OK so here I go.  After reading so many really great posts from others out there, I have launched my new adventure.  I am calling it the Polished Pebble.  It seems fitting in that so many things in life that have a rough veneer can turn into something really exceptional.  Most people are like that.  A house can be like that and so can a garden.  Sometimes the things I cook in my kitchen are really not very appetizing to look at but taste just great.  This blog will mostly be about the things around me and my family.  The things we enjoy doing and seeing.  It may serve as inspiration or irritation depending on your point of view.  Oh well you can't please everyone.  I haven't decided on my first idea to share but I think it will be about ticking fabric and vintage textiles, two of my favorite things!  Cheers and best to all that follow~*~ Kelley
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  1. Kelley, you know that i have always loved your simple elegance and wonderful taste. I will be paying attention although it would be better if you could just come and fix everything for me. You have great insight and i will be looking forward to your posts. I have added you to my Yahoo blog following.

  2. You certainly have been an inspiration to me. Funny, when I first started my blog I scoured yours to read your first post. It is kind of weird writing your first post. I never was able to find yours, or maybe I didn't look hard enough. Glad you shared it again. Have a great weekend!



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