New Home....did I say Home?

Well here you go...
the very first peek at my new and somewhat temporary living space

Yes my friends...I'm going condo!

We have decided to make the most of the horrible Real Estate market conditions in California and rent for a while....not really sure what a while is, but more than likely it will be until I go completely bonkers from the beige walls
Everything is beige...walls, ceilings, carpet, floors....all beige...everywhere you look...beige
That is of course except for the black toilet...yes I said black!
I didn't even know it was possible to order a black toilet and why would anyone want one?
Well clearly someone did and now I will be looking at it...
luckily this is a powder room and I can close the door
Interesting sink too...sort of has a little Vegas Vibe
don't you think?
Guys seem to sort of like this bathroom...wonder why?
This is the living area
More beige with the fireplace accented with black granite, 
I guess to match the toilet
As a designer I always tell clients...what ever color your toilet is you will need to use that same color for your fireplace surround
Makes total sense...really...really?
Notice the little yellow box?  I stole that from the house I just sold...and why did I pick that box?...too weird!
The very first thing I did when we moved in was to remove these giant shutters to let in more light.  
It's that "handyman gene" coming out in me again...notice the cordless drill on the floor...just couldn't help myself!  
I felt this insane need to start fixing and changing things, within the first 5 minutes!
 I swiped a lamp too!
Here is a peek at the kitchen...not too bad 
The stone makes me a little dizzy however...
One of the better things in this condo are the built in areas...there are lots. 
 Storage is always a plus when you are a renter...which I haven't been for quite some time, but I'm learning fast!
It has two bedrooms, but both are good sized, another plus...and  there is a little bit of a view of Newport Harbor
More beige
and beige
Here is the master black toilet
Thank you!
Standard issue sliders and fuzzy carpet...
mirror, mirror on the closet....
Maybe I'll start dressing better with these big mirrors...nah
A very nice second bathroom with beige stone
Notice anything?


How long do you think I will last?

Note to self:  buy a couch

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  1. I have no doubt that you will create a wonderful home in your new condo. :-)

  2. I was reading this post and thinking beige, beige, beige (not so bad) then OMG! what the F? That black toilet and sink and then that black fireplace. The fireplace is so out of place. You can close the door on the bath...but what will you do about the fireplace and it's odd placement? I thought the kitchen was really nice till I saw that the granite goes up on the walls. If it just had plain white tile there this would be a dream kitchen. Can't wait to see the creative things you do with this space.

  3. I went back to look at the photos again and decided I absolutely could not live with that black fireplace unless I was only going to be six months or less. But if I was going to be there longer...I would absolutely have to build a box over the existing fireplace and add molding and paint it white to match all the cabinets in the house. At the very least a white mantel shelf would have to go on top of the thing. So strange.

  4. If only that bathroom had a black urinal, then it would really complete that "men's room in a nightclub" look. It is a lot nice than any of the rentals I've ever lived in though.I can't wait to see it all dolled up.

  5. I have to agree about the black toilet, lovely only in Vegas! But you have the midas touch and no doubt will turn this into a gem of a place...can't wait to see it!

  6. Hi to all have such faith in me!

    The toilet is just weird and yes the fireplace is in a really stupid spot too.

    I should mention that this condo is in a great location however, right next to the water and Balboa that's a plus.

    We can't have everything...can we? kelley : )

  7. What a great condo! Look forward to seeing what you have in store...

  8. The great thing about you, is that despite the beige, and black toilet, and beige, and black fireplace, and beige, and weird shutters, and beige you will still make that place look drool-worthy. I'm on the edge of my seat!


  9. I bet a couple of rolls of contact paper could cure what ails that fireplace. And the powder room sink. ;)

  10. Hi Kelley, I don't suppose after reading this that you are looking for a Beige sofa, huh? The location sounds wonderful. At one time I worked a lot in California and we made many trips to Balboa Island. The condo has huge potential and if anyone can make it fabulous it is you! I am excited to see the progress in your upcoming post. Take care and enjoy decorating.
    xoxo, Sherry

  11. kelley...I can't wait to see what you do with this home....could you please hurry......please!!!!


    still searching for more apothecary jars!!!!!!

