Popped up!

 a little sun and a little rain 
and look what popped up
 dozens of bulbs were planted 
starting in October 
and the first guys "up" were these
 the fox gloves are just getting started

 I can't believe the apples are budding out already!

 a little bit of the lavender is blooming
 and a few others just sort of 
"woke up"
 this last week
 even the kitchen garden is humming along

the start of something new...?

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
 but anyone can start today and make a  new ending"

~maria robinson~

here's to new and wonderful endings!


  1. Mmmmmm....can smell the sweetness of spring! The colors in these photos just sing of the sweet joy of spring! My most favorite of all seasons... these new buds are truly fleeting treasures. andrea@townandprairie

  2. wow ..unbelievable...when I saw your pics I thought...doesn't she live in California?..woah I can hardly believe you are that far ahead of us!
    WE are cleaning up after a big snow storm!
    I am so excited for you to be having spring !
    I guess we will have to be patient!
    p.s. did you plant a wisteria?

  3. Oh, how lucky you are!!! We're still braving winter. Nothing like this will be up for months yet. Enjoy them!


  4. Hi to all!

    Yes we have had a very mild winter so far and everything is early!

    But it is nice to know what is ahead for every one...right? And at least you don't have earthquakes....


  5. Oh thank you for these beauties! How fun to see the first blooms force their way out of the earth.

  6. Nothing is popping up here yet, but we've had such a mild winter that I think we will see an early spring. Your flowers are so pretty and will have to tide me over until March when ours start blooming!

    Kat :)

  7. So jealous - we've got 6" of snow on the ground!

  8. Kelley,
    Just beautiful and artistic photos of new blooms...love it!

  9. I for one am praying for some rain~ parched So Cal...LOVE the pics!

  10. Your photos are beautiful. Hard to believe that you have blooms already. Here in Oklahoma the only thing I see is about 4 inches of my jonquils popping up. We have had a warm winter so far. Probably will snow in March!
    Love your blog !

  11. Your images are just gorgeous Kelley- wowee!!

  12. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


  13. Our winter has been much like yours, Camillia bushes have been blooming since Christmas! It makes me a little sad to think of the long hard summer we will probably have in exchange for this early spring! Also...I'm SOO confused about when to plant my veggie garden now!

  14. Tho the winter here in WV has been EXTREMELY mild it will be quite some time before I see flowers. Thanks for the post....it gives me hope.

  15. breath taking! AND I am jealous - we just got 4 inches of snow here in the Boston area! Why do I live here again?

  16. To see a glimpse of spring- still 2 -3 months away for us here in KS, was a gift! Makes me want to jump in a plane and head for California!

  17. Oh I envy you! I just woke up to find a foot of fresh snow had fallen overnight and more coming!!! Please bring back spring!!!!!!!!!!!!




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