files too and think I will get some for my office area. They look really pretty all filled up!

      xo kelley

  4. Yes, it does look amazing and so many creative ideas in this project. It will be really fun to see it complete. A lot of work but so worth it.

  5. Kelley, a great job with this basic IKEA piece. The transformation and customization is perfect! Love the dog magnets too!

    The Arts by Karena

    1. Hi Karena....I know the dog magnets are so cute! They both loved the magnet and note board idea too ; o ))


  6. OK…I have to see how you are going to get ALL those things in there! Got to love IKEA for so many reasons!


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