  12. I didn't know you were supposed to match the toilet and fireplace surround. That's a good tip. I love the shutter that opens right up onto the fireplace too. A little smoke and you've obviously got the mirrors and you'll have that place all snazzy in no time.

  13. Hi Kelley,
    Thanks for sharing. You're probably off shopping for a couch as I'm typing this!! I have to say that with all the pictures you have shown, I love the shutters!! Wish I could have them all on my windows. Makes you wonder what they were thinking putting a fireplace right next to the door as you walk in??? Maybe the thinking behind the black toilet is so you can't see any dribble marks (I am laughing so hard right now)!!! Off to a great start in the living room, love the standard lamp!!! Will call in again soon.
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  14. Wow! You do indeed have your work cut out for you on this one!! Can't wait to see how you Kelley-ize it! Off to match my toilet to the fireplace surround;)!!


  15. A blank canvas... go to it girl!! I'm sure it will be amazing once you GO SHOPPING!!

  16. ~*I cant wait to see your touches on your new temporary home Kelley~* Im still in shock that you sold your house full of those treasures!! ;) I think the condo has tons of potential. Hugs~ Rachel~*~*

  17. Thanks for the good laugh over your decorating rule that the fireplace must match the toilet! It made me laugh out loud!

    I can't wait to follow along to see how you transform the condo into your home!

  18. Oh-you will have a ball with it-you know you will! will I...following along doggedly behind you and you decide what to do with this and that!

    This house had a black TOILET, black SINK and BLACK & GREEN marbelized countetops in the MASTER BATH when we bought it. It also had beige and black and red (small amt of red) wallpaper..oh I think there was a little blue in there too...SOOO nice. Nothing like a black toilet. Everything looks "dirty" in a black toilet. I say...RIP THAT SUCKER OUT AND THROW IT ON THE LAWN. It will take months for the landlord to get all the proper paperwork to have you evicted and you can be black toiletless the whole time.....just a thought...Diana

  19. * What a FUNNNN PROJECT for you... there's such TERRIFFIC potential there (and I "LIKE!" the kitchen!), and you will undoubtedly create a most wonderful home!!!

    I am envious of your location... those are the STOMPING GROUNDS OF MY YOUTH & TEEN YEARS (and SOME of it "misspent"! Hey! was the 70's!Grins!), & there's NOTHING like Newport & Balboa~~~ Ohhhh, the teenage MEMORIES!!!

    KEEP US POSTED, PLEEEASE!!! You will have SO MUCH FUN (to go with the OCCASSIONAL headache!!!).

    Linda in AZ

  20. You had me a near the beach/water......everything else is workable!

  21. My money is on a beautifully transformed space in less than a month! And my brother has a black toilet in his powder room. He painted the walls to resemble cowhide, and I have to say it looks pretty darn good. We won't tell him that for about 130 bucks he could have replaced it and saved himself a lot of time and effort painting!

    Congratulations on your new place!

    Kat :)

  22. O.K., what's the real story here? Was this P-Diddy's "starter condo"?

  23. You've got my attention! I am also renting after years of having my own home. All I can say about the beige is ...
    BIG ART!
    This should be a reality show watching you fluff this up!

  24. I was going to write to you yesterday cuz I wondered what was going on house-wise! AND I noticed you have a new blog header!!
    Well, that's what I've been up to the last wk.! My web girl and I have been going back/forth w/umpteen ideas on a new website/blog format. Yours (each one you've had) have always been my FAVE sites. It's SO incredibly hard/time consuming to figure out HOW you want a website/blog design to look!!!
    Anyways, I'm also excited to see what you'll do with the new digs.
    My Dad used to have a swanky black toilet/black vanity, etc. bathroom within his office w/mirrors all around each wall. Hey, the right wallpaper would be fun in there...if they'll let you wallpaper?
    And just the other day Luke & Steven went downtown and said we should get a condo there one day....Austin downtown is very cool these days. Can you walk to alot of places from your condo or ride bikes? I love that about DT Austin.
    Keep in touch and excited to see the transformation!

  25. wow, sorry that post was soooo long!

  26. well first off..I LOVE the new look for the blog!
    Secondly I am very envious of your new "clean slate" - I would love that situation. I am ready to sell mine and start over!
    True confession: Many years ago when my best friend and I were young and stupid - I supported her choice to install a black toilet in her newly remodeled bath. - we thought it would look cool with the black/white classic tile.
    What I find more disturbing than the black toilet and besides the annoying FP placement and the really weird continuation of granite as the kitchen back the weird paneled "door" like wall behind the toilet. Is it a trick of photography or it it really like that? I think if the wall was smooth(sheet rock) I would be tempted to do a small feature wall of some beautiful B/W toile wallpaper.
    But no matter what you do I will be on the edge on my seat waiting - I know it will be SPECTACULAR!! and what fun you will have with accessories!

  27. OK, aside from the black toilet, sink, and fireplace surround it's wonderful!! I love that kitchen and all the storage space.

    We did the same thing a couple of years ago and sold our big house in the burbs and are renting a small house in the city. Aside from NO storage space at all and linoleum floors and counters in the kitchen, we are quite happy with our decision. Especially feeling the love as renters when the washing machine and A/C unit broke AND when the property taxes are due and none of it comes out of our pockets! ;)

    Hugs to you in your happy new home my friend.

  28. Pretty nice architecture/details for a condo! (minus the black bathroom) I'm sure you will work your magic on it. You could make a box look beautiful! And what a location to boot!


  29. I know if anyone can make this a charmer, it's you!! Have fun doing it.

  30. First of all, love the new blog look :)
    Second, what an exciting new adventure. I love Balboa and Newport.
    Looking forward to seeing what you do...


  31. I've had to live in much worse--you'll be fine! Can't wait to see what you do!

  32. Well, you know what? I actually like the sink. So there. :) Beautiful home! I see FUN in your future.

  33. You do crack me up! Black fireplace toilet. Yellow box...yellow cordless drill! :-)
    I'm sure that in no time at all, you will have made this condo into a beautifully homey place to rest for awhile...
    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  34. Your amazing...and I know your going to turn this beige space...into an wonderful new home...even if for a little while. Oh...and I love you new blog banner...and the little veggies in your sidebar are too cute.

  35. Can't wait to see how you turn this condo into your home. Please start with the black toilet as I just became the "proud" owner of one as well, along with a black pedestal sink and black marble floors!!!

  36. I say go one step further with your toilet/fireplace decorating rule; Replace the toilet with a new white one (for more reasons than we can all count) but use the black one beside the fireplace as a "slipper" chair. Nice little black and gold pillow on it and voila!

  37. Ok....So now I must perform a minor miracle. I hate to say it but the black toilet is going to stay, as is the fireplace.

    On a more serious note...I am very concerned with the quantity of black toilets that here seem to be out there. Did I miss something? Like a toilet trend? That's so not like me.

    I do remember wanting black sheets for my bed in high school, which at this moment sounds equally as stupid and yucky.

    I do love the idea of toilet as chair! Thanks Slim. But maybe that's been done before.

    I think the term is "potty-seat"?! But adding a pillow is a great idea!

    Thanks for the comments and for adding to what might have been a rather boring bunch of photos!

    xxoo kelley

  38. If anyone can make this place look A-MAZ-ING it's you! So i'm not worried about how it will turn out! HA!! ;)

  39. Your right, that is one shiny black toilet!

  40. I think that what probably has people thrown off is the fact that your cozy things are just not is empty and devoid of Kelley. But, that is only temporary. You soon will be doing all that you can to make that condo a home. I'm sure of it. What I don't understand is why rent when the market is so good to buy right now? And you, having sold your house, belongings and all, are in the right position to purchase probably anything you wanted at a song right now. Renting to me sounds like a huge waste of money thrown right down the (ahem...) black toilet!

  41. You will have this place 5 star in no time ! I can't wait to see it happen...

  42. Congrats on your new home, Kelley! Ya know, the beige isn't too bad. You can always throw pops of color in here and there to make it sing! I would try to build a faux-cover for that fireplace, though.....ugh. The black toity is bad enough, but you can close the door and just not use that room! But the fireplace you have to look at every day.... :) I'm really looking forward to before/after photos once you get going in your condo! I'm sure that you'll be working magic, as usual! :)

    xoxo laurie

  43. Well Kelley, you have done what my husband and I talk about all the time: sell the house and rent for a while. I can't wait to see what you do with your condo. It looks like the standard issue beige condo, highlighted by a black toilet, but I know you will work your magic.


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