Eleven for Eleven Part II

Part 2

The "Home Office"
"The Office"

Working from home...

At least part of the time...

Home is where we all want to be!

If not here...then where?

I really wish I had been able to do this early on, when I first started working...

Traffic is ugly...check

Gas is expensive...check

Anxiety is high...check

HELP ME !!!!

Do I need a power suit?

Well... yes I do...
But I'm only going to wear it a few times a week..if I'm lucky
and the rest of the time I will work from home...with my running shoes still on
 and save my sanity!

I want an office within my home that really functions like an office,
but is an equally nice space to be in at any time.
 Not just a spare bedroom or a carved out little spot in the laundry room.

Well OK.... I actually like the laundry room idea...

But a great home office is almost as important as a great kitchen!

Don't you think?

Now for the Fluff...

Collecting becomes personal

Let's hope we quit relying on Pottery Barn

and Restoration Hardware

 and the very few (decent) Magazines
 left out there to be the compass for what is

And I really do love magazines and catalogs...don't get me wrong

please...not these
or these

Hit the swap meet...
and find the next great collection....
it is the so much fun!

which is why....

I still collect these
 & these
or this

Or maybe none of this junk...
but I really think about collections and try to get out and explore...
and I hate it when I see a "SOLD" tag on a really cool collectable
and think "who was that person who beat me to it?"

crazy I know!

White and Neutral
Don't give up on color...
as you know I am a color geek

I think white and neutrals are wonderful...
especially in smaller spaces...but with a splash of color

...or the richness if a dark floor of or a bold piece of furniture
hey there..you look familiar

Cool and calm...I like that

And sometimes it is hard, if not impossible,
 to compete with a beautiful view...

 or a terrace full of flowers...
so don't even try

Kitchen/Bathroom Furniture
Say goodbye to the cabinet...

or the built in anything

don't you love that blue on the back of the cabinet?

Think free standing...open...furniture-ish


so any thoughts?

Part III
coming up

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  1. Hello,

    Love your blog and enjoy your posts. These are gorgeous inspirational pictures. I go back n forth with the white theme but I also love splashes of color. I've kept one room in the house that has lots of color. Makes me happy.

  2. The free standing hutch is my favorite..especially the one in the bathroom with the big white tub...

    Love seeing all the pictures of your collections, especially from your prior home.. do you miss any of them or are you just free as a bird??

  3. hi kelley,

    my thoughts are that i loved your old dining room and cannot believe you sold all the furniture in it too. did you also sell the botanicals? tell me no, please. i love all white w/a splash of color but the splash of color is what kills me. i never get it right. you should def do a post on that and while you're at it fix my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  4. Love it all but of course I love the photos of your stuff the most! ;)

  5. Oh my....your blog is just too inspiring! I love it all:) Someday...I will have a home with all white trim and beautiful wood floors! Right now our home has stained trim which really fits with the era our home was built in ... but someday...yes someday! And when I do...I'll be heading straight to your blog for lots of ideas and inspiration:)

  6. Hi Kelley! You have such an amazing eye for style.Thanks for all of your inspiration! Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  7. I think I love it! You have a great eye. I loved the pop of green with the all white and I adore the blue cabinet backs. I wish I could work from home...I did that for many years..but I enjoy being out and mingling in the real world again...for now...and only have a couple more years to do that before retiring (again-hahahaha).

    I love coming here because not only do I see "pretty"...you make me think..and I like to think...contrary to what popular opinion says about blondes! Hugs-Diana

  8. I was in that bathroom with the built in shower this past weekend and it is such a "smart" design for an old farmhouse. Any as you all wanted to know...the view out the window while on the toilet is just a beautiful field and Mohonk Mountain. What a great perch.

  9. I am only a few months into blogging...I have loved these two posts! I am in such agreement on what you've shared so far! If we all did this just think of the diversity of the blogs!
    can't wait for tomorrow!
    I am going to do a link on these "parts" with the next week. They are great!xo

  10. love these pics Kelley....esp. the ones of YOUR design....
    can't wait to see what you'll do with your spaces...is all this leading up to a redo at Ojai? Wherever it is, can't wait!!!

  11. Kelley I can't wait to see where this takes you. I love your blog and your style. I think we are so influenced by what is trendy that sometimes we loose sight of what we LOVE. Still trying to pin that down.

  12. White interiors are so wonderful, but so, too, are colourful rooms- it's all in how it's put together and who is enjoying the space, no?
    I am with you on the built- ins and overhead cabinets- I hardly have any. I much prefer open shelving or an old cabinet or armoire.

    FYI- that beach house you have pictured above is my neighbour- no joke!!

  13. Hi Kelley wishing you a cheerful 2011!

    Love the green floor, and have always loved the no cabinets look for kitchens. Ditto originality in collecting... bien sur!

    Great post so inspiring and fresh!



  14. I came over from Brook blog. I am all over free standing furniture. I think it really adds to a space.

  15. Yay to freestanding! I love cabinet-less kitchens, and rooms sans built-ins...unless, of course they are those cute little 1920's hacienda built-in alcoves and phone cubbies and... and...(le sigh) love them.

    Oh, that old dining room of yours - thanks for the revisit. I was so looking forward to having a cup of coffee there with you one day. Maybe we can still sneak in... haha.

    xo Isa

  16. My F&B French Gray island kitchen (5yo now) was designed by me and built-in England. Each piece is furniture quality and has finished ends/sides and back. With an open concept home, I wanted a non-kitchen looking kitchen. Had I discovered my source first (and not last) in my cabinetry hunt, it would be almost exactly the same but a tad different. Bathrooms would be totally different!

    I do wish I had somewhere else for the refrigerator to go - maybe would have made the walk-in pantry large to go there? SZ was not offering a 48" with two freezer drawers at the time, so I'm not 100% please in that corner.


  17. agreed! let us not rely on pottery barn and restoration for our collectables...must have been hard for you to let go of all things collected and treasured! your photos inspire :)

  18. Hi Kelley, I'm so glad that Brooke from Velvet and Linen spoke about you today, your blog is wonderful. Love your open relaxed style ad love this post. I'll definitely be back for more.
    My French Country Home

  19. Hi Kelley:

    Thanks to Brooke, I found you! Lo and behold, I am commenting below another of my favorite people, Sharon from My French Country Home.

    I love all of your photos and look forward to your next post. Love your style!

  20. A little late in visiting/commenting but as usual you have outdone yourself with stunning images and thought-provoking ideas (love the idea of the painted colored floors!!)
    Collections to me should be an extension of personality and a hobby - folks should not collect because it is trendy or because a catalog says so. It is fun to look at the catalogs for ideas, inspiration but do we want them them to become our sole "tastemakers?"

  21. So glad I found your blog....beautiful and inspiring....can't wait to come back and read more.

    Victoria, Bellingham, WA

  22. i love your blog. so clean, so fun, so pleasing to the eye! i will be back for more inspiration and more lovely tales

  23. LOVE what you choose to see. . .most esp. the white room w/green floor.

  24. I have worked from a home office for nearly 20 years. The days in the office are interspersed with days out on the road seeing clients. It requires discipline & much self-motivation, but if you can pull it off & remain productive as ever, it's a joyous experience!
    Millie x

  25. Love this blog! Just found you and plan to come back for more and more. . .in fact, I'm going to paint my kitchen cabinets white with red backgrounds. . .great inspiration. Thanks!


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