Santa Barbara Garden Design

 Wow somehow the summer just got the best of me and the days zipped on by.  I realize I have pretty much been off the blogging grid for a few months but I needed a breather...
and honestly my creativity seemed to be on vacation ; ))

Blogging is time consuming and while it is a wonderful way to express yourself and share ideas
it can become really hard to squeeze it all in.
I realize I'm "preaching to the choir" here...!

I do share photos (randomly) on Instagram
just in case you like stuff about pretty much anything

We did get a few things done....the garden is about 75% with a few large projects left for after the holidays

Just to refresh, here is a quick before shot from around February 
 The lot is pie shaped and a little odd so we started off by creating a series
of landings and green garden rooms
The plantings will be drought tolerant and meadow like, with scented geraniums, lavender, grasses
and small dry creeks with succulents
 There will be a  large stone water feature in the center of the old lawn...this is a "no grass" garden
but still very green
We did our best to incorporate large rocks and existing hedges into the plan as well

throughout the property there are a series of small gated areas unified with white stucco, Monticeto and Santa Barbara stone, gravel and aged redwood

 The kitchen garden is at the very East end and gets lots of sun and heat.
We used stone quarried  here on the property to build the new raised beds,
it's a beautiful pale beige stone full of character

little veggies just getting started....this was a while ago

The garden doors are very simple redwood
and with rusted iron hardware
This is the new fountain and garden path. The walks are bordered because I like a clean break between the beds and the gravel.  The pathways are first graded and tamped and then a layer of filter fabric is stapled down to keep out weeds and finally topped with gravel

I planted tomatoes just in time 
at the very end of May
This is a bamboo staking method which I really liked and it looks interesting too
For the climbers and veggies that need support I used willow trellis structures. I took them apart and created a new supports with the addition of bare willow stakes and jute lashing

the supports are tied at the top with the rustic jute 

this little vegetable garden has tons of potential and I can't wait to add pots 
and some other interesting containers back here

Geraniums are a favorite in this climate and they look so pretty in these old concrete pots
The garden is full of bright pink and yellow with splashes of blue

I purchased some huge French Gresale pots and they are filled with flowers and succulents.
The dry creeks run throughout the garden randomly and were created free form with existing large boulders, rocks, beach pebbles and gravel

 succulents and flowers  tucked into the little cracks and spaces

This is the beginning of layout for new plants and you can see we have the fountain up and running and the pea gravel pathways finished.  I wanted some citrus 
so we have 4 lemon at each corner of the pathway
There is a nice little redwood deck which will eventually be surrounded by tall grasses and will "float" in the center of the plantings

I like the natural look of this garden and the maintenance will be really easy for the most part

This garden post is a bit odd for this time of year when we are all consumed with
Holiday shopping and decorating 
but oh well
there is always time to garden and winter is a wonderful time to be outside
bundled up with a big sweater and a favorite pair of jeans

We are slowly getting started on the inside of this old house, lots of projects, planning and creating.

but for now
take time to enjoy each day...especially the little things

xo kelley

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  1. Wonderful garden, you did an amazing job! We just moved to Summerland and I'm trying to decide what to do with the lawn.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. Love Summerland....antique store mecca ; ))) We don't miss not having sod at all. Good luck with your new home Kelley; )

  2. Your garden is so beautiful! I love the raised beds and the stones and rocks that help define the garden...the climate and architecture is so different in California than it is up here in BC...yet gardeners share a kinship and I am in awe of the vastness of this project and the results are well worth the effort.

    1. You are in such a beautiful area I'm sure every garden is wonderful up there! K

  3. whew ! I thought we'd lost you forever.
    Now I can see why we've not heard from you...very very busy , you are.

    1. I'm still here Karen....just took a break. I just need to make time to blog more often otherwise it never gets done. xo

  4. Beautiful. Can't wait to see more. Glad you're back.

  5. FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Joni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love all of your energy xo Kelley

  7. can put together a garden!!

    1. Hey Sherry....thanks so much. It is a fun garden and much easier than I thought it would be

  8. by far my most fave house/garden!! precious ideas Kelley!! luv that you're adding in the succulents....and of course the pebble aceents are always great...xo

    1. Hi Jeanette! Hope you are doing great. I need to stop by and see what you have been up to!
      xo kelley

  9. Oh my. That is just beautiful! So different from what a "garden" is here in the Midwest lol. I love it!! thanks so much for sharing your beautiful outdoor space. Can't wait to see more "inside" posts! Blessings from Missouri!

    1. Midwest gardens are wonderful and you are in the land of serious cooks too! L

  10. It looks beautiful... I love all the planted pots within the garden beds..I haven't been blogging either...just cant find the time!

