After the rain


 There is that magical thing that happens after a rain
 when the sun comes out...
  Mother Nature wakes up 
and puts on a new outfit...
especially chosen for this particular day
 The colors are richer and stronger...
 and the birds sing much louder...I know...I can hear them 
 Greens are jewel-like...
 and flowers seem to drink up the water and the sun...
 The smell of the earth and air are sweet and fragrant
and very different than an ordinary day...
this is an "after the rain day"

 Rusty things become shiny...
and soft...
and dry things become refreshed and born again 

And any hint of the heat of summer 
is replaced with a wash of fall water colors...
natures sprinklers!

 The trunks of the old Oaks are
 black and leathery
but young again too... because of the rain
 And the sky is blue
like a carribean sea
with big puffs of cotton

 Don't you love a good rain?
It's a healing thing...
good for the soul 
 the heart 
  1. Seeing this post makes me want to cry (well, almost cry). I feel like I missed summer completely this year and now our lush greeness is gone. I see your post and can almost smell that "ground after the rain" smell. Lushly beautiful pictures! Hugs-Diana

  2. I know what you mean about a good rain. It cleanses the air and everything is new again. But what I love most is seeing pictures of your lovely property after a rain. Really, Kelly--unbelievable. Don't you dare sell it!

  3. has been raining here in Atlanta for 2 days....and yes, I don't mind rain at all. Everything is so green after!

  4. ...and the plants love it too!

    You live in such a beautiful corner of the world!

  5. we have sunshine today after a couple of days of rain and grey....and it's cooler days like this....
    your garden is always so beautiful....

  6. What a beautiful post, and what a lovely home.


  7. I love seeing photos of your lush gardens...makes me dream of fresh-picked veggies. Your photos inspire me to give gardening a try once more.

    Today is the first rain we have had in a couple of months...the grass is already rising up from the ground...the greens are already reappearing...and I swear I can see the elm tree smiling... What a happy day!
    Jane (artfully graced)

  8. Oh Kelley - I'm with Diana on this one.....Your post today made me really miss the summer months that seemed to just fly by. Did I even appreciate them while they were here....? I hope so. I miss them. Your yard, gardens, and home is so very pretty! Very welcoming and just adorable! :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. ok so you did it again..just filled my day with wonder and delight. Love your varied bursts of one thing and another. Fortunately all of the things I love as well. In another time we would be best friends!! thank you. And the blue cupboard and chair and horse, cat, dog etc.....Yesssss
    xo CO

  10. I have loved our weather (except this week).. Lat week, rain at night, and sun filled days... Everything looked pretty!! Love your photos... I can smell the rain just looking at them! :)

  11. I can see why people live in California!
    Here in Boston we only get the kind of rain you described so beautifully a few times a summer. November rain is cold and windy with a hint of snow! As a "native" New Englander I am actually looking forward to the snow - there is nothing like fresh snow to cover the ugly and emphasis the beauty.

  12. Amen Kelley- we FINALLY had rain in Houston this week and it was wonderful. Storms in the middle of the night that wake you up followed by Seattle-ish drizzly days. Today is sunny, cool, and heavenly!
    Happy weekend.

  13. What a beautiful setting to wake up to!


  14. I love a good rain!!! So relaxing:)
    What a gorgeous place!


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