Winter Projects

 No house from the 50's would be complete without a set of these old
sliding doors.  The ceiling is pretty awful too....

Our lovely set...
happens to be in the mudroom area and they are open much of the time because we take our gardening shoes off here before we walk through the house...
at least we are supposed to! 
 This was 12 feet of glass and actually dangerous because the track was all wonky and the doors are not tempered.  This new set up of doors and windows will be repeated along the back of the house in the living room and again in the master bedroom.
I chose a 4 over 1 double hung window from Anderson and then used a set of french doors from TM Cobb.  The french doors are actually sold as solid panel doors but we special ordered them with glass.
We wanted a large single panel of glass with a bit of a shaker detail.
 The Anderson windows will be repeated throughout out the rest of the house in sets of 3.
Next week another project is starting here in the back yard....a big huge redwood deck!
Something we really need and will be fun to build.  The deck will be built around two of these big oaks and give us a nice place for a hammock and a few more chairs.
Most of our winter projects involve lots of gardening.  Even though it's January, we have had weather like June.  The garden cart (a great Christmas gift) has been my constant companion.  This is one of the handiest garden items I have ever used.
We have been really working hard to get the citrus orchard back in shape and this is the first time our oranges have really looked good with no disease and perfectly sweet fruit.

New gloves too! 
 These are MUD gloves and are wonderful...
just in case you are looking for a new pair

I gave my husband this garden hose reel for Christmas.  Pretty sexy right?!
We have really long hoses....100 feet of more so this little guy is supposed to make hauling the hose around a little easier. 

The veggie garden is still giving us lettuce and a few herbs but that's about it.
The grape vines got a big haircut this weekend.
 I hope this is our year for a nice crop of grapes.

What I like about the garden in the winter, is you get an opportunity to actually review the structure of the garden elements and you can work on plans for adding new things
The yard work is really mellow and it's nice to just rake leaves or water pots...especially when it is so sunny and beautiful out.

I will let you know how the deck is coming along next week!

Have a wonderful week

Happy Monday!!!!!


  1. You are so right about being able to review in the winter... with everything cut back and the leaves gone, I can see what's needed. Love your new windows and doors! huge improvement. enjoy the sun!

  2. Just gorgeous! You have such a paradise there! LOVE the door! And will be looking up the gloves fo sho!

  3. I am enjoying gardening vicariously through yours! It looks absolutely beautiful Kelley.

  4. LOVE!! I want to add some kelley gardening touches to my BARE back yard this spring!! Your such an inspiration! Go Girl!! xo nancy elizabeth

  5. Can't wait to see how your deck turns out! My parents have a huge deck and a tiny house. One summer when I was in high school my dad bought me a sander and some stain. He paid me $100 to refinish it... they live on a hill, the deck wraps around almost the whole house. Looking back, I think the "opportunity" he gave me was purely to keep me busy so I'd stay out of trouble!

  6. That is your yard? Wow! i live in San Francisco and can quite literally reach out my window and touch the building next door.

    I love the doors! Good for you.


  7. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the huge trees in your yard. Gorgeous. Everything looks great!

  8. Hi Kelley,
    Happy New Year! I love seeing the bones of your yard, the great new yard gear and what great choices for the new windows and doors! I especially love the french door choice! Love the panel at the bottom; a similar style to the European larger panel at the bottom with (theirs) divided light above. I like yours!
    Thank you for the mention of your grapevines...mine need much TLC and I hope I get some production from a couple of newer vines we planted a couple of years ago. One old vine we have is so productive but nothing on the newer vines this past year, some weird fruit the year before...I'm hoping but I'd better get trimming! How do your fertilize, etc. yours?

  9. I really enjoy your blog postings! And it is nice to see your gardens in all seasons. I love your white plank table and chairs...but I would love to see your table stained a dark color to match the legs on your chairs. I admire all your hard work and learn so much!
    Happy Tuesday!
    Becca :)

  10. Happy New Year, Kelley,

    I love the windows and doors. Our house (which is only 1725 sq ft) had 6 sets of those "lovely" aluminum sliders in it when we moved in. I'm proud to say they have all gone to sliding door heaven and have been replaced with double hung windows in the bedrooms and french doors in the main rooms, phew!
    Your yard is always such a great source for ideas and inspiration, thank you. I'll look forward to a new year of fun with your projects.

  11. love the windows and doors....great selections Kelley!

  12. GREAT PROJECTS! and some great ideas for gifts for my gardening mother! She has about 2 acres of landscaped/gardened yard up in NH and drags the heavy hoses around every year! I see the solution is one of those hose carriers!

  13. Love the exterior of your home and your new doors. Love your yard and garden too and how wonderful to have orange trees!

  14. love the doors and windows.....can the windows be painted? ellen

  15. Kelley - Your garden space is to be envied! My Mom had one of those carts when we lived on 11 acres - I've wanted one always but never had the land or land with access to pull one around. Enjoy yours. :-)
    I have always had several pairs of the mud gloves - Pacific NW gardening and here in So. Cal they are perfect.

  16. Ok, that's it, I'm moving in! I will let you stay, but I get to pretend that your house is actually my house...ok?! Pretty please...begging... Oh, and heck yes a hose reel can be sexy! I can't wait to see "my" new deck!

    Kat :)

  17. Hi all and thanks againf or the wonderful comments.

    Hey Chris....I just use a liquid veggie fertilizer on all of the edible plants, all organic etc. The biggest challenge I had with the grapes is that they got a pretty serious case of mildew and once they get it, it takes over. This year I will keep my eye on it.

    Hi Ellen, no the windows are metal and cannot be painted, but you could add sash trim and paint that!

    Glad there are some Mud glove lovers out there too!

    xoxo kelley

  18. The transformation of your mudroom area is fabulous. As well as those yummy citrus saying pick me, pick me! :) Wish I could have the talent of gardening.
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  19. Kelly,
    What a beautiful piece of property. Ojai is just a beautiful area. The doors are going to look great opening out to the deck!

  20. Love the new doors/window/wall. That's something we have always wanted to change in our home. The WHOLE back is either double or triple sliding doors...and our house was built in the 80s! The only good thing about them is that we can completely open up to our lanai...great for entertaining.

  21. Love the new header!! And, can you tell me where you special ordered the doors? I love the looks of them and even though our "new" home was built in the 90's, they still used those old sliders from the '50's! Yuck. I have been looking for something unique. Maybe this would just be the ticket!!

  22. Very nice blog! Im happy I got a chance to stop and take a look! Have a good weekend! Im your newest follower!

    Mark @ room363

  23. I don't live in a climate which allows me to have a orange tree. If I did I would be in heaven. Oranges are so yummy.


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