Bailey's Home and Garden


Bailey's Home and Garden
 is a wonderful shop in the UK
 run by Mark and Sally Bailey. 

They have co-authored a couple of great books too, one is a big favorite of mine, 
called Simple Home

 The things they sell are not only useful
but beautiful and interesting in their simplicity

Here is what Baileys is all about:

At Baileys we love things that are well designed, well made and not too complicated or fussy - old or new.

It's worth a trip to our store, set in a series of farm buildings in the Herefordshire countryside to see our constantly changing/ever evolving collection of simple, useful and beautiful things, but if that's not possible our online store offers a glimpse of some of our favourites (and you can shop in your pyjamas too!)

Mark and Sally Bailey

"Winner of 'best homewares retailer' in the Telegraph Magazine 2012"

 Many of the products are made using recycled wood and metal,
some manufactured on site in the "smithy"
love this great bathtub shelf
tons of organic lotions and soaps

 how cute are these little hand knit dolly's?!
 beautifully turned maple bowls
 table runners by the yard
that say "bon appetit"
 office and decor

 natural bristle brushes for the kitchen
or a new white bread box

simple turned spindle chairs and furniture wax

very interesting lighting

more fun stuff for kids....they must have kids!
 wonderful wicker for the laundry

 and goodies for the kitchen and the cook

 great vintage fishing creels
 I love this little soap dish made from recycled rubber
or this garden trug

the structure itself is really interesting as well
vintage inspired English mixing bowls
 They have a furniture line as well
but what really caught my eye are these and huge gorgeous sinks and faucet sets
 in a variety of sizes

here is a link to their site 
its fun to shop in the UK...
even if I can't get there right now

I find shops like this so inspiring and it makes me want to slow down and bit more an really simplify!

I took a week of from blogging to finish a few projects....some really great things!

Hope you are enjoying the summer

thanks for checking in


kelley ; 0 )

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  1. Such a beautiful store. Love the simplicity.

  2. I love this store and have been many times over the last 15 years or so. Time for a trip across the bridge into England I think :)

  3. Oh my, many delights. This is high on my list for my next tri to the UK.

  4. Stunning! I 've always felt a beautiful home was a simple home. These images have such a wholesome goodness to them.

  5. sorry for all of the typos.....!

  6. Het is echt een geweldige en nuttige stukje informatie. Ik ben blij dat u deze nuttige informatie met ons gedeeld. Houd ons up-to-date als dit. Bedankt voor het delen. en ook leuk

  7. Wow! That was indeed a wonderful page. I am really glad for this share. I really love those photos. Thanks!

  8. Love all their stuff....but totally bummed they do not ship internationally, including to France! Might have to do some shopping through UK friends...

  9. Thanks for turning me on to this wonderful store!

  10. Just a little note to let you know ...I have been loving you blog for quite a while. Your a very talented lady. Thanks for all the inspiration:)

  11. I haven't seen a more beautiful store and even more beautiful blog. Just loved it!!

    Hard Water Problems for Dishwashers

  12. wow!!! love it.

    you know i also love OKA from England and have ordered from them before, no problems. some of my huge blue and white jars came from oka.

  13. Bedankt voor het nemen van tijd voor het delen van dit artikel, het was geweldig en zeer informatief. als een eerste keer bezoeker van uw blog Ik ben zeer onder de indruk. Ik vond een veel informatieve spullen in uw artikel. Ga zo door. Dank u.


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