Fall Colors

 I doubt if anybody thinks of a succulent as a "fall-ish" sort of plant but if you look at the colors they are perfect for fall center pieces  
 I feel really lucky to have a wonderful local grower just down the road from me.  He is about 90 years old but  still going strong and these succulents and cacti are his passion.
 The variety and contrast are what is so appealing about these plants...not to mention the fact that they are really maintenance free for the most part.

 They sort of thrive on being neglected.  
Every time I go an antique mall or even a store like Pier One, I look for interesting containers for succulents.  You can really put them in just about anything because they require such a small amount of water.
 Putting rocks and wood and other found things from the yard is fun and creative too.

 These are some little baskets I have on the orchard table.  
I'm hoping to serve thanksgiving dinner here...weather permitting!
 Here are a few of those funny little vintage mexican pottery bowls I love so much.
 This back porch has really turned into one of our favorite spots to sit...it gets the best afternoon sunshine.

 I found this weathered old sign just last week and hung it above an old vintage pack basket.
 Just sticking an oak branch in this little basket makes it look more like the fall.

I think we are ready for some relatives to arrive and to enjoy a few days of "giving thanks"...
  And maybe a game or two of croquet! 

Hope you are enjoying the fall too!


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  1. Ahhhh. I love the entire look..basket. branches. bench. pillows. succulents. yes. yes. yes!!

  2. ~*~Just beautiful Kelley!! I love succulents to.We sell succulent wreaths at my shop Bella where I work~*They are so simple yet so pretty~~*HUGS,Rachel~~*

  3. So lovely, Kelley! Love all the soft colors of succulents. Your porch is so charming! Your basket and bench are fabulous! Love em!


  4. Hi Kelley! Im your newest follower! Im new to blogging anf JUST found you! Im in LOOOOOOOOOOOVE with your site! The plants are beautiful! I have an Interior design business and blog....im doing 14 days of christmas trees...would BEYOND LOVE for you to visit...PLUS, I have a GREAT GIVEAWAY!!!

    *ENTER CUSTOM FLORAL Give-Away Here *

    blessings xoxokara

  5. It's all so pretty! Doesn't today feel like Winter in SoCal? Are you sitting by a cozy fire or out and about getting wet?

  6. Love your succulents! Especially the ones in the pottery/baskets.

    Just a fun side note: Did you know that you can propagate succulents just by taking a cutting and sticking it in a pot of dirt/ground. It will grow new roots...then you'll have BUNCHES of plants.

    I do this with sedum, which grows to about 12". I use it as a small border/hedge plant. The sedum I have is a cutting from my grandad and is over 50 years old. It makes me smile whenever I see it.

    Good Stuff!

    Becky D

  7. Your images are exquisite, such a joy to look at. I love the way you frame things when you photograph them. So artful.

  8. Kelley, Everything is so pretty! I love the sign, pack basket and the succulents and your photos are gorgeous.
    Hugs, Sherry

  9. Kelley- I never think of succulents as changing color-or being a fall plant...but I can see it in your pictures.

    Love the old Homestead Farm sign too. Hugs- Diana

  10. I haven't commented much recently but I've been following the progress of your move and I have to say I'm so happy that you still have your special home in Ojai...I almost forgot! It's so beautiful and homey, truly a special place. I feel better seeing it as I was quite sad (but understanding) about the sale of your other home.

    The succulents are lovely, especially on your beautiful patio!
    Blessings with all...
    xo J~

  11. I just bought some succulents the other day for my home. I put them in some vintage white planters and I just love the way they look. Yours look great too as well as all your other designer touches!
    Debbi from @the beach

  12. I love succulents, beautiful displays.

  13. I forget about succulents...My mom used to grow them in her side garden and around her green house. Their colors were mostly green, but I do remember seeing some variety every once in awhile. Love your interesting pottery and that fishing creel. Beautiful!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Jane (Artfully Graced)

  14. UUGGH You have NO IDEA how much I wish I had the eye that you have or at least enough money to pay you to decorate for me ;)

  15. Ok... I'll be very open & honest with you I have never really been a big fan of succulents. But, lately I've been drawn to them... Your arrangement has made me cross over! I love how simple {low maintenance} they are... & they do make a bold statement. We're doing a little mini photo shoot for some of our new custom products we created at the rooster... Guess what I'm going to use... Yup, "succulents". Yaaaa Thanks for the inspiration to love succulents more & more each day. I hope the weather lets us sit outside as well for Thanksgiving. Great decorating! :)


  16. I've been having a little love affair with succulents for about a year now.
    I love all of the fall colors in your arrangements!
    Happy Thanksgiving Kelley!

  17. Beautiful colors... I just love succulents.. Happy Thanksgiving xo janette mallory

  18. I love succulents....they do so well in our good ole Texas heat.
    Your Ojai porch and garden will be so welcoming for your family....yall have a wonderful Thanksgiving in your special place!

  19. I love these little guys, but I think the acid water I have will kill them. It's the same with lavender and rosemary, apparently, they like lime. Maybe a concrete planter?

  20. Succulents are often overlooked! great ideas and photos.
    I have said it before and I have to say it again....although I was born,raised and still live in New England and love the weather....I can see why folks live in sunny California - outdoor thanksgiving dinner and game of croquet - wow!

  21. I love your blog & I have been following for months. I love your pillows,signs, garden, etc... I almost fell over when you announced your house being sold! I got confused & thought it was your ojai house. Thank goodness you're still there. My grandparents lived in Ojai for years & I try to get over there when I come home for a visit. I love my Ojai walks & stopping off at the 'order at the window' taco place on the main drag(hope its still there)!
    p.s. sorry for the long post - succulents are the only thing that survives my wind & lack of watering!

  22. Hi Kelley, just came across your blog, love your home and your pics.

  23. Kelly,

    I have a deep love for succulents, as they are absolutely the one plant that won't die on me! I try SO hard to have a green thumb and there just isn't a stitch of green on these thumbs. But, succulents I can do, and for that, I love 'em!


  24. I love how every one is so into succulents! They really are beautiful and look so nice in unique containers...thanks for all of the suggestions and input!

    xxookelley ". o )


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