It's That Time Again


There is still time left to get spring bulbs 
and a few choice flower seeds in the ground 
for harvest between February and April

If you're on the East Coast it may be too late... : o (
but here in the West 
we still have a few weeks left
I like all flowers really... but I love 
the romance of a bouquet of Sweet Peas
It is the scent and the soft ruffles of the flowers 
that just can't be duplicated 
Sweet Peas are really easy to grow that part!

  a large pack of seeds 
will only set you back 
about $5 dollars
One seed packet will yield enough flowers for your arrangement's 
for the entire month of April and on into May
 There are many ways to stake your peas...I think I have pretty much tried them all
 This was my "Sweet Pee Tee Pee"
It work well...
until my peas were literally taking over the entire structure...
but at some point I just let it all go 
and just kept snipping and enjoying 

 You can buy your seed packs in a variety of color choices 
but I happen to love the purple and pink varieties

there was burgundy and red in this mixed packet of seeds too

I look for seed packets with clear bags,
 where I can actually see what I am buying
and choose the biggest most plump seeds
 This year I picked up a packet that has salmon in the mix...
can't wait to see that

 This was my  Pea structure from last year 
which I am using again 

I have moved it to a slightly different location  because it just didn't get enough sun. 

My preference now is a Southern exposure 
but Sweet Peas are pretty hearty once they get going 
in about any location with decent sunshine 
 Soak the peas seeds for a day or two before direct sow planting and give them plenty of water 
to prevent the seedlings from drying out

 The peas are a beautiful addition 
to other Spring blooms and bulbs

This year I planted yellow Daffodils...
I found a really bid bag of 50 bulbs at Home Depot for $15 dollars 
and the bulbs were huge!  

White and Purple tulips got planted too

and a  special Darwin hybrid tulip variety called 
which I have planted before

 The Tulip flowers are huge!  
And it's a beautiful shade of orange with streaks of yellow
I lucked out and found large quantities of Tulips on Sale
right around Christmas time 
and all the big sacks of bulbs were 1/2 off 

 I have a big yard so the bulbs really get lost 
unless I plant a large quantity...
 I planted while it was raining 
so my soil was super soft which made the job much easier

 And the English roses start to bloom in April too

It all sort of happens at once 
and the variety and scent is amazing
So what ever you choose for your garden....
you can plant seeds, bulbs and bare root roses right now...
rain or shine 

 the end result 
is nothing short of beautiful!

Happy Gardening
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  1. Oh! Sweeet Peas are one of my favorites posies! In fact, I just purchased some sweet pea candles today and using them throughout my home.

  2. How beautiful your flowers are Kelley - I think I will plant sweet peas this year, though it all depends of the wind, fingers crossed!

  3. I am so jealous- all we are growing is frost on the windows and icicles! Your photos are gorgeous- xo Diana

  4. all time favorite is the English Rose.....Love! It was such a treat to see your garden this morning as I was enjoying a cup of coffee. It put a smile on my face. Great way to start the day....

  5. So, So inspirational, Kelley!!! I can just smell all those blossoms. Nothing better than walking into a florist's except an ever-blooming yard that smells the same! Delish!
    xoxo, Chris

  6. Kelley, I'm always so envious of your gorgeous sweet peas! Try as I might, they just won't grow here at our new house. I think we get too much sun...sigh! Maybe I will try planting a pot of them instead of trying to get them to grow in the ground. My grandmother always had them and I can still smell that sweet fragrance! Thanks for a little bit of spring inspiration with your beautiful images!


  7. Indeed 'Happy Gardening''s what makes me look forward to January. I adore this time of the year. I've not seen seed packets that are clear. Do you have a brand? Your garden is beautiful. Sweet Peas are my favorite. Thanks for the lovely encouragement to keep on gardening


  8. Hi there, yes I have heard that sweet peas do just fine in a pot and how pretty would they be with a fabulous wood trellis to support them...I might give it a try too Kat!

    I'm not sure of the brand I purchased, for the peas, it's pretty generic. You might ask at your Nursery which brand sells the best. I just read that some varieties are being grown here in the US that have been developed in the UK for larger more robust great...even bigger sweeter flowers!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Kelley xxx's

  9. Kelley

    I fear my garden is going to be on autopilot this spring...I wish I could have you come do all the things you are doing in your garden here...The great thing about a garden is it always gives generously (as you of all people know) even when not given the attention it needs! Fingers crossed I will find the time to get out there...

  10. Kelley I adore sweet peas and tulips as well. Your arrangements and gardens are so lovely. Beautiful color combinations!

    Love and Hugs

    Art by Karena

  11. K-
    Just got my copy of Vintage Style with your spread in it! I LOVE it! SO glad they put the pic of the old kitchen in favorite room in your old house. I dream about that kitchen and those big green jars. Congratulations! I relished every minute of that article!

  12. Beautiful images of FLOWERS! Feeds the soul of this gardener--in Winter!
    Love the trellis set up for you Sweet Peas....really smart.

  13. Oh how I wish I could still plant - but east coast weather is way too cold! Looking forward to seeing my tulips bloom - a few more months!

    I love your sweet pea trellis attached to the fence!

  14. Your photos are beautiful and inspiring. At this time of year where I live in the Midwest it seems that spring is ages away. I've taken to manufacturing spring indoors by forcing bulbs and starting a few seeds under makeshift "greenhouses".

    Your sweet peas look so pretty. This is the first year I will be growing them, and your photos give me a lot to look forward to. I plan to try them in a pot on a south facing wall.

    I'll look forward to seeing your tulips. I also love Darwin Hybrid bulbs, and this year planted a little under a hundred of the Darwin hybrid 'pink impression'.

    Cheers to you while you wait for spring!


  15. Kelley, your garden is sooo beautiful!! You're inspiring me to try some new planting, but right now it's below freezing and I can't even imagine Spring ever getting here!

    I might need to start a little indoor garden to make myself feel better :)

  16. Beautiful...I adore sweet peas, yours look amazing! It may be time to plant in CA, but not in Connecticut for quite some time.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Amazing Kelley…. I love the adore of tulips. All photos are eye catching and heart touching. Thanks for sharing these picture with your worthy blog readers.


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