Country Living

 The June issue of Country Living arrived last week 
and I wanted to share a few of the photos from the article written
 about our home and garden
 in Ojai California

A huge thank you the crew:

Photographer:  Victoria Pearson
Stylist: Heather Bullard
Assistant:  Pam Garrison

All of these women are extremely talented,
incredibly nice and very passionate about what they do

please visit them to see more of their work

I really enjoyed working with the editorial staff too.  
They seem honestly interested in the back story 
and the evolution of a small little house, in a very small town

Now on to the slide show: 

Millie seemed to enjoy it all too

Have a wonderful week and I will share more about some of the
details we used to make this house our home

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  1. Gorgeous! So serene and ethereal.... Congrats on the article!

  2. I think I need to Pin each and every picture. Your home and garden are both amazing. Congrats on the feature.

  3. Oh boy! Oh Boy! I've been waiting for this post since last fall when you announced the photoshoot. I've missed seeing your interior room pictures. I get so much inspiration from them! It all looks fabulous! Finally we get to see the master bedroom and THAT kitchen. I'm just going to take the afternoon and drool over these for awhile. P.S so glad Millie made it into the article too.

    1. I will share a bunch of kitchen shots in some new posts. We spent so much time thinking about how to take a really small kitchen and pack it full of great ideas. I honestly love to cook in this kitchen too!

      Cheers, Kelley

  4. kelley it is so nice to see all these photos of your place. you have really outdone yourself. it is all so gorgeous! congratulations - you deserve it! xo

  5. i was reading this article and i really mean looking at all of the photos and actually recognized all the pieces in your home before i even knew it was you. i had to go back and read the article and found it was your home. loved the styling and the entire story. your home is beautiful and it was great to see it in more entirety.

  6. I didn't know you were going to be featured in Country Living, but while flipping through my issue today I noticed a lovely home that looked familiar to me. As I was looking at the pictures, I thought, "wow, this really reminds me of Kelley's style." Then I started reading. :) Isn't that neat to know you have such a unique style that it can be spotted! I love everything you have done with your new home. You are truly talented and an inspiration!

  7. Aw Kelley, you have transformed your home and garden into a magical & charming wonderland. Every detail is amazing. You really have the most incredible imagination and style. Bravo!!!

  8. Kelley, I'm so excited to read the story! My issue came a few days ago, but I've been out of town so I'll read it tomorrow. Congratulations!

    xo Kat

  9. I am THRILLED for you, the spread in the actial magazine is awesome. I hope your smiling from ear to ear with pride at how great your story is and how inviting your home is.......I'm still giggling for you!!!!

  10. I just got my magazine today & saw the article, but didn't realize it was your home...a blog that I follow. Guess I had better pay attention. I loved the article & love your home. Congratulations!

  11. I'm going to run out and find a copy tomorrow.....LOVE all the photos and can't wait to see and read more~ Congratulations, it looks just perfect!!!

  12. Wow our home looks so lovely. Congratulations. How exciting!

  13. I loved your beach house - love this house - love how you personalize each home, creating the home's character to fit the surroundings. Can't wait to hear about the kitchen details - could you share the room measurements - how wide is the cooking area with the island - wall to wall and aisle widths?

  14. I just got my copy and knew it was photos of your home before I even knew you had your home shot for CL. Congrats and I just love all your chairs and sofa upholstery and slips.

  15. pretty! I'll have to go pick up a copy. I saw your last house in a magazine recently but can't remember which. Love all of are soooo talented.

  16. Kelly, Congratulations on your magazine spread! No wonder... You home is perfectly relaxing and magnificent!!! Every detail is amazing!!!

