Modern Country Style: Kitchen Storage Roundup


John Ellis Photographer

Beautiful kitchen storage is at the heart of the modern kitchen...
tucked away or left on the counter 
  we love our kitchen details
  The country kitchen... 
 with old tins, canisters and jars
 is pretty much where my heart lies

can't tell right!   

did you notice...
I love old stuff?

and containers of all sorts?

  lately, the excess doesn't seem to work for me
 and I  constantly try 
to de-clutter my kitchen! 
You too?
so what do we do with the beans, pasta, coffee 
flour, tea and lentils?
and dishes etc

Crate & Barrel

lovely storage 
of course!


The Anchor Hocking glass canisters  shown above 
have been in production since...1940!!!

Never out of style...and perfectly perfect

Super functional 
white enamel metal canisters

 from West Elm
 West Elm Wood Lid Canister
 also available on many other sites
retail $10 - $15 dollars
Weck canning jars
I have tons of these...just for all around storage and the beautiful design

available nationwide
$3-$15 dollars

(Crate and Barrel has good prices)

Cracker Jars
love these and they are so inexpensive 
available from The Container Store
( paint the lids maybe? !  or not)

 Montana Storage Jar
$4-7 dollars
available nation wide
Bronze lids are available too!

Glass Pantry Canister
have you checked out this site:

Its good to be square...especially if you are storing a green pea!

Yummy canisters from Williams Sonoma...
so pretty

a little bit of color and chalk board labels
World Market

Save on Crafts...just find a cork stopper
 a very cool site

and my fave ...I'm sure your's as well
celebrating 100 years of canning
Ball Heritage Classic

get your container on
store  your good life 


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  1. I'm with you- love my old things, but sometimes can look cluttered. I am so addicted to storage containers! Love all of your highlighted choices :)

  2. I have so many of these same pictures pinned.
    I don't like bare kitchen countertops, but like you, I'm craving less "stuff" on their surfaces.

    1. It's funny but sometimes I put it all away only to goa bout 3 days and then take it all out again...but I do want less clutter in my life!

      xxx' kelley

  3. I like the Crate and Barrel canisters..I have been doing the same! Funny...when I had to pack some items because of the fire...I only took what I needed...left everything behind!

    1. Hope you are all OK...I saw it on the news! how scary was that!


  4. What a nice range of storage! I feel positively pedestrian with mostly Ball and Le Parfait, vintage and new. For flour and such I love the click-clack ones from the Container store. Bon week-end~

  5. oh wow too hard to decide although i guess the Anchor Hocking ones are pulling me in!
    I love your home!

  6. I love this post , especially when I have been on the lookout for great looking cannisters . You have done a brilliant job highlighting a great range. I got all excited before I realised I live in Australia & half wont be available or will be twice the price. Oh well , know I have some ideas to look out for !
    Karyn x

  7. This is a dilemma. I like my stuff too, but lately want to declutter my life. I like to see canisters on the counter, etc. Love the tried and true Anchor Hocking lidded jars. Great post Kelley! ~Delores

  8. LOVE this post! I have about 30 vintage Ball vintage Mason (all aqua) in varying sizes that I have just sitting in storage. I haven't pulled them out since we moved to a new house almost 3 years ago because our kitchen is soooo open to the entire downstairs. You have inspired me to find a spot to display them!

    1. I love the old vintage ball jars too! I have a few in a basket for coffee beans and granola. They are all over ebay and are usually pretty inexpensive too

  9. Kelley

    You found some great storage ideas! I need to declutter too...I love those Week Canning Jars. While searching for containers for my daughters wedding I found that Target has those cracker jars and they also have the big glass ones with the glass lids for cheap!!

    1. Target just has it all going on! I mean where did we shop for all the good cheap stuff before Target came along?
      K mart ? Not even close!

      xo kelley

  10. K- I'm a container junkie, too! We all need serious help... my daddy said to go to rehab, but I said, "NO, NO, NO!" Can never have enough cans!

  11. Love all of these, especially the Ball Heritage Classic containers which also make great vases. My containers have been around since my kids were little and I've been looking for ideas.. thank you so much for sharing all this container inspiration. Your country kitchen is perfect and I LOVE the old and new .. and the open shelves.

  12. WOW is all I can say. My Hubby and I are going to be working on our kitchen next year and you have given me so many great ideas for it. Thank you. Best Food Storage Containers

  13. I love the look of open shelves in other people's homes. But it's the dust factor that would worry me - I'm not keen on the idea of having to regularly dust everything! (open shelves caked in dusty items are not so appealing a look). #loveyourhome

  14. I love the look of open shelves in other people's homes. But it's the dust factor that would worry me - I'm not keen on the idea of having to regularly dust everything! (open shelves caked in dusty items are not so appealing a look). #loveyourhome

  15. Hmmm......... good simple and perfect kitchen arrangement thanks for sharing it.

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