Lights to Love: Chandeleirs by Madeleine Boulesteix


There are certain things that when you spot them it just takes your breath away.  That was the case when I came across these fantastic, romantic chandeliers by a London based artist named Madeleine Boulesteix

Her work is an amazing example of the "rethink, reuse, recycle" artistic process that has become a new and wonderful addition to design

All of her pieces are made using tea cups, vintage facetted crystals and kitchen cast offs which when combined together turn into these amazing lights

She views her pieces as a way to "create, recreate & entertain"
Many use jelly molds and biscuit cutters as well as silverware and toast racks

These shown here are not electric but simply lit with a tea light.  It's almost like hanging jewelry from the ceiling

I think these are just so beautiful and inspiring.  The next time I'm at the flea market and come across some old vintage kitchen finds I know I will think of her work.
Please go to her web site and read her story.  It is so interesting and creative, I know you will enjoy it!
  1. How creative and novel this is. I absolutely love them. Do you know what they typically run and if she sells them through any distributor?

  2. Oh these are fun! :) I don't think that they'd fit in our decor, but I love seeing these artful creations! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have an email into Madeleineand will let you know what her pieces are priced at. I would love to have one!

  4. How fun are those...thay have a gypsy feel to them...lov'em!

  5. fantastic!
    subtle - you almost don't realized that they are re-purposed items on some of them.

  6. Anon, Artie, Andrea and Carol: I'm glad you like these. I bet they are even more beautiful up close.

    xo kelley

  7. What gorgeous compliments - Thank you!, yes e-mail me via my website for current price list. I'm in London so shipping fragile stuff to the States does push the budget up. However, if you visit London you can arrange to visit the studio. I just started a blog too, google blogesteix for my news.
    Cheers Madeleine

  8. Kelley,
    LOVE the chandy's....very sweet and beautiful.
    When I go to London, I will definitely look for her studio. My husband has family there and we might go back there soon. Shipping anything from there is so high and especially a fragile piece.
    Thanks for sharing her beautiful work.
    All the best,


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