Chalkboard Art Project


Last year at some point, I remember seeing so many wonderful images of art and typography used on blackboards.  
Some were themed for the holidays, others were inspirational quotes or messages
 about family and friends.
all of them have that wonderful quality 
of being made by hand 
 perfectly imperfect 
as only chalk can be

Even Oprah

 and Time
hopped on board with a magazine covers

The incredibly talented person behind some of these images is Dana Tanamachi
seen here with Oprah
Dana initially worked for a Graphic Design firm, 
but found her calling in the interesting world of chalkboard art and Typography
while doodling on a blackboard with friends...
and the they just plain amazing


She has worked for quite a few firms in the Silicon Valley...
a made a mark on the Fashion world with store and
window display chalkboards

She has created labels,  
home decor products, corporate office slogans 
and event signage

All of which feature her hand created typography
that is beautiful, thought provoking and original
and to some degree
temporary...which she finds part of the creative aspect of using chalk

here is a clip of Dana:
sharing the process of creating and designing for her clients

and her website 
event and magazine graphics
 magnets for West Elm
Ralph Lauren windows
private interiors
what I love about her work is how freely 
she designs and completes a project without grids and templates 
She is really inspirational!
I purchased a vintage slate chalkboard
and would like to have a little art like Dana's in my kitchen
 I doubt it will be all that impressive  
but it's a fun idea 
and there is always and eraser near by!

Hope you enjoyed seeing Dana and her work....



  1. Wow, her work is amazing!!! I have a huge chalkboard in my hallway that I haven't changed in almost a've inspired me with this post!


  2. Amazing talent!
    Great post!
    Thanks for sharing it...


  3. Great post! I stumbled across Dana's website before Christmas this year. I had a large, ornate, antique frame the the beveled mirror had broken during a move years ago. I painted the frame white and cut a board to fit inside that I painted with chalkboard paint. I made a similar design to the last one, "Kings County ". I used a projector to enlarge it and drew the design on. It was a Christmas gift to my neice, I changed the wording to fit them. They loved it!

  4. Dana's work is AMAZING. Thanks for sharing this Kelley :)

  5. She is definitely amazing and so talented!!! Thanks for introducing!

  6. Your blog looks fun. I can't wait to read more. I don't really wish I was teaching anymore, but would love to try my hand at my old chalkboard after reading this neat post. I'm your latest follower.

  7. I love her work! I just wish the chalkboard thing wasn't so oversaturated now. :( it makes it less special when you start seeing it everywhere. I hate that! But such is life and the world of design, aye? I have some chalk art up at my own house despite it's popularity. :)Figure I'll ride the wave for awhile.

  8. thank you all! And I agree with the idea that things become over saturated

    I have my own theory on you will see

    never stop creating and doing fun projects because someone has the edge

    Cheers, Kelley

    1. Thank you for these is frustrating to attempt uniqueness when all great ideas seem to explode and fizzle. If you LOVE it, then go with it!

  9. thanks so much for informing me about Dana and her great chalkboards. Oh, I wish I had her talent.

  10. Love her work! And I am addicted to about over saturation! Oh well, they are timeless, plus I love that touch of black in the room.

  11. Many decades ago, I was a calligrapher -- invitations, place cards, store signage, that sort of thing. So I have a love for beautifully executed letters. Dana's work is magnificent. What amazes me is that she does not mind if her work gets destroyed. The first thought I had when I saw her work in the hotel staircase was what if someone brushed against it. She apparently has a very healthy "love it then let it go" attitude.
    Have fun with your chalkboard. I would love to see what you come do.
    XO, Victoria

  12. Sorry about the grammatical mistake in the last sentence. I rewrote it and forgot to take out the word "come." I hate when that happens.

  13. Such talent! Wish I could do a chalkboard half as well as she does but it is harder than it looks and so frustrating. So in the mean time I will enjoy her work.
    Thanks for sharing.

  14. her work is amazing...this was a great post!
    we painted our bar area with chalkboard paint and i'm still trying to tweek it....have just used it so far for sentiments written on it for the holidays...but i'm ready to do something creative with work, etc has occupied my time and i hope to focus on my house this Spring! there's some great chalk ideas on Etsy too!

  15. Blogging Slump? I don't think so! I wondered who was behind all of that fabulous chalboard art! You are a good detective. I have a feeling that chalboard of yours will look fabulous next time we see it! I am going to put this on my facebook page!

  16. Found you via Country your style! Love Dana ~ just amazing!

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