An Old Gardener


Well...Mr. Jefferson

 I totally agree....

Thomas Jefferson lived to be the wonderful age of 83...he was a scholar, a statesman, an inventor... and a gardener
 And I would suspect , he felt that he never really mastered his garden...
 But how could he?...
 A garden has no beginning, really...there was always something there...before... 
 And try as we might to find an end to the work...
And the tweaking and the raking and the digging....

 The garden changes again...with the time, the date and the seasons
 I have found endless joy in this garden
 It makes me feel really "well" and grounded
 I have looked at it from every angle and seem constantly amazed at what this garden has to give me
 I love the simplicity of this garden and the creativity and complexity of it too...

 The age of the trees and the youth of the new lawn seem a perfect match

 Little objects are important here too
 And so is a family

 We get so much from this garden...that at times I feel unworthy of the things it continues to give back to me

 It is a simple 
 and thoughtful thing...this garden

 And I love it dearly

How smart you are Mr Jefferson

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  1. Loved your photos Kelley~ Was that the garden in your previous home? It is lovely~ Hugs,Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  2. Hi Kelly -
    Your post brought back memories of the gardens at Monticello...Jefferson's home. We bought several copies of his gardening notes...and seeds from many of the plants in his gardens. His writings were fascinating...and the garden workers shared so many wonderful stories about his trials and errors.
    If you ever have the opportunity to visit this gorgeous estate, do so. Of all the people I "know", you would truly appreciate it.

  3. You're so blessed to live in a area to have such a prolific garden and wonderful climate!!

    Great idea using the mexican bowls for planters!

  4. It felt good to see sun, flowers and grass on your post...we have had over 106" snow so far this year and I haven't seen grass nor sun in months!! I will take a photo of the lamp soon and post it...sorry I haven't done it yet, but it is on my to-do it!!

  5. Oh...and here we have a blanket of white and are growing snowmen and icicles..sigh...Hurry up Spring! Your photos are wonderful! Hugs-Diana

  6. I don't very often miss living in California...until I see something like this. Beautiful.

  7. There's nothing better than a garden to bring happiness, peace, and joy. Love your photos.


  8. How do I find a cute, simple house like this? It just goes to show you that there is potential in every home, you just have to have a vision. And you certainly do...inside and out.

  9. How true this is! A garden is something that cannot be mastered and that is what is so great about them! Wonderful post! Caroline

  10. Love love these photos Kelley! Have we not had the most amazing weather lately?! I will be so sad when gloominess returns.....but for now I am loving the fact that my spring bulbs are starting to pop their cute little heads and our cherry and fruit trees started to blossom! I just hope we dont get a crazy freeze next month...Arrgh. Gardening is truly a tender relationship with Mother Earth. You have a very special and close relationship with her my dear!

  11. Kelley,

    Your garden never ceases to amaze me either. It's nothing short of stunning. I never tire of seeing pictures of your beautiful garden!


  12. I adore your garden...and will look at it for much inspiration this this is the year we're finally going to get to add a garden....yippeee!

  13. I'm curious where you're going to garden next? Pots on the patio this year? I believe I will be also. It's called TRANSITION. You'll be able to make anywhere beautiful.

  14. thanks for commenting...if any one is up in Ojai...the door is open
    And we will probably put you to to work...after lunch

    xxoo kelley and greg

  15. OOh...your photos are just delicious!! Just what I needed to see on this freezing cold January day here in Indiana!!!!!

  16. I agree...A wonderful break from my -2 degrees temperature today in Boston! I want to plan a trip someday to Monticello and I just moved higher on the list!

  17. Loving your blog! I just started my own blog with my fantastic crystal and shell bottle art. I'd love it if you could stop by, and if you like them, follow! :) Off to read more! xoxo, The Crystal Crate.


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