Are you a chair lover?
How about vintage fabric and old flea market finds?
Chairs with classic style and soul?
Over the years I've slipped covered
upholstered, painted, designed and re-used just about
anything and everything I could think of in order to make a chair
more than just a place to sit.
When I was asked to participate in a little design challenge called:
The Exceptionally Clever Chair Project,
I jumped right in!
and as fate often works, this is just the right time to get really creative
and come up with something, interesting and unique to do with an old chair.
But wait....what can I use for inspiration?
How about a quick peek at a whole lot of crazy and a whole bunch of chairs.
And yes, they are all a bit of fun and there is a ton of them!
Seriously, I think if it were not for chairs
I would have never had a thing to blog about!
~ Classic wing chairs using vintage duvet covers and grain sack seats~
By the way...I no longer own a single one of these chairs....and that's a lot of chairs.
~ Pretty pair of antique Bergere chairs with monogrammed grain sack seats~
This was
my first grain sack project finished back in 2007
and one of my first posts about old chairs and vintage fabric
~Simple white slip covers over inexpensive catalog chairs~
So easy but I liked these so much
and recommend this idea for everyone.
My chair projects seemed to cover the gamut
~large comfy upholstered seats~
~ wicker and wood~
Here is a pretty tea stained Bennison,
accessorized with a rag rug pillow
Sometimes the inside chairs found a home out side
and visa versa
~white rockers and sweet tea~
And the chairs best friend, the pillow, is always near by.
Who isn't a pillow lover?
(I am probably a pillow hoarder ; )
Of course there was worries for me.
And clearly comfort was not a top priority (at least in this case)
Chairs often came home with me from the flea market
like free kittens
And of course there were the dreaded grain sacks,
that invaded every corner of my creative being only to be used once again...
New became old
and old became new
These were new chairs from Noir furniture
which I re-worked with white linen and Yes ~UGH ~grain sacks
~ I love this chair~
~Navajo rug scraps with an old leather club chair~
this chair is wonderful!
~chairs that swing~
Most of my chairs were usually allowed to sit quite contentedly for at least a week or two
before abruptly being moved from their current location...swapped out, to a new room, hung on ropes and chains, pushed into a corner, sent to the upholsterer, stripped down, questioned about their background and loved unconditionally.
Or banished to the apple orchard like they were in time out!
I used these wicker chairs both inside and out until the seats caved in.
And I love them still
Lots of
~kitchen chairs~
the occasional
~bathroom chair~
Chairs as props for flowers, fruit and garden birds
I definitely have a thing for garden chairs
~Chairs for tea~
~and lunching~
Chairs from Maine to California and all places in between
found their way into my homes
Sometimes the chairs were frilly
and a bit more feminine
Yet I might actually really prefer the simple spare
humble chairs the most
This chair found its way into a Sewing Magazine....on creative things to do with vintage quilts.
I love this chair and I remember taking this photo.
I was sitting there, reading a book and thinking what a great chair this is.
~Chairs for the beach~
~ really old chairs from foreign countries~
Sometimes the chairs were painted
and sometimes I stripped them back to the original
mottled, weird and wonderful old paint from years past
I experimented with milk paint, stippling, oil, wax, stripper, sponges, sanders,
wire brushes and power washers hoping to find what I liked in the end
And usually, after oh about 10 re-dos,
the chairs felt right with their new cushions and colors
But for all the fussing and moving and restoring
every chair seemed to tell a story that made them seem special... more that just a seat.
And often that story was there when I brought the chair home.
Maybe a story about a quaint cafe in the city
Or a little house in the country
with gardens and sunshine,
a big dog and lots of roses
~Fabric from friends ~
for cushions and lampshades
And often my chairs came full circle
to the place where they may have started out their chair life...
in front of a big window
warmed by morning sun
Here I sit, uncomfortably
ready to make a chair into something interesting
...what kind of chair should I choose?
Is it possible to love a chair at first sight? I think so!
Something with old wood
and a pretty frame
maybe a little burlap and batting
It the simple quality of these chairs that really appeals to me right now.
And I will do this chair project by myself and not include an upholsterer.
Is she crazy! Of course I am!
And often, more often than not, we need to give new projects a shot right?
just because close your eyes
Ok not much to look at but here is what I like about this chair
Very graceful arms
A pretty straight back
And wonderful old turned feet with little casters
(are we smitten?)
So I will attempt so make this into something that maybe...just maybe
someone might want to sit in
Pop by again on Friday for a reveal (or an oh no/OMG moment)....
wish me luck ok?
And please take a peek at the other creative bloggers
working their magic on the humble chair
Thanks for stopping by!!!