Condo Furniture Update: Make shift pantry and an Old Rug

 I know, I know...
that title doesn't sound too promising does it?
Well, here is how I am dealing with a pretty big kitchen dilemma...
the complete lack of storage!
 OK so.....moving right along...
There is no space at all in this little kitchen for pantry items so I decided to go portable...
 I found this great blue cupboard which happened to fit like a glove in a small unusable space adjacent to the kitchen...
Did I mention that there is an abundance of small unusable spaces in this condo?  
 It 's a pretty simple solution really...
 and it will make a nice storage cabinet perhaps down the road...
for big white fluffy towels in a bathroom maybe!?
Hope so!
 And now for some even bigger news....
I have a chair!
Or.... I should say my husband has a chair,
 since he seems to be in it quite a not so much!
 This is a really great old French club chair...
Not in the best of condition, but I wanted to experiment with fabric or old rugs on some leather upholstery.
The rug is an old Navajo and
probably from the 1930s.
It had a huge hole in the very center.
 It was relatively inexpensive and we pieced it together for the new seat.
 The colors are very bright and strong, as is the design, typical of Navajo.
I actually washed it on the wool setting in my washing machine
 and used lots of fabric softener.  
It came out remarkably clean and intact.
Which makes total sense with a tight weaving on a loom.
 The chair has a few tears and scratches,
but really has beautiful patina...
as only these oldies can have.
A few nail heads were replaced and added where necessary as well

So here we go....barstools...check
pantry cabinet...check
new/old chair...check

bye bye beige

  1. amazing what you have done with the space! i am in love with that cabinet and chair. can't wait to see more! xo

  2. You lost me when I spied all the bread boards in the background... mouth hanging open... and oh ya.. can I buy the blue cupboard from you *if* you get tired of it? LOL

  3. Love the blue cabinet!!! I also love the firkins and bread boards!!! Elma

  4. ~*~*LOVE it Kelley!! It looks so inviting and cozy!! Hugs,Rachel~*~*

  5. Hello! I'll take the blue cabinet and absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the breadboards. ;-) I guess I'm not the only one. Looks like you're having a good ole time shopping for the new place. ;-)

  6. * Let's see now, if I show up w/ a big rental truck I could PRETEND to be a "neighbor"... you know, "moving OUT"... yeah, that'll do... THENNNN, I can load up that TO-DIE-FOR-CHAIR with the INCREDIBLE PATINA & OH-SO-COOL Navajo rug as a seat cushion, annnnnd those BREADBOARDS, those BREAD BOARDS! My KINGDOM for those BREADBOARDS!!! (I just started what I hope will only be a SMALL collection just about 3 weeks ago... yep, DEFINITELY must LOAD THESE UP on that rental truck!!!)......

    Sweetie, "YOU DUN GOOOOOD!"...Me likey!!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  7. Oh that cabinet is gorgeous!!!!!! I have one similar in a downstairs bathroom and I love the thing! They add so much character. I could only wish my pantry looked that cool. :)


  8. Love the Navajo blanket on the chair. Clever! and colorful!!! And those breadboards...YES! That beige look is rapidly disappearing...and your condo is beginning to look like...YOU!
    Jane (artfully graced)

  9. Oh My! your cupboard is amamzing. I just love the color and the distressing. **swoon**

    Amazing find and I'm so glad it fills up on of your so unusable spots so perfectly! Yippee!

  10. Careful there!

    Wherever you found that divine cupboard.........I would have outbid you in a heartbeat!

    It is beyond divine!

    You better say "thank you!" fast to the "spirits of the found objects"!

    Yikes! divine! Also the kilim on the cushion!


  11. A perfect example for all of us,shows that we can make "TRASH TO TREASURE"

  12. Great pieces Kelley! They look great and really cozy up the "new digs".
    Love the bread boards and firkins displayed!
    Excited to see the transformation....
    have a great day,

  13. I think those wonderful bread boards came from your previous home? I love those, they make such a great display. Love what you are doing so far and can't wait to see more!