  17. Congratulations, Kelley. The images are beautiful but, for me, what makes your home special is your exquisite taste. Virtually every object chosen is special and the way you put them all together makes your home warm, cozy and unique. The recognition of your talent is well deserved.
    XO, Victoria

  18. This is just beautifully done!
    As the rain rolled through the garden yesterday, I grabbed my Country Living that had just arrived.
    I soaked up every picture and then beautifully written story of your home and gardens journey.
    I look forward to more details on the blog--you promised!
    Your garden friend,

  19. OMG! Love :) And I finally got to see the finished kitchen! It's all so beautiful.....made your bread yesterday as well. Sharing your post on FB- it was SO delish ;)

  20. Thank you all for the great comments. I have to tell you that it is very odd/surreal to pick up a magazine at the grocery store, open it up and see your bathroom!

    But lots of fun too!

    Cheers, Kelley

  21. Congratulations Kelley!
    They really captured the beauty and uniqueness of your home...


  22. congrats Kelley! i can't wait to see the new issue! Your house has always called to be in a magazine....looks like they captured some great shots and the styling is GREAT. your house as always is adorable and charming ... i'm jealous you have those amazing lemon trees and the cute owl andirons :)...

    and you know your garden is always my inspiration!


  23. Everything was so pretty. Delight to see.

  24. Was flipping through my magazine as I came in from the mailbox and had forgotten your post mentioning the article. What a pleasant surprise. Everything was beautiful. I love gardening and especially enjoy the pics of the beautiful plants. I'm jealous of the citrus as that will not grow in my climate. Enjoyed the vinegarette recipe the other day.

    But having picked a 6 gallon bucket of snow peas this past Saturday and wondering just what am I going to do with all the veggies I've planted, I've realized that AGAIN I have planted way more that I can ever use fresh, can, and freeze. I think I like miracle of growing something beautiful and tasty from a little seed as much as anything. I give away to friends who seem interested but don't want to force it on them. What do you do with all your surplus, that is, assuming you have some?

  25. Kelly...your home is creative, wonderful and you! I love it...congrats!

  26. What a gorgeous home you have! Absolutely beautiful. I love all of it. Congrats on the magazine feature!

  27. Kelley, I love your kitchen table. That picture was missing from the article! Thanks for sharing it. I've been thinking about getting wicker chairs for my wooden table. This might've sealed the deal.

  28. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures! I was so happy to see your beautiful home in CL! It was like seeing a friend. :)

  29. WOW!!!! I am so happy to see your finished kitchen and all of the other details. Love the splash of apple green in the living area...adore the creative ottoman between the two wings..Love the creative lighting in the bedroom. Your garden is absolutely delicious! The kitchen is nothing less than fabulous! Can you tell I am gaga over the whole spread! So happy to see Ellie got a little press as well! I am off to buy the magazine!

  30. Wowsa Kelley what a gorgeous spread! Congrats on the publication and thanks for sharing with us. I'm off to pin some of the photos of your gorgeous home.

  31. I didn't expect anything less from YOU!! GORGE!! They totally captured your style! xo's nancy elizabeth

  32. Your home is so inviting and interesting. I love the blend of eclectic items with order. Love the porch swing {I think that is what it is?}. I've never seen one like that before.

  33. Your home is wonderful! So many beautiful little details. Congratulations on the gorgeous Country Living spread. The photos are stunning. :)

  34. I am so glad that I found your blog, through Apartment Therapy's coverage of your Country Living shoot. Your home has so many interesting and thoughtful details. I am entirely captivated by the piece of artwork with the white buildings on the mantle. Would you be willing to share the identity of that piece?

    1. Hi Amy! The painting is by Artist Jean Jack...just google her. She is very talented and I love her paintings so much

      Cheers, Kelley

  35. Congratulations on the magazine feature. It's so well-deserved! I absolutely love your taste and have been adoring that bedroom shot ever since I first saw it. It's exactly how I want my new guest bedroom to look! I read somewhere that it's a Martha Stewart quilt, but I love the duvet and coverlet(?), too. Anything you can share with me about what you used would be sooooo, sooo, soooo appreciated because I am beyond pathetic with bedding! (Whatever I buy never looks the way I think it's going to, once I get it home).I need all the help I can get, lol.
    Anyway, thanks Kelley, for all the incredible inspiration and so generously sharing your most amazing talent with us.
    Congrats again - Marlene


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