Great Gift Ideas Under $50: #2

I love my dog
She makes me smile 
a lot

I love Harry Barker dog products too

The dog beds are the best and they look great in the house
These are a bit over $50 dollars but you can purchase the cover alone for around $65

These have been "wear tested" by Millie....
 and she says they are A-OK 
and super comfy 

A favorite new blog called Phetched is full of other great gifts for pets

Booba got some new shoes 
I'm not sure he likes them
He was hoping for a Harry Barker bed

  1. I am a total dog girl!!!
    I would love to get our girls a little Christmas gift like those beds but Ruby would just chew them to pieces!!! heehee!!!!!

  2. That is your "cutest" post ever! Love those pups! hugs- Diana

  3. LOL!!!!! Sooo cute, Kelley!!! Love those jingle bell collars! My little Maizie would look so cute in one of those! :)

    xoxo laurie

  4. Hey...if this doesn't make you laugh...well...

    you're not a dog owner

    I love BOOBA!

    thanks for the comments


  5. OK...I just spit my coffee all over the computer screen! That was laugh out loud funny....I am still giggling. I would put those on my dog just for entertainment! Hilarious! Again....FUNNY!

  6. LOL on BOOBA! Too cute! Luke will love this video...have you seen the one with the cats playing "patty cake"? It's adorable....then last nt Luke showed us the same video where some guys add conversation to the cats doing the pattycake....hilarious! You've got to look it up on UTube....

    love the rouched collars....would really love for Dylan to have one, so i might have to ck those out....

    you know i'm launching some dog beds soon...i had hoped by Christmas, but unfortunately it won't happen til maybe January....
    but mine are kinda sorta like these, but i'm hoping mine will be different....i guess there's umpteen dress designers, so there can be umpteen dog bed designers too, right??!
    Adorable post Kelley....I'm a huge pet lover and appreciate this article!

  7. Fun! LOVE the striped dog beds - definitely to check them out as soon as I'm finished here - I also have a large yellow lab who I think would be very comfortable and look very handsome on one of those!!

  8. OHHHH I wish I had a dog!! but maybe my three cats could learn to share a big dogbed - well two of them already do - one is a little cranky!

  9. haha! that video is great. i would love to buy my dog riley a dog bed, but she insists on sleeping on our couch/chair/bed. it's so annoying because she always takes the best seat in the house! hope you have a wonderful weekend! xo

  10. Nothing funnier than a dog wearing shoes, LOL! Love the doggie beds, might have to get one for my carly. Julia!/profile.php?id=100000348983010&v=wall

  11. Kelley,

    This just about had me peeing in my pants. I showed my business partner, my husband, and just about anyone else that would watch it with me. Absolutely hilarious!!



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