  14. I see firkins! And I love the breadboards or peels (whatever they are) arranged on the fireplace. The chair is AWESOME. So handsome!

  15. hi kelley,

    i smell perfect pantry here.

    the cabinet is too perfect.

    ok this chair is amazing. i'm emailing a pic of it to my son who is so double rl it isn't funny. how good would this look on his chesterfield? omg. you're a genius i tell ya.


  16. Kelley,

    That pantry, that pantry, that pantry... OMG! I want it! The color, paint, size, look... everything is wonderful about it! Great pick! When you're done with it please give me a jingle... ;) Love it all!


  17. I love your cabinet! The color is perfect. The chair is pretty sweet, too.

  18. Love the cabinet! Do you just stumble upon this stuff or do you have go to places that you can always count on?! I wish I had your luck in finding great pieces like these!



  19. Love it!!!!! I have to admit, I went through a minor depression after you sold your previous house...all those great things sold. I'm smiling today though...I SPY....firkins, bread boards, the lake sign on the cabinet (clever), dog statues, grainy sacks!!!!! Yay, Yay, Yay!!! Hopefully a few Nantucket baskets made it to the new place too! Can't wait till the next post!

  20. here are a few facts about the blue cabinet....hold on to your hats kids...I got it for $179 dollars! I kid you not....but I had to spend some cash to have it shipped. The total came to under $300 dollars which I think is a pretty good deal.

    The ironic thing is that is fits perfectly. And yes....the blue paint is yummy !

    More decorating "shockers" on the horizon....xxoo kelley

  21. Looking good my friend! This is such fun getting to see you work from the ground up. I love your vision!

  22. As someone above also mentioned... I think you should re-submit to "other people's pantries" over at the perfect pantry!

    LOVE what you have done so far - and I have to admit I don't think I would have seen the future in that chair as you did. thanks for opening my eyes!

  23. such a voyeur when it comes to people's pantries. I can't be the only one, can I? Whatever..Love the blue too.

  24. Hi Kelley,

    Love the blue patina on the cupboard, and what a steal!!!! You can place these items of furniture almost in any room and it can be the one piece that really stands out. Love what you have done with the chair. I love those old chairs as well even if it's for the patina. I was thinking as I looked at it that I probably wouldn't have had the foresight to do what you have....I do really like what you have done to the chair, is it comfortable??? Love your collection of breadboards on the mantle, they make a statement of their own and also noticed with a smile that you have your firkin collection. For some reason I'm really pleased you left with those as you could probably tell I was very crushed when you sold your home!! The sign on the side of the blue cupboard looks good also!!! Sometimes it's good to have little nooks and crannies in your home, I think it gives it personality and broadens that you can make a bit of a feature of these things. Do you feel the same? Anyway, I'm with everyone else and can't wait to see what you're up to next. Thanks for sharing. Hope your week has been great so far!!!
    Take care
    Tasmania, Australia

  25. I NEED a chair like that! Wonderful. Absolutely perfect. I also spy some boards and firkins near the fireplace.

  26. LOL- Well, let's see- Pantry, chair, stools, condo...Uhh..I'm assuming you brought your own underwear. I'd say a bit pot of soup on the stove and you can call it home....and what the heck is on your wall over there by the fireplace that you seem to have forgotten to show us? HUH? Just askin... Hugs-Diana

  27. Well that didn't take long.... already putting your one of a kind stamp on the new place. Love it!

  28. Love all of your comments....hope I can do it! A bit depressing not to have a bed though, but we sprung into action and got a loaner with the new mattress set...lucky us?!

    xxoo kelley

  29. You're certainly making your new place more you...I adore the chair...the patina on it is amazing.

  30. Hey Kelley!
    Well, it has all been said before, but the blue paint is fabulous, the chair wonderful and of course, I spied the bread boards and firkins too!! Thanks for your visit to hill country house - wish you COULD come to one of our great Texas shows! Ann

  31. What a fabulous idea! My friend did that in her kitchen with an old piece from Spain, and it looks awesome.

    For more modern pieces of condo furniture toronto go to



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