Ready Set Summer

Summer is here...
are you ready 
to do 
just about everything?

Is your lawn mower sharpened?

lets go...

Summer projects are in the works....

 a new little house for the feathered friends
 fluffy vintage camp blanket pillows

 interesting new veggies like a radish 
that looks like a chicken egg...who knew and very spicy too!

 pickin' a few apples for some pie

 pretty as a peach....made some cobbler
strung some party lights for a few get together's

  added new perennial borders and some little stone path ways

 the garden cart is my summer accessory...
(as are my lovely garden clogs and dirty gloves)

 filling more buckets with flowers

 and guess what?
 the grass got mowed....

summer is looking pretty game for anything we have planned
but relaxing is on the calendar

hope you are planning a relaxing summer too



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  1. Just gorgeous, Kelley. I am trying this one more time. Every time I try to leave you a comment a full page ad pops up and when I click out of it I lose your blog. Anyway- your gardens are GORGEOUS!!!! xo Diana

    1. Diana...sorry about the ad thing. Not sure what is wrong. I have had some problems with blogger and all the little glitches. Thanks for trying to comment, especially when it's such pain

      Cheers, Kelley

  2. Everything looks great. I love the sign.+

  3. The garden looks beautiful, and I am in love with those camp blanket pillows. As usual, you do it all so well.

    1. hey Victoria! the camp pillows are so soft and comfy. Old blankets are a great collectible too!

  4. inspiring-garden
    Gorgeous!!! How very beautiful everything looks! How I love the big bucket of flowers. I can look at your garden, and your beautiful home all day. It makes me happy!

  5. When's the party?! Such a beautiful yard. Your hard work shows. I love the layout of the yard and the new perennial borders are wonderful. Happy Summer.

    1. Hi Karen! Thank you. The new boarders are really pretty.....lots of work to get them going but worth it I think

      xo k

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Your yard and gardens are so beautiful! Living in Ojai, how are you coping with our drought here in CA? Are you on a well?

    Love your blog been following for a couple of years <3



    1. Hi Ann....trying to monitor our water as best we can and we have made lots of changes to our sprinklers too.

      Thank you so much for being a long time follower ; o )))))

  8. Thank you for sharing these beautiful photos. I went back to see what your property looked like before you started. WOW! What a transformation. I wish you would consider having a garden tour and share about how you do it all - I will bring my waders, dirty gloves, and my rolling trashcan and help pull weeds. My husband and I live in Bakersfield and try to take care of our 2 1/2 acres - we love it but it sure doesn't look like yours! This year it's extra hard because of the drought and early heat wave we've had. Thanks again for sharing the possibility of what ours can be!

  9. Hi Penny, the drought has been pretty awful this year. Hoping for a long wet winter! I would love to do a garden tour but I'm not sure people would find it all that interesting. But it's a good idea ; o )))

  10. Everything looks picture perfect! I love the camp pillows too! What a great party you can have in your beautiful backyard. I love all the lights.



  11. You must just sigh with contentment every time you step foot outdoors. What a truly beautiful backyard you have!!

  12. Love it all especially the string lights!


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