eBay and me...we go way back.
I enjoy looking and I use eBay to find specific collectables; it is the worlds largest antique mall after all. Most of the time I really don't feel like I have snagged anything really wonderful, but that was not the case last month when I found this collection of vintage field pressings.
This was a collection of botanicals pressed and mounted in a Herbarium book with the specimens identified both in the common and scientific names as well as the habitat. These are the work of Helen Herr for her students at Hanging Grove High School in McCorpsburg, Indiana dated 1928.
I just about died when I looked through the book. Each pressing is 11x16 and there was a total of about 30, all in amazing condition. I love her handwriting and how she identifies where she found the plants: roadside, woods, fields.
I had 21 of the best framed in these simple grey-green 1" frames. All of the plants have that wonderful faded color and the paper has darkened brown edges. The identification plates are really great as well and are noted Hanging Grove High School.
When I laid these all out on my kitchen counter I was so amazed. There was so much time and care put into each pressing and every one was different and special.
In the last three years I have yet to find the right art for this long windowless wall in my dining room but these are great here; hung in 3 rows of 7
And just when I thought I would never find anything good on eBay again.....
I feel so proud to have Helen's work hanging here in my dining room;
thank you Helen