A Few Snap Shots From Country Style Magazine

Hi to all....hope you are enjoying the beginning of Spring and can find some time get out in the fresh air and sunshine this weekend!  
Maybe even do some gardening...

I wanted to share a few photos taken by photographer Michael Garland for Country Style Magazine
(flowers above: coreopsis and lantana...just in case you were wondering)

These were in the Spring 2014 issue, out in March.
The styling was done by my friend, the oh so talented, witty and gorgeous stylist 
Sunday Hendrickson
If you can find the magazine it has a nice little article too, written by Cynthia Vessy

I love this shot, framed by the barn doors into the mud room

the dining area in the kitchen...more pretty lantana in the orchard basket

 The shot above is our guest room/the only other bed room in the house.  I don't think I have ever shown this room....mainly because it is a really awkward space and I use it as a "catch all" when I don't know where to put things!
I'm having wine...come on in.
 What is interesting about these photos compared with others you may have seen is that these are more "real" life shots. All of the things you see are actually ours and we use them every day.  I love that old French quilt and it is usually just a bit off kilter and not folded all that neatly on the bed,
just as it is here.  Sunday had a great time "shopping" for props in my cupboards and the garage!
 Hey...a bucket lamp!  I usually have flowers all around the house because I love them and there is always something in bloom.  Hey.... I'll put weeds in a vase, if that's all I can find!
this  is a interesting old metal lounger in our bedroom...it folds completely flat
 Sunday styled this old Hoosier cabinet using these interesting orange flowers from
a plant called Lions Tail (Leonotis leonurus)  
The flowers bloom in large whirls and hummers love them.  
I think they look like 4th of july sparklers

 Would you believe me if I told you that the living room looks completely different today?  Right after this shoot I went to the Remnants Of The Past show in San Luis Obispo
and sold a lot of things  in these photos.

 We had fun in the kitchen too.  Sunday styles with a very loose look...I think a little romantic and graceful.  I can spot her look in a magazine with out even checking to see if she was the stylist.
All of the apple trees were in season and I always have gobs of citrus, herbs and assorted veggies on hand so we never seem to run short of kitchen foodie props!

 I have my office in the mud room but now have a new modern desk and chair.  In case you are wondering about the black floor...yes I love it and it always looks pretty good 
even when it's covered with gravel, dog hair and oak leaves...which is most of the time

This was a really fun day and it's always a treat to work with professionals. 
 I always learn something new and enjoy hearing about the interesting locations
these guys get to work on each month!  
I gathered up this huge bucket of Plumbago which was growing out of control along our front planter.
Michael shot this against the plain white wall and this photo turned out to be a favorite of mine.

Hope you like the photos too!

Thanks for stopping by....have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to celebrate Spring!

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  1. Its all beautiful. I like your eclectic style and Sunday knows how to make it all look just right. I have not seen the magazine so I will try to find it before its gone. Your patio to your gardens is so inviting. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you Kerrie, the deck is our favorite spot to hang out!

      xx kelley

  2. So beautiful as always! I'm trying to give my home a more collected look with A few antiques here and there. Can you give me an idea of what pieces to start with for a newbie? Also any tips on finding antique stores in my area? I told you I was a newbie! Lol Have a great weekend!! Kathy @The Daily Nest

    1. Hi Kathy, I like to collect things that no one else is collecting....the prices are always better that way ; o ))))

  3. I'm so completely in love with your home!!!!

  4. Hi Andrea! How are you....thanks for stopping by! I love your home too...maybe a vacation swap?

  5. oh I love your home....I always swoon when I see the amazing backdrop of white walls architectural interest and the colours, the texture from wicker and patina!
    I even think about your home as a calm retreat! Thank you for sharing! And I shall look for this magazine here in Canada!

    1. Wow that would be great if you could find it in Canada!!! thanks so much xo kelley

  6. Wow, I am completely smitten with your lovely home! What a charming mix of vintage and modern. Every single room, inside and out, is a gem. I just love your fresh take on country living. And best of all, this feels like a warm and comfortable family home!

  7. Oh my, I want my home to have this feel! It's just so fresh and inviting, full of love and memories and history. But also so new. Ahhh! Sunday obviously LOVED working with all your amazing collections. She had the perfect resources!!!! Gotta hunt down that magazine.

  8. I could look at these photos for HOURS. LOVE your home and all your goodies. Makes me want to redo every room.. LOVE LOVE LOVE

  9. This feels so much more you than the Country Living shoot. It's classic Kelley. Everything looks so great.

    1. Hi Amber!! how are you? Yes this is what it really looks like.....thanks for checking in


  10. Oh my gosh....the colors, the textures, the clean, springy, airy feel of your rooms are so refreshing! I love it all! I'm totally crushing on your back patio, too. What a beautifully cozy place to kick back! Congrats on the mag feature!!! Will definitely look for it when I go shopping!

    xoxo laurie

  11. So comfortable and fresh…love the vibe. I want to be you :)

    1. Hi Mary Ann....let me just say if you want to be me you must like to skip the manicures and hair cuts. It's pretty much of a "green acres" atmosphere.
      Arnold Ziffel is probably my neighbor ; 0 )))

  12. I love all of the special little details, what a charming home. The final shot is amazing as is your patio. LOVE the barn doors. I envy your abundance of flowers and fruits.

  13. Your home is absolutely lovely. I adore the artwork over the fireplace. Any chance you remember where you got it?

    1. Hi Kristin, the artist is Jean Jack. Google her and you can view her work for purchase. I think she is in Maine now. Her work is really striking and beautiful.

      thanks for stopping by kelley ; o )))

  14. Beautiful! Love that old metal lounger in your bedroom.

  15. I AM DYING! You need to post more on your home! So much inspiration!

  16. Hi Kelley. Do you know where we can find this magazine? Is it still for sale? I love looking at the pictures of your home - so inspirational!

  17. Kelley

    You have such a wonderful aesthetic that is yours and yours alone. I love all that you do. So fun to finally see pics of your entire house! Where can we find the magazine?

  18. Kelley, can I say this loud enough, your home is just fabulous! I love your decor and your touches of whimsy are just captivating! I'm just crazy about all of your flowers and how you've arranged them, well, everything is just extraordinary and perfect!

  19. I just discovered your blog thru Oliver and Rust. Your have a charming home. I know that Sunday is a fabulous stylist, because she just styled my home a week ago! I am signing up to follow you thru bloglovin! Come visit if you have time.

  20. Kelly, you have the best accessories and I could just move right in.

  21. Kelly,
    Love the floor in the mud room. Could you please tell me what you used?

  22. Kelly!

    Amazing yet again - I've been out of the blogosphere and trying to catch-up on your archives. OH how I've missed your beautiful blog! Do you have a posting of how your store your not-currently-in-use decor items? I'm trying to come up with a system with no avail!

  23. Wow, and Wow, I'm just speechless....your style is just beautiful.
    Someone give this woman a book deal, I want a coffee table book to dream upon!

  24. I am in love with your beautiful home! I have searched every where for Country Style magazine and can't find it!!! Lol Is it still on newsstands? Where can I find a copy?? Thank you


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