The Furniture Diaries: End of Chapter 1; the search is over!

 So here is what I chose ...the Axis sofa from Crate and Barrel!
Lets see... who guessed correctly...Cara, Teri, Candace, Bonnie, Kim and Mimi 
but I really liked the others too. 
 I'm really questioning Restoration Hardware's pricing right now...any thoughts on that?  
 The reason this sofa was so appealing was the quality for the price.  The base price for in stock colors is $1699 and jumps up about $200 dollars if you choose a custom fabric, but still a really good value.  I actually lifted the sofa up on the end, in the store, to see how heavy it was...and its heavy!   
That to me says great quality wood and construction. 

 Another plus is this fabric.

It's  a brushed and stone washed cotton... a denim type of weave and the "hand" is really soft. 
 I think it will really hold up and clean well.  The shape of this sofa is very current and straight forward in its design and could also be slipcovered very easily.  I really thought about the velvet too but this is our only spot to sit really and it's going to get used.... a lot!
 And finally...comfort.  It is super deep and very comfortable.  The seat cushions seem a little stiff but I think they will break down with time.  
 Right now I have a used few accent pillows that I had and two new vintage striped guys in red and grey.
 Remember... this room is going to be a bit more masculine that what I have done before and we are competing with all of that beige!
I think Millie approves!

Now on to the next item....The "Occasional Chair"...which I suppose is called that because it gets sat in only occasionally?  Don't really know for sure...
Here is what I chose:
It's called the "Kenton" chair from Noir Furniture.  
It comes in this neutral linen fabric only and the wood is a white washed oak.

I purchased two of these and they are getting their make we speak.

The arms and back will be a white slubbly linen and the seats will be wrapped in vintage french burlap sacks.  

Ok, whew, glad that's over...I feel like a real person again, now that I have a sofa!

And finally....if you haven't entered to win your very own little Toaster Lamp...hop on over and leave a comment...the giveaway winner will be announced tomorrow evening!

Thanks for stopping by!
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  1. good job kelley, i like it a lot. but it's your pillows that make it. i really need your pillow know how here. i never, ever, ever get pillows right. ever.

    when does the champagne start flowing?


  2. I love it! Let us know how it wears and feels in the coming months. I am looking for a new sofa in the next year. Mine is literally falling apart!

    AND YES I"M SHOUTING YES! What's up with Restoration Hardware? The store by me is now a "showroom".... of HUGE pieces of furniture with HUGE price tags... Who has these GINORMOUS homes?? and hello... We are in a RECESSION! $7000 reproduction maps?? I don't think so.. HELLO??

    So yes! What's up with RH??

  3. LOVE what you have chosen Kelley, and I agree with Janet above the cushions are it all. Well done. Thanks for sharing.
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  4. Thanks so much! I was a little nervous hear what you all think!
    By the way...
    I like to think of myself as "The Pillow Wisperer" !

    I speak fluent "pillow"

    ; 0 ) kelley

  5. It looks fantastic!!! LOVE the pillows too!

  6. Love your choice! I am a fan of C&B's furniture. It truly seems to hold up well. And I am with the others...those pillows are a fabulous touch on the sofa. (Wish I spoke "pillow".)Love the simple artwork behind the sofa.

    I am astounded at the prices at RH, too. They have priced themselves out of my market.
    Jane (artfully graced)

  7. looks great! and i love your dog. so precious! xo

  8. Lovely with your slew of vintage pillows! Like the chairs too...How much fun!!

  9. Oh, it is gorgeous, especially with your pillows. You have convinced me to look for a sleeker arm style with our next sofa as that style looks to have more longevity.

  10. Hi Kelley, Love the sofa and chairs you selected. These chairs will be fabulous with the seats upholstered with a grain sack. I really like the direction the room is headed. I would love for you to visit and enter my giveaway for a vintage necklace. Take care.
    Hugs, Sherry

  11. haaaawwwnh...I lost again! Geez! Glad I wasn't competing for the new sofa! LOVE this one,Kelley! Glad you have something to sit on now...there were days when I imagined you just standing...and standing...and standing...because you had no place to sit ;>) Okay..I lied...I never thought that at all. I pictured you lying in bed and sleeping because you had no reason to get up because you had no place to sit. Okay...I am getting a bit slap happy so will sign off for now! Hugs- Diana

  12. Thank you....deep breath... you all are a tough bunch!

    Grace: Harper and Millie together, would be the best feature of the room!

    PS: enter Sherry's give away!
    It is great!


  13. ~**~wonderful choice Kelley!! Cant wait to see your room when its complete!! HUGS, Rachel~*~*

  14. A few accent pillows? You have way too many. A person would sit on the floor with that many pillows on the sofa. Much too intimidating. Common mistake.

  15. I for one love a ton of pillows on my sofa. It is a way to bring more color and texture to the space. Who says they have to stay permanently. Just toss them on the floor . I love the vibe that you are creating Kelley !

  16. Kelley,
    I really like your choice! As for Restoration Hardware's prices, I agree!


  17. I made a common mistake? I can't beleive it! Thanks for letting me know Jane.

    Any other thoughts on too many pillows?


  18. The sofa quandry was so on the mark. Love your choices- cannot wait to see the chairs. RH catalogue is like the old sears "wishbook" for toys as a child I used to dream. Same with RH!! You brighten my day! thank you xo Carol

  19. I think the sofa was a perfect choice- a well-priced, well-made NEUTRAL to be personalized with cushions. I think now that it is mentioned; maybe there is a few too many pillows at first glance. But in person I would sit right in there and make my nook ...and my husband... well he would just throw a few on the floor and that would be ok. We pick them later when we are "picking up the house" - so too many pillows - nah.
    (can't wait to see the chairs!)

  20. Hi Kelley, I love the sofa/pillows and can't wait to see the chairs. I recently covered some chairs and saved the burlap for the back--didn't seem like it would hold up to use and would leave people's bottoms dirty. Is french burlap different? Do you wash it before upholstering? Thx, Allegra

  21. love the new sofa...the fabric is a great direction....
    and the side chairs will be great .....
    look forward to more!

  22. Here comes the comment from the decorator for 40 years! (wouldn't make that up!)

    "too many pillows? NAH! Never!" she's right.....guests can toss on the floor!

    I would have picked the Restoration Hardware (was that the one with one cushion? and narrower arms? That is the one I mean!)

    Their furniture is made to last. Trouble with two cushions....never more than two people will EVER sit on that sofa.......even if you have a crowd!

    Who is going to sit on that crack in the middle? One bottom cushion.

    Still the arms take up way too much room.....and do not allow seating area. Also too high, arms.....not comfy. ( Sit with a cup of tea!)

    Go for the best quality you can possible afford...(my custom upholsterer is way more that RH...stick with one cushion.......(8 ft or under) and go for arms that are not fat.....and are shaped so they are comfortable to sit down and rest your arms....with a glass or cup in your hand!
    (I am sure it will be fine......and you will always use it!) I'm just spreading
    philosophy and experience! Everyone needs to make up his or her own mind!

    Love the choice of fabric! By the way; my daughter who is 40; has my grandmother's sofa's in her beautiful house; just recovered for the umpteenth time. (Made in the 1930's) The cushions needed to be replaced with new down 30 years ago.....and added to this last time.....but.....classic.....and still going strong! medium arms.....single bottom cushion.......2 six foot sofas.....slightly curving backs.....(curving on profile ).graceful from behind........and a 9 footer with a tufted back and 3 cushions on the bottom. Pretty damn good!!! 80 years???

    Sofas, in my view, are "investment" pieces. Read Bunny William's new book....."Scrapbook"..I think she says the same thing......I have only glanced!
    Love your blog! Love your style!


  23. Great job by you, I like color of the sofa. After see this amazing sofa. I have mood to buy this type of sofa for my sweet home.

    Thanks for sharing with us.....

  24. The sofa you choose is perfect...I really do like that it's brushed cotton. Love your pillows too...the gray and red stipe ones are great.

  25. Your sofa is perfect!I love RH but only shop at their outlet store now..... I'm not sure what happened to their prices... Is someone new in charge?? BTW Your blog is awesome! I came here from Jeanette's blog


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