    1. Hey Julie.....I know, it is really a challenge. xo

  11. You have no idea how much I have missed your post. Your garden is magical. Many thanks and Merry Christmas!

  12. Beautiful, perfection!!! That's something I would have envisioned and I have to tell you it is all very beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing. Merry Christmas!

  13. I have missed hearing about your adventures with new house and garden. You pick the prettiest places and then make them even more beautiful.

    1. Hi again Karol.....I have been busy but I know everyone is! Santa Barbara is really a beautiful city. It is small and yet full of vitality, the arts, history and of course beautiful beaches.

  14. Thankyou for posting. Your garden is looking beautiful. Especially love how beautiful you have made your kitchen garden.

    1. thanks Vicki, I like it tool It is small but I can pretty much get all the things we really like to eat and dabble with in just these two beds. And the rest of the yard is low maintenance so that is a good thing right now ; ))

  15. I love your blog! And especially love what you're doing with the garden at that lovely house. Thanks for the pictures.

  16. I never realized you were in SB. I use to live in Montecito. ( middle road and then danielson) Of course I miss it. When I saw the first photo I gasped...oh that looks like SB... sandstone walls, pebbles , rustic gates that are almost spanish and flowers mixed with succulents. have done a beautiful beautiful job. I'm a little envious. It is wonderfully beautiful ...everything I love:)

  17. I never realized you were in SB. I use to live in Montecito. ( middle road and then danielson) Of course I miss it. When I saw the first photo I gasped...oh that looks like SB... sandstone walls, pebbles , rustic gates that are almost spanish and flowers mixed with succulents. have done a beautiful beautiful job. I'm a little envious. It is wonderfully beautiful ...everything I love:)

    1. Hey Jeanne! We purchased the house about 3 months after we left Ojai. It was a quick decision and pretty much an impulse but so far so good ; ))) Love my neighbors in Montecito. I usually go once a week for something or other!

  18. Your garden is just lovely! It looks like it should be in a magazine and I'm sure it eventually will be! I love the fountain and the gravel walkway. We added gravel to an area in our backyard that was under trees. It's my favorite thing ever. My garden pales in comparison to yours! I know how expensive hardscaping is plus all the vegetation- so we had to go much simpler but I'd trade with you in a heart beat!

    1. Hi LL! Love gravel as you probably know. Super clean and very pretty. I find that my dog does not really like it underfoot which is funny to watch. She sort of tip toes through it ; )))

  19. Brrrrrr, it's cold here in the NE today and seeing your blog and garden progress just warmed my heart and brightened my day! Beautiful and thoughtful job as always. All the best and happy holidays!

  20. This is beautiful! I love what you've chosen.

    I wish more xeri-scaped yards in Las Vegas were this style. Though it's the norm here for people to have xeri-scaping, it misses being the beautiful Mediterranean style that it could be.

    Your garden reminds me of the gardens at the Getty Villa in Malibu.

    I tore out grass in my front yard two years ago and replaced it with a beautiful formal white garden, full of flowers and food. I chose concrete (stamped to look like slate) in the walkways. I love that you chose to put down a barrier before putting down your gravel. We don't see that here and there is a lot of weeding without it, depsite the serious lack of rain here.

    1. Your garden sounds wonderful...I'm a lover of the all white garden too. K ;)

  21. Loved the update... GORGEOUS...Can't wait to see more!

    1. Hi Rachel, will try my best to be a better blogger

  22. Kelley I adore your garden plan. If I were to do my garden over again I would have wider paths and smaller borders. I love your raised vegetable beds and your tomato staking idea. I have never figured out an attractive way to stake tomatoes that really works! Keep me posted!!

    1. Hi Cindy, The bamboo works great. I also discovered these plastic clips which are genius. Is it tomato season yet? LOL xo kelley

  23. Kelley,
    You work magic in the garden. I love the pea gravel and stone you've used. I'm always inspired by your creativity.
    Thank you for coming back, even occasionally to blog, I'm miss your style if you retired!

    1. Thank you Karen....the garden is my sanity saver actually. Pretty much saves me a visit to the shrink. Not quite retired yet ; )))

  24. Oh how I have missed you! Your garden is just lovely. You have such a vision! Looking forward to seeing more. Have a happy holiday season

  25. Amazing transformation, been looking forward to this post :-)

  26. Whew! I'm exhausted! That is a lot of work but I can see how rewarding it is and will be. Nifty tomato cages!!

    1. OH my gosh....this is marvelous. I love the color of the stone and the fountain and how you used that bowl...perfection.


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