The Art of Simple

 Nothing is quite a wonderful as a simple, quiet room.
Filled with your favorite flowers
a soft comfy chair.

pretty white ironstone collections

touches of country blue
rows of white chairs and floppy hydrangea
a furry friend to keep us company

this is the fine art of simple...practice it often

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  1. The furry friend is my favorite accessory! Lovely images!

  2. I love Terry's homes and knew right away these image were from his new book! Love every single thing about his design sensibility!

    xo Kat

  3. I could live in these photos. LOVE! I will have to look for this book. thank you for sharing. Even though your blog page doesn't quite fit on my laptop screen I still find it sooooo beautiful.

    1. Sorry about that Kerrie! I suppose I could shrink it down a bit maybe?! Cheers, Kelley

  4. Kelley,
    Each picture was so peaceful and wonderful in its simplicity.. but the one came along that went way beyond the others. The one with the loving face of a furry friend of course. Cheers!

  5. ..oh so serene! so welcoming! I lack the discipline but envy the look!

  6. I couldn't agree more, Kelley! I've really been loving simpler, more minimalist style lately too. Thanks for sharing these lovely images. :)

  7. Such sage advice after the holiday decor comes down! I must check out that book! How is your garden enduring this drought?


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