Great Gift Ideas Under $50: #3 The Free Wheelchair Mission


This is by far the best gift I have seen this year...
For $59.20 you are giving the gift of mobility, opportunity, possibility and hope...

 Years ago Don Schoendorfer and his wife were vacationing in Morocco and witnessed a disabled woman dragging herself across a dirt road...there began a journey to bring mobility to disabled and impoverished people throughout the world.  
Don has a PHD from MIT and eventually left a successful career in the biomedical industry to found the non-profit,
Don began tinkering with ideas in his garage and eventually came up with this simple and successful design.
The idea was to build a wheelchair from inexpensive, readily available components, therefore reaching the highest number of people in the shortest amount of time.
Today they have shipped 540,550 wheelchairs!
This is an amazing story and an even more amazing gift.

It is hard to wrap my arms around the concept of any individual without the basic concept of mobility or the possibility of a full life, because we are so blessed in our nation. 

But this is the best gift I will give to my family this year and I vow to give at least two chairs every holiday for as long as this project is in place.
I hope you will do the same.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
Here is a link to send an e-gift

  1. Oh Kelley - what an amazing and inspiring post. Those pictures of the smiles speak a thousand words to my heart! Even the family members faces - my heart is smiling :D
    Thank you!

  2. What a beautiful blog and what a great post! Thank you for sharing!

  3. Kelley- I am going to search this project out a bit further. What a wonderful, wonderful kindness....Diana

  4. Isn't is great when someone sees a need and does what they can to fix it? We make something like this at our church but it has hand pedals so the person can get around independently. Great idea too!

  5. This leaves me speechless-wordless! Amazing thank you for sharing especially this time of year but actually all year round. xoCarol

  6. WOW! Thanks so much for letting us know about this amazing gift idea!! Hugs, Rachel

    *French Farmhouse 425*

  7. Seriously.....that is amazing!
    What a fantastic idea:)
    I am off to check it out!!!!!!!

  8. How inspiring is this?! I love projects like this....and look at those smiles, would'ja!!

    Thank you...passing it on to others...and will certainly donate

  9. An excellent posting! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Thank you for your wonderful comments...I agree, those smiles say it all!
    Happy gifting!

    xo kelley

  11. I love it when really smart people share" it." Great idea.

  12. Your generosity is inspiring Kelley. Great post! Merry Christmas!



  13. congrats! keep up the good work/this is a great presentation.
    Birthday Gift Ideas


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