Vintage Toaster Lamps

You may recall a post I did a few weeks back about Barn Light Electric and my love of their industrial and fun lighting. 
 I love to mess around with different things to make unique light fixtures 
I also think I must have some sort of "handyman" gene because I also love to go to the hardware store...
my good friend Melaine from My Sweet Savannah does too, 
check out her latest lamp creation at here

So here are the elements I used:
Take a vintage stove top toaster....about 10-20 dollars from the flea market...

 Use a vintage colander, about 20 dollars, 
or something with a "lampshade" like shape and combine the two with the necessary parts to make a lamp...
These take two small 40 watt bulbs that spread horizontally at the top of the fixture,
 so this is soft diffused light.

Here they are sitting on a little dresser in a guest room.
 The toasters are really very sturdy and a great shape for the bases
 I really want to use these in my kitchen somewhere but I haven't found the right spot yet...
 I like these!

what do you think?


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  1. When you showed the blue colander, I didn't get it... then I looked closer and realized it was the shade. Very clever!! I think I have a thing for lamps.. I can never get enough (even though the closet says the opposite!)

  2. Kelley those are awesome!! Did you paint the colanders? Very cool.

  3. What a great idea to reuse and reinvent. I remember those toasters from all the years of camping! They really worked too. Love their new purpose.

  4. Really?! So stinkin cool! What a neat way to repurpose. They should definitely go in the kitchen :)

  5. like em? i love em. you are one clever chick, kelley.


  6. OK, you are waaaay toooo smart! These lamps are darling! What a good eye you have (but I already knew that!). hugs, -s

  7. I don't know, Kell. Do they still make toast? Because that would be really cool!!

  8. Why didn't I think of that...the combo light fixture toast maker! Too funny Steve!

    Hi Susan & Janet...I know if you saw these up close and personal you would like them even more, but that is the way it is with almost everything.

    Delores and Lolo: I somethimes feel like I'm re-using a bit too much but it's too much fun to not just give it a shot!

    Hi T; No I didn't paint the colanders...they are old enamelware and were in really good shape and the fun part is there is not hole to drill for the finial on top. give it a shot! would love to see your version, I bet it woudl be really cute!

    Antiquechase: yes I's a problem with me too!


  9. Hi Kelley,

    Love 'em too!!! At the moment I am trying to justify a lamp I have spotted that has a nice lime washed wooden base (shaped like a balastrade)with a linen shade. Nothing as outstanding as what you have shown though!!! I am thinking of taking out a shelf in the bookshelf in the hallway just so it will have a home...crazy on my part....probably. I think the lamp reminds me of the ones featured in the film 'it's complicated'. I think that's one reason why I love it so much....does this ever happen to you??? Hope you're having a great day.
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  10. I think that just when I have seen it all- I see something new! These are just comical, aren't they? Wouldn't our grandmothers be rolling around on the ground laughing if they could see what we do with their "good stuff"? I think these are just darling...and what fun conversation pieces! Hugs- Diana

  11. For the life of me I couldn't figure out what these were going to look like - they're SPECTACULAR! Gorgeous, and very inventive use of the random Kelley! :) You're brilliant!

  12. Hi Kelley, What fun lamps! Girl, You are soooo creative...these are Fantastic.
    xoxo, Sherry

  13. VERY CUTE!!
    I love them. Ironically my toaster just quit on me and I just a bought a new (modern) one yesterday but I am thinking of turning it in for a vintage cutie!

  14. I have to agree with Diana! Our grandparents would be just yuckin' it up if they saw what we were doing with all their old things! lol! You are so clever, Kelley! You certainly have 'the eye' for design! They look great on that cabinet!

    xoxo laurie

  15. Wow, these are too cool for words! Love, love, love this idea!

    Kat :)

  16. Hi Kelley, wow so much has happened since I last stopped's been crazy busy these last few weeks...I see you have sold your incredible home, how brilliant to sell it completely furnished and decorated!! yes as your friend said, another door will open...

    The lamps have an almost Asian aesthetic! they are cool and could be just the touch in just the right spot!

    Have a great weekend my friend!


  17. Thanks so much...I am having two more done with the blue colanders and will share them too, as soon as they are finished!

    As always...mucho grass!

    kelley...: o )

  18. Oh yes indeed! - Marty

  19. Love these! Lamps are always hard to find. I buy all the old ones I like, so I have about 40 extra. I wish I had a place for these. Maybe I'll make some anyway. Ann

  20. FABULOUS lamps!! Can you give a few tips on the type of two way bulb piece needed? Is there a certain brand or style needed? Charming!!

  21. It was wondering if I could use this write-up on my other website,


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