Dining Al Fresco

 Where did Spring go?
Are you a lover of dining outside?  
I sure am and we try do do it as much as the weather will permit

Simple tables are beautiful in the garden and does the food taste better outside?

 I have saved a boat load of images from magazines over the years
 and love to pull them out for inspiration 
 Now that we all use Pinterest we can save our favorites digitally 
and look at them everyday if we need to....
 I'm not sure which magazines I pulled these from 
but I suspect some are over ten years old
 But it is wonderful how a beautiful garden setting 
and a dining table are timeless
 Wicker in the garden.....a classic favorite
 And of course cafe' style chairs....love this table!!!!
 those lanterns!!!!
 modern farmhouse dining
 shabby and weathered with hydrangea....so pretty
 a little photo inspiration 
for the long weekend coming up
 these last three are from our little house in Ojai
we had some memorable and wonderful meals in the garden....(big sigh)

have a relaxing holiday and see you soon!

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  1. Kelly, I love these inspirations! Cant wait to see your patio in the new house when its all done..its going to be as gorgeous as these!

  2. Kelley,
    I can almost feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and smell the blossoms in the garden while reading your post. I will definitely be taking advantage of the long weekend with at least a meal or two in the garden. Beautiful images.

  3. Perhaps the best part of the season, dining al fresco. Your spot in Ojai looks so charming. Mr. Splendid just covered an old table with a sheet of zinc for me, can't wait to see it weather. Bon weekend! ~ebh

  4. It is so much more fun to dine outside but now that we had summer in winter and now winter in summer we haven't been doing much of it! Can't wait to see the new patio in SB!!


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