A Shepherds Purse

The Shepherd's Purse is a very common plant 
and many would say it is little more than a weed.

It is often found by the roadside or in unattended city lots

But after the flower has withered 
the seeds begin to grow and take the shape of
a small green heart
....a little shepherd's purse
It easily self sows and makes its home in un-likely and often odd locations 
with little regard for dust or disarray...

It seems to thrive along
the side of the road or in a crack in the pavement

This is not a pretty "gardeners" plant 
but...I love the Shepheard's purse

It finds it's way into our garden's 
wherever the wind 
and birds take the heart seeds
 it shows up each Spring without a care
to flower and bloom 

it grows from weed
to wild flower

 As I begin this new year full of changes 

 My promise to myself is to accept my life's crazy path
with grace and a cheerful heart

to follow the breeze and sow seeds where they land

to enjoy the 
smaller moments 
I so often take for granted

wishing you all 
a healthy
New Year

  1. Kelley,
    Beautiful thoughts....and so perfect for the New Year. Lovely photos!

  2. i never knew the name of that little plant. what a sweet name! cheers to you kelley and wishing you the v best new year. *clink clink* x

  3. I've never seen that lovely flower, I may have to try and plant some this spring! Wishing you all the best in 2015!

    xo Kat

  4. What a great little plant. I like your attitude and know that your new adventure will be wonderful for you and yours, as well as your loyal readers to follow along.

  5. Happy New Year my friend...looking forward to hearing where you land!!

  6. Beauty in those little weeds :) Wishing you a very happy 2015!

  7. Kelley, I adore this little plant and agree completely with your thoughts for the New Year. Delighting in the glory of nature is wonderful! All the best to you in 2015!

    Featuring "Inner Spaces"

  8. Just lovely flowers ! I love these beautiful colors !


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