
lavender season ended for the most part 
about a month ago
in mid July

the lavender garden was really quite beautiful and more importantly the bee's were in heaven....
 I am really considering getting some bee hive boxes for the orange orchard

most of my lavenders planted throughtout the property is the Grosso variety
which provides the essential oil for use in soaps, lotions etc
It is very tall and spikey with long narrow clusters of blue grey flowers
just walking through the lavender 
gives off that amazing earthy scent

if is wasn't so full of bumble bees it might be fun to have a chair in the middle of the plants! 

there are actually quite a few plants that we have that are suitable for drying
 and I tried a few things out earlier this summer

but the lavender is hands down the most fun to dry 
and I really love having it in little bowls in the house

we had some rather mild weather in July followed this month
by a really nasty heat wave...but the lavender is still holding up 

 this large bed is a huge drift of about 100 or so plants...

in the center of the bed are some old wine barrels
planted with geranium and willow tertuers

the geranium are just popping up above the spikey blue stems

this is what Grosso looks like dried
I wrap it with butchers twine and hang it for about a week or so 

lavender is really
wonderful to photograph too!

now on to the harvest

next post....ideas for using lavender to give as a gift

hope you are staying cool ; 0 )


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  1. My lavender was looking so bad. From the heat? I had to get rid of some. Still have enough to consider for gifts though. Looking forward to your next post.

  2. I wonder if we could grow lavender here in Texas? It is SO hot though... it might melt : o (

  3. I want to grow lavender here in SC but need to research it. I made lavender shortbread last week. Feel free to visit my blog, I posted recipe. Your photos are beautiful.


  4. Your lavendar shots are lovely... I would highly encourage you to get the bee box if you have the yen... bees are becoming scarce and would appreciate a protected chemical free haven in your beautiful garden!

  5. Each photograph more beautiful~ can almost smell it! Sweet little bee, too

  6. Hi Kelly,

    What a pretty blog you have! The lavender caught my eye.. wow! your garden is gorgeous and I'll look forward to seeing your next post.


  7. I was reading down the post and wondering which lavender is your favorite...Glad to see you love Grosso too; I put in about 65 new plants this year and hope for a nice harvest next year. Love the buds around candles.

  8. Kelley,
    Your lavender is amazing. Didn't you share with us where you buy your willow textures? Would you mind sharing that information again?

  9. Kelley, Your lavender is gorgeous. I just went to a lavender farm and it was breath taking. I just posted it a couple posts back. You might enjoy taking a look at it.

  10. Funny enough when I was little I didn't like lavender but now as an adult that has changed - I love it. I need to get some in my garden!

  11. Kelley,
    I've loved seeing your lavender in all its glory! I also love seeing your house in that view...I pinned it to my Outdoor Home board. I love to see it drying in rows on your wood table. I can't wait to see all the wonderful things you come up with for gifts...maybe a blog giveaway?!

  12. I can't wait to hear about your gift ideas..I have tons of lavender and I keep thinking I should do something with it...can't wait to hear your suggestions

  13. I can almost smell the lavender from here! What a gorgeous garden!

  14. Seriously, I need to get a lavender fix after seeing these photos! Gorgeous and I can't wait to see what you create!

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