Barn Light Electric: industrial & unique

I did a couple of posts a while back
 about this little laundry room
It has some really fun and fresh elements,
 but one of the best things in here is the big galvanized light fixture
 with the bright red cage 

I bought it from a great lighting resource:
We used similar galvanized fixtures called the Atomic Sconce on the front and back porches up in Ojai
This little guy retails for around $189

Here, below, is the front porch
 The vintage mail box is used to leave notes for guests and workers,
 when we're not around.
Barn Light Electric has a blog too...doesn't everybody?
And they did a little post about this porch which you can read here
There are now doing ceiling fans 
I love these!
This one retails for $349
Do you need a pendant?
Made from the tops of recycled acetylene canisters.
This little cutie is around $149
The catalog is full of great ideas.
  With all of the different goosenecks and shades you can use your imagination and come up with something very original

So that got me thinking about my next project
Here are the elements:
A vintage toaster...
and a kitchen colander

Can't wait to share the finished product!

One last thing...
a huge thank-you to these wonderful bloggers:

Andrea from Faded Plains

If you haven't already checked out their blogs you really should
 to all of the new and not so new friends who have joined me in the last few months,
I am so happy to meet you and I love all of the great comments!

See you next week

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  1. Kelley these are great! It has me so sad (again) that I walked right by some old car jacks at Goodwill once. I got out to the car, drove away, and said - you know, those would my fabulous lamps. I turned around, went back in the store, only to see someone walking out with them! When I asked if I could buy them from them, they said: "No, these are going to be lamps for my daughter!" And I thought - darn, someone else is as brilliant as me! LOL! Anyway - obvious this is brilliant - love the reuse and the way it all looks, just gorgeous! Can't wait to see what happens next with the toaster and collander - knowing you, it's SURE to be fabulous!

  2. hi kelley,

    i just showed my hubs the pics of your porch lights. we just had the carport (yes, i know, i never said i wasn't white trash!) painted and the workers tore down/destroyed 4 of these lights that were original to the house. i cried but no one understood. now THEY do.

  3. .....awesome! the look and the colours!

  4. hubby made me matching lights from two old baitbuckets ... I'll be posting them soon ...

    love all of your thoughts here ...

  5. Love those lights...and I am DYING to see what you make from your colander!

    Why, you dog first I thought your little laundry room pic was a image from Mrs. Murphy cleaning products. I see you love the stuff as much as I do!

    What A FAB laundry spot! Drooling!

  6. Your laundry room makes me want to do laundry... well not really... but I love the space!! FAB !!

  7. Hi Kelley,

    Loved seeing these lights...I think sometimes lights can be overlooked. I am dragging my feet as I don't have my own blog (yet). Will have to see what I can do!!! Can't wait to see what you do with the old toaster and the colander.
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  8. Hi Kelley!
    We love Barn Light Electric and have one of their sconces in our guesthouse.
    Can't wait to see what you'll do with the blue the color.
    Have a great week!

  9. I love Barn Light...I finally bought 2 lights to hang in my kitchen from them and love how they look...and I can't wait to see what your up to with that tease ;o)

    Happy weekend, Andrea
    I also wanted to thank you so much for the's perfect...and I'm gonna use it for just the reason you suggested.

  10. Hi Kelley - I happened upon your blog via 24 Corners & it's great. I am a huge fan of industrial lighting, but your right, that red gave that piece an extra dash of charm. Looking forward to checking out their website. Thank you & I will be back ~ dMp

  11. Hi Kelley! I just went from "laundry room envy" to "barn light envy" within seconds! lol! Waay too cool!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  12. Your laundry room was one of the early posts I read - simply great! I just finished a lighting class at my school - who knew there was so much to know. I now check out lighting where ever I go!

  13. so beautiful. Love those lights, especially the pendants